38 research outputs found

    Towards Query Logs for Privacy Studies: On Deriving Search Queries from Questions

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    Translating verbose information needs into crisp search queries is a phenomenon that is ubiquitous but hardly understood. Insights into this process could be valuable in several applications, including synthesizing large privacy-friendly query logs from public Web sources which are readily available to the academic research community. In this work, we take a step towards understanding query formulation by tapping into the rich potential of community question answering (CQA) forums. Specifically, we sample natural language (NL) questions spanning diverse themes from the Stack Exchange platform, and conduct a large-scale conversion experiment where crowdworkers submit search queries they would use when looking for equivalent information. We provide a careful analysis of this data, accounting for possible sources of bias during conversion, along with insights into user-specific linguistic patterns and search behaviors. We release a dataset of 7,000 question-query pairs from this study to facilitate further research on query understanding.Comment: ECIR 2020 Short Pape

    Resist Adversary in Modified Net Explore

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    In this paper, user profiles, portrayals of user supplies, can be absorbed via search engine for to give customized look for results. Rich techniques capture user for building user information through proxies web servers (to catch scanning histories).These jointly need servicing of the user to provide the proxies server. In this reading, we examine the consumption of a less-invasive means modifying to unclear concerns has extended been an important aspect in the analysis of Data Recovery. Personalized look for has as of late got amazing regard for location this analyze in the web search set, in light of the begin that a user’s general sensation might help the search engine for disambiguate the legitimate plan of an query. The customized look for has been suggested for some a long time and many customization methods have been researched, it is still unclear whether customization is effectively practical on different questions for unique users, and under unique search configurations. In this paper, we focus on how to infer a user’s attention from the user’s search connection and usage the deduced certain user design for customized search. We analyzed defense insurance in PWS applications that design user tendency as modern user information. This system suggested a PWS framework called UPS that can adaptively sum up information by reviews although regarding user mentioned protection requirements. We confirmed two greedy computations, in certain GreedyDP what’s more GreedyIL, for runtime rumors. We will avoid opponents with wider history knowledge, such as richer connection among subjects or capability to catch a series of queries from the victim. We will also search for more innovative technique to build the user information, and better analytics to estimate the efficiency of UPS. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15071

    A Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search for Knowledge Mining: A Survey

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    The web search engines (e.g. Google, Yahoo etc.) help the users to find required useful information on the World Wide Web (WWW). But it has become increasingly difficult to get the expected results from the web search engine because contentsare available in web is very vast and ambiguous.Due to tremendous data opportunities in the internet, the privacy protection is very essential to preserve user search behaviors and their profiles. In this paper system present a novel protocol specially designed to protect the users’ privacy in front of web search profiling. Personalized web search (PWS) has demonstrated its effectiveness in improving the quality of various search services on the Internet. Our runtime generalization aims at striking a balance between two predictive metrics that evaluate the utility of personalization and the privacy risk of exposing the generalized profile. System proposed two greedy algorithms namely GreedyDP and GreedyIL. These two algorithms are used for runtime generalization.The proposed protocol preserves the privacy of the individuals who deal with a web search engine.System provides a distorted user profile to the web search engine. It offers implementation details and computational and communication results that show that the proposed protocol improves the existing solutions in terms of query delay

    Web Prediction Mechanism for User Personalized Search

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    Personalized net search (PNS) has incontestible its effectiveness in up the standard of assorted search services on the web. However, evidences show that usersďż˝ reluctance to disclose their non-public data throughout search has become a serious barrier for the wide proliferation of PNS. We have a tendency to study privacy protection in PNS applications that model user preferences as graded user profiles. We have a tendency to propose a PNS framework referred to as UPS (User customizable Privacy-preserving Search) that may adaptively generalize profiles by queries whereas respecting user specified privacy necessities. Our runtime generalization aims at hanging a balance between 2 prognostic metrics that assess the utility of personalization and therefore the privacy risk of exposing the generalized profile. We have a tendency to gift 2 greedy algorithms, specifically GreedyDP and GreedyIL, for runtime generalization. We have a tendency to additionally give a web prediction mechanism for deciding whether or not personalizing a question is useful. intensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework. The experimental results additionally reveal that GreedyIL considerably outperforms GreedyDP in terms of potency

