4,136 research outputs found

    Timely-Throughput Optimal Scheduling with Prediction

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    Motivated by the increasing importance of providing delay-guaranteed services in general computing and communication systems, and the recent wide adoption of learning and prediction in network control, in this work, we consider a general stochastic single-server multi-user system and investigate the fundamental benefit of predictive scheduling in improving timely-throughput, being the rate of packets that are delivered to destinations before their deadlines. By adopting an error rate-based prediction model, we first derive a Markov decision process (MDP) solution to optimize the timely-throughput objective subject to an average resource consumption constraint. Based on a packet-level decomposition of the MDP, we explicitly characterize the optimal scheduling policy and rigorously quantify the timely-throughput improvement due to predictive-service, which scales as Θ(p[C1(aamaxq)pqρτ+C2(11p)](1ρD))\Theta(p\left[C_{1}\frac{(a-a_{\max}q)}{p-q}\rho^{\tau}+C_{2}(1-\frac{1}{p})\right](1-\rho^{D})), where a,amax,ρ(0,1),C1>0,C20a, a_{\max}, \rho\in(0, 1), C_1>0, C_2\ge0 are constants, pp is the true-positive rate in prediction, qq is the false-negative rate, τ\tau is the packet deadline and DD is the prediction window size. We also conduct extensive simulations to validate our theoretical findings. Our results provide novel insights into how prediction and system parameters impact performance and provide useful guidelines for designing predictive low-latency control algorithms.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    When Backpressure Meets Predictive Scheduling

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    Motivated by the increasing popularity of learning and predicting human user behavior in communication and computing systems, in this paper, we investigate the fundamental benefit of predictive scheduling, i.e., predicting and pre-serving arrivals, in controlled queueing systems. Based on a lookahead window prediction model, we first establish a novel equivalence between the predictive queueing system with a \emph{fully-efficient} scheduling scheme and an equivalent queueing system without prediction. This connection allows us to analytically demonstrate that predictive scheduling necessarily improves system delay performance and can drive it to zero with increasing prediction power. We then propose the \textsf{Predictive Backpressure (PBP)} algorithm for achieving optimal utility performance in such predictive systems. \textsf{PBP} efficiently incorporates prediction into stochastic system control and avoids the great complication due to the exponential state space growth in the prediction window size. We show that \textsf{PBP} can achieve a utility performance that is within O(ϵ)O(\epsilon) of the optimal, for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0, while guaranteeing that the system delay distribution is a \emph{shifted-to-the-left} version of that under the original Backpressure algorithm. Hence, the average packet delay under \textsf{PBP} is strictly better than that under Backpressure, and vanishes with increasing prediction window size. This implies that the resulting utility-delay tradeoff with predictive scheduling beats the known optimal [O(ϵ),O(log(1/ϵ))][O(\epsilon), O(\log(1/\epsilon))] tradeoff for systems without prediction

    On the Delay of Geographical Caching Methods in Two-Tiered Heterogeneous Networks

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    We consider a hierarchical network that consists of mobile users, a two-tiered cellular network (namely small cells and macro cells) and central routers, each of which follows a Poisson point process (PPP). In this scenario, small cells with limited-capacity backhaul are able to cache content under a given set of randomized caching policies and storage constraints. Moreover, we consider three different content popularity models, namely fixed content popularity, distance-dependent and load-dependent, in order to model the spatio-temporal behavior of users' content request patterns. We derive expressions for the average delay of users assuming perfect knowledge of content popularity distributions and randomized caching policies. Although the trend of the average delay for all three content popularity models is essentially identical, our results show that the overall performance of cached-enabled heterogeneous networks can be substantially improved, especially under the load-dependent content popularity model.Comment: to be presented at IEEE SPAWC'2016, Edinburgh, U

    Predictive and core-network efficient RRC signalling for active state handover in RANs with control/data separation

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    Frequent handovers (HOs) in dense small cell deployment scenarios could lead to a dramatic increase in signalling overhead. This suggests a paradigm shift towards a signalling conscious cellular architecture with intelligent mobility management. In this direction, a futuristic radio access network with a logical separation between control and data planes has been proposed in research community. It aims to overcome limitations of the conventional architecture by providing high data rate services under the umbrella of a coverage layer in a dual connection mode. This approach enables signalling efficient HO procedures, since the control plane remains unchanged when the users move within the footprint of the same umbrella. Considering this configuration, we propose a core-network efficient radio resource control (RRC) signalling scheme for active state HO and develop an analytical framework to evaluate its signalling load as a function of network density, user mobility and session characteristics. In addition, we propose an intelligent HO prediction scheme with advance resource preparation in order to minimise the HO signalling latency. Numerical and simulation results show promising gains in terms of reduction in HO latency and signalling load as compared with conventional approaches

    Cooperative Multi-Bitrate Video Caching and Transcoding in Multicarrier NOMA-Assisted Heterogeneous Virtualized MEC Networks

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    Cooperative video caching and transcoding in mobile edge computing (MEC) networks is a new paradigm for future wireless networks, e.g., 5G and 5G beyond, to reduce scarce and expensive backhaul resource usage by prefetching video files within radio access networks (RANs). Integration of this technique with other advent technologies, such as wireless network virtualization and multicarrier non-orthogonal multiple access (MC-NOMA), provides more flexible video delivery opportunities, which leads to enhancements both for the network's revenue and for the end-users' service experience. In this regard, we propose a two-phase RAF for a parallel cooperative joint multi-bitrate video caching and transcoding in heterogeneous virtualized MEC networks. In the cache placement phase, we propose novel proactive delivery-aware cache placement strategies (DACPSs) by jointly allocating physical and radio resources based on network stochastic information to exploit flexible delivery opportunities. Then, for the delivery phase, we propose a delivery policy based on the user requests and network channel conditions. The optimization problems corresponding to both phases aim to maximize the total revenue of network slices, i.e., virtual networks. Both problems are non-convex and suffer from high-computational complexities. For each phase, we show how the problem can be solved efficiently. We also propose a low-complexity RAF in which the complexity of the delivery algorithm is significantly reduced. A Delivery-aware cache refreshment strategy (DACRS) in the delivery phase is also proposed to tackle the dynamically changes of network stochastic information. Extensive numerical assessments demonstrate a performance improvement of up to 30% for our proposed DACPSs and DACRS over traditional approaches.Comment: 53 pages, 24 figure

    On the Tradeoff between Energy Harvesting and Caching in Wireless Networks

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    Self-powered, energy harvesting small cell base stations (SBS) are expected to be an integral part of next-generation wireless networks. However, due to uncertainties in harvested energy, it is necessary to adopt energy efficient power control schemes to reduce an SBSs' energy consumption and thus ensure quality-of-service (QoS) for users. Such energy-efficient design can also be done via the use of content caching which reduces the usage of the capacity-limited SBS backhaul. of popular content at SBS can also prove beneficial in this regard by reducing the backhaul usage. In this paper, an online energy efficient power control scheme is developed for an energy harvesting SBS equipped with a wireless backhaul and local storage. In our model, energy arrivals are assumed to be Poisson distributed and the popularity distribution of requested content is modeled using Zipf's law. The power control problem is formulated as a (discounted) infinite horizon dynamic programming problem and solved numerically using the value iteration algorithm. Using simulations, we provide valuable insights on the impact of energy harvesting and caching on the energy and sum-throughput performance of the SBS as the network size is varied. Our results also show that the size of cache and energy harvesting equipment at the SBS can be traded off, while still meeting the desired system performance.Comment: To be presented at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), London, U.K., 201