1,660 research outputs found

    Heavy Hitters and the Structure of Local Privacy

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    We present a new locally differentially private algorithm for the heavy hitters problem which achieves optimal worst-case error as a function of all standardly considered parameters. Prior work obtained error rates which depend optimally on the number of users, the size of the domain, and the privacy parameter, but depend sub-optimally on the failure probability. We strengthen existing lower bounds on the error to incorporate the failure probability, and show that our new upper bound is tight with respect to this parameter as well. Our lower bound is based on a new understanding of the structure of locally private protocols. We further develop these ideas to obtain the following general results beyond heavy hitters. \bullet Advanced Grouposition: In the local model, group privacy for kk users degrades proportionally to k\approx \sqrt{k}, instead of linearly in kk as in the central model. Stronger group privacy yields improved max-information guarantees, as well as stronger lower bounds (via "packing arguments"), over the central model. \bullet Building on a transformation of Bassily and Smith (STOC 2015), we give a generic transformation from any non-interactive approximate-private local protocol into a pure-private local protocol. Again in contrast with the central model, this shows that we cannot obtain more accurate algorithms by moving from pure to approximate local privacy

    Better Differentially Private Approximate Histograms and Heavy Hitters using the Misra-Gries Sketch

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    We consider the problem of computing differentially private approximate histograms and heavy hitters in a stream of elements. In the non-private setting, this is often done using the sketch of Misra and Gries [Science of Computer Programming, 1982]. Chan, Li, Shi, and Xu [PETS 2012] describe a differentially private version of the Misra-Gries sketch, but the amount of noise it adds can be large and scales linearly with the size of the sketch: the more accurate the sketch is, the more noise this approach has to add. We present a better mechanism for releasing a Misra-Gries sketch under (ε,δ)-differential privacy. It adds noise with magnitude independent of the size of the sketch size, in fact, the maximum error coming from the noise is the same as the best known in the private non-streaming setting, up to a constant factor. Our mechanism is simple and likely to be practical. We also give a simple post-processing step of the Misra-Gries sketch that does not increase the worst-case error guarantee. It is sufficient to add noise to this new sketch with less than twice the magnitude of the non-streaming setting. This improves on the previous result for ε-differential privacy where the noise scales linearly to the size of the sketch

    Distributed Private Heavy Hitters

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    In this paper, we give efficient algorithms and lower bounds for solving the heavy hitters problem while preserving differential privacy in the fully distributed local model. In this model, there are n parties, each of which possesses a single element from a universe of size N. The heavy hitters problem is to find the identity of the most common element shared amongst the n parties. In the local model, there is no trusted database administrator, and so the algorithm must interact with each of the nn parties separately, using a differentially private protocol. We give tight information-theoretic upper and lower bounds on the accuracy to which this problem can be solved in the local model (giving a separation between the local model and the more common centralized model of privacy), as well as computationally efficient algorithms even in the case where the data universe N may be exponentially large

    Can Two Walk Together: Privacy Enhancing Methods and Preventing Tracking of Users

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    We present a new concern when collecting data from individuals that arises from the attempt to mitigate privacy leakage in multiple reporting: tracking of users participating in the data collection via the mechanisms added to provide privacy. We present several definitions for untrackable mechanisms, inspired by the differential privacy framework. Specifically, we define the trackable parameter as the log of the maximum ratio between the probability that a set of reports originated from a single user and the probability that the same set of reports originated from two users (with the same private value). We explore the implications of this new definition. We show how differentially private and untrackable mechanisms can be combined to achieve a bound for the problem of detecting when a certain user changed their private value. Examining Google's deployed solution for everlasting privacy, we show that RAPPOR (Erlingsson et al. ACM CCS, 2014) is trackable in our framework for the parameters presented in their paper. We analyze a variant of randomized response for collecting statistics of single bits, Bitwise Everlasting Privacy, that achieves good accuracy and everlasting privacy, while only being reasonably untrackable, specifically grows linearly in the number of reports. For collecting statistics about data from larger domains (for histograms and heavy hitters) we present a mechanism that prevents tracking for a limited number of responses. We also present the concept of Mechanism Chaining, using the output of one mechanism as the input of another, in the scope of Differential Privacy, and show that the chaining of an ε1\varepsilon_1-LDP mechanism with an ε2\varepsilon_2-LDP mechanism is lneε1+ε2+1eε1+eε2\ln\frac{e^{\varepsilon_1+\varepsilon_2}+1}{e^{\varepsilon_1}+e^{\varepsilon_2}}-LDP and that this bound is tight.Comment: 45 pages, 4 figures. To appear on FORC 202