3 research outputs found

    A framework for simultaneous task allocation and planning under uncertainty

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    We present novel techniques for simultaneous task allocation and planning in multi-robot systems operating under uncertainty. By performing task allocation and planning simultaneously, allocations are informed by individual robot behaviour, creating more efficient team behaviour. We go beyond existing work by planning for task reallocation across the team given a model of partial task satisfaction under potential robot failures and uncertain action outcomes. We model the problem using Markov decision processes, with tasks encoded in co-safe linear temporal logic, and optimise for the expected number of tasks completed by the team. To avoid the inherent complexity of joint models, we propose an alternative model that simultaneously considers task allocation and planning, but in a sequential fashion. We then build a joint policy from the sequential policy obtained from our model, thus allowing for concurrent policy execution. Furthermore, to enable adaptation in the case of robot failures, we consider replanning from failure states and propose an approach to preemptively replan in an anytime fashion, replanning for more probable failure states first. Our method also allows us to quantify the performance of the team by providing an analysis of properties such as the expected number of completed tasks under concurrent policy execution. We implement and extensively evaluate our approach on a range of scenarios. We compare its performance to a state-of-the-art baseline in decoupled task allocation and planning: sequential single-item auctions. Our approach outperforms the baseline in terms of computation time and the number of times replanning is required on robot failure

    Multi-Agent Pathfinding in Mixed Discrete-Continuous Time and Space

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    In the multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) problem, agents must move from their current locations to their individual destinations while avoiding collisions. Ideally, agents move to their destinations as quickly and efficiently as possible. MAPF has many real-world applications such as navigation, warehouse automation, package delivery and games. Coordination of agents is necessary in order to avoid conflicts, however, it can be very computationally expensive to find mutually conflict-free paths for multiple agents – especially as the number of agents is increased. Existing state-ofthe- art algorithms have been focused on simplified problems on grids where agents have no shape or volume, and each action executed by the agents have the same duration, resulting in simplified collision detection and synchronous, timed execution. In the real world agents have a shape, and usually execute actions with variable duration. This thesis re-formulates the MAPF problem definition for continuous actions, designates specific techniques for continuous-time collision detection, re-formulates two popular algorithms for continuous actions and formulates a new algorithm called Conflict-Based Increasing Cost Search (CBICS) for continuous actions

    Probabilistic Robust Multi-Agent Path Finding

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    In a multi-agent path finding (MAPF) problem, the task is to move a set of agents to their goal locations without conflicts. In the real world, unexpected events may delay some of the agents. In this paper, we therefore study the problem of finding a p-robust solution to a given MAPF problem, which is a solution that succeeds with probability at least p, even though unexpected delays may occur. We propose two methods for verifying that given solutions are p-robust. We also introduce an optimal CBS-based algorithm, called pR-CBS, and a fast suboptimal algorithm, called pR-GCBS, for finding such solutions. Our experiments show that a p-robust solution reduces the number of conflicts compared to optimal, non-robust solutions