9 research outputs found

    Extending Modular Semantics for Bipolar Weighted Argumentation (Technical Report)

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    Weighted bipolar argumentation frameworks offer a tool for decision support and social media analysis. Arguments are evaluated by an iterative procedure that takes initial weights and attack and support relations into account. Until recently, convergence of these iterative procedures was not very well understood in cyclic graphs. Mossakowski and Neuhaus recently introduced a unification of different approaches and proved first convergence and divergence results. We build up on this work, simplify and generalize convergence results and complement them with runtime guarantees. As it turns out, there is a tradeoff between semantics' convergence guarantees and their ability to move strength values away from the initial weights. We demonstrate that divergence problems can be avoided without this tradeoff by continuizing semantics. Semantically, we extend the framework with a Duality property that assures a symmetric impact of attack and support relations. We also present a Java implementation of modular semantics and explain the practical usefulness of the theoretical ideas

    Argument Strength in Probabilistic Argumentation Using Confirmation Theory

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    It is common for people to remark that a particular argument is a strong (or weak) argument. Having a handle on the relative strengths of arguments can help in deciding on which arguments to consider, and on which to present to others in a discussion. In computational models of argument, there is a need for a deeper understanding of argument strength. Our approach in this paper is to draw on confirmation theory for quantifying argument strength, and harness this in a framework based on probabilistic argumentation. We show how we can calculate strength based on the structure of the argument involving defeasible rules. The insights appear transferable to a variety of other structured argumentation systems

    An Argumentation‐Based Analysis of the Simonshaven Case

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    In an argumentation approach, legal evidential reasoning is modeled as the construction and attack of “trees of inference” from evidence to conclusions by applying generalizations to evidence or intermediate conclusions. In this paper, an argumentation‐based analysis of the Simonshaven case is given in terms of a logical formalism for argumentation. The formalism combines abstract argumentation frameworks with accounts of the structure of arguments, of the ways they can be attacked and of ways to evaluate conflicting arguments. The purpose of this paper is not to demonstrate or argue that the argumentation approach to modeling legal evidential reasoning is feasible or even preferable but to have a fully worked‐out example that can be used in the comparison with alternative Bayesian or scenario‐based analyses

    Constructing Bayesian Network Graphs from Labeled Arguments

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    Bayesian networks (BNs) are powerful tools that are well-suited for reasoning about the uncertain consequences that can be inferred from evidence. Domain experts, however, typically do not have the expertise to construct BNs and instead resort to using other tools such as argument diagrams and mind maps. Recently, a structured approach was proposed to construct a BN graph from arguments annotated with causality information. As argumentative inferences may not be causal, we generalize this approach to include other types of inferences in this paper. Moreover, we prove a number of formal properties of the generalized approach and identify assumptions under which the construction of an initial BN graph can be fully automated

    Argument strength in probabilistic argumentation based on defeasible rules

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    It is common for people to remark that a particular argument is a strong (or weak) argument. Having a handle on the relative strengths of arguments can help in deciding on which arguments to consider, which arguments to regard as acceptable, and on which arguments to present to others in a discussion. In computational models of argument, there is a need for a deeper understanding of argument strength. It is a multidimensional problem, and in this paper, we focus on one aspect of argument strength for deductive argumentation based on a defeasible logic. We assume a probability distribution over models of the language and consider how there are various ways to calculate argument strength based on the probabilistic necessity and sufficiency of the premises for the claim, the probabilistic sufficiency of competing premises the claim, and the probabilistic necessity of the premises for competing claims. We provide axioms for characterizing probability-based measures of argument strength, and we investigate four specific probability-based measures

    Syntactic Reasoning with Conditional Probabilities in Deductive Argumentation

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    Evidence from studies, such as in science or medicine, often corresponds to conditional probability statements. Furthermore, evidence can conflict, in particular when coming from multiple studies. Whilst it is natural to make sense of such evidence using arguments, there is a lack of a systematic formalism for representing and reasoning with conditional probability statements in computational argumentation. We address this shortcoming by providing a formalization of conditional probabilistic argumentation based on probabilistic conditional logic. We provide a semantics and a collection of comprehensible inference rules that give different insights into evidence. We show how arguments constructed from proofs and attacks between them can be analyzed as arguments graphs using dialectical semantics and via the epistemic approach to probabilistic argumentation. Our approach allows for a transparent and systematic way of handling uncertainty that often arises in evidence

    Syntactic reasoning with conditional probabilities in deductive argumentation

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    Evidence from studies, such as in science or medicine, often corresponds to conditional probability statements. Furthermore, evidence can conflict, in particular when coming from multiple studies. Whilst it is natural to make sense of such evidence using arguments, there is a lack of a systematic formalism for representing and reasoning with conditional probability statements in computational argumentation. We address this shortcoming by providing a formalization of conditional probabilistic argumentation based on probabilistic conditional logic. We provide a semantics and a collection of comprehensible inference rules that give different insights into evidence. We show how arguments constructed from proofs and attacks between them can be analyzed as arguments graphs using dialectical semantics and via the epistemic approach to probabilistic argumentation. Our approach allows for a transparent and systematic way of handling uncertainty that often arises in evidence