    Survey on Privacy Preservation in Personalized Web Environment

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    Personalized web search (PWS) is a general category of search techniques aiming at providing different search results for different users or organize search results differently for each user, based upon their interest, preferences and information needs. As the expense, user information has to be collected and analyzed to figure out the user intention behind the issued query. However, users are uncomfortable with exposing private information during search which has become a major barrier for the wide proliferation of PWS. Search engines should provide security mechanism such that user will be ensured of its privacy and its information should be kept safe. Many personalization techniques are giving access to achieve personalization of user’s web search. Search engines can provide more accurate and specific data if users trust search engine and provide more information. But users should be ensured that their private information should be kept safe. In this paper we will discuss on different techniques on personalized web search and securing personalized information. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16041

    Survey on privacy preservation in personalized web environment

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    Personalized web search (PWS) is a general category of search techniques aiming at providing different search results for different users or organize search results differently for each user, based upon their interest, preferences and information needs. As the expense, user information has to be collected and analyzed to figure out the user intention behind the issued query. However, users are uncomfortable with exposing private information during search which has become a major barrier for the wide proliferation of PWS. Search engines should provide security mechanism such that user will be ensured of its privacy and its information should be kept safe. Many personalization techniques are giving access to achieve personalization of user’s web search. Search engines can provide more accurate and specific data if users trust search engine and provide more information. But users should be ensured that their private information should be kept safe. In this paper we will discuss on different techniques on personalized web search and securing personalized information. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16040

    Personalizing Web Search based on User Profile

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    Web Search engine is most widely used for information retrieval from World Wide Web. These Web Search engines help user to find most useful information. When different users Searches for same information, search engine provide same result without understanding who is submitted that query. Personalized web search it is search technique for proving useful result. This paper models preference of users as hierarchical user profiles. a framework is proposed called UPS. It generalizes profile and maintaining privacy requirement specified by user at same time

    Efficient Privacy on Personalized Web Search Using Web Transformation Technique in User Profile

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    The time required for query processing over the internet is high due to the massively increasing amount of data on the server. Sometimes we may get irrelevant information as a result for a query. So we go for Personalized Web Search (PWS) to make the query processing good. In PWS, the query processing is done with the help of user profile. The user profile is created in two manners namely implicit and explicit. The implicit method creates the user profile from user’s browser histories, email, document and etc., without any effort from the user. Through this method the profile created with some user’s personal and secret information. Exposure of secret information on web leads to the privacy problem. In another way that the profile was created by explicit method. In this method the users requested to create their profile manually on the web. After profile creation the query processing is takes place. At each time a query is generated by a user that is combined with the personalized profile to generate a personalized query. Now the generalized query is send to the server. The server process the query then ranks the collected information. Finally the results are given to the client side and viewed to the user. The profile is updated in both ways at each time of query processing (automatically) and also by the manual update. To increase the privacy protection the profile details is reviewed at users own time. They can hide their secret information from the profile. Each profile updating process checks the newly added field information with the already hided field information. If any newly added field information matches with the personalized information then a notification is generated automatically to alert the user to personalize their profile. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15060

    Stochastic Privacy

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    Online services such as web search and e-commerce applications typically rely on the collection of data about users, including details of their activities on the web. Such personal data is used to enhance the quality of service via personalization of content and to maximize revenues via better targeting of advertisements and deeper engagement of users on sites. To date, service providers have largely followed the approach of either requiring or requesting consent for opting-in to share their data. Users may be willing to share private information in return for better quality of service or for incentives, or in return for assurances about the nature and extend of the logging of data. We introduce \emph{stochastic privacy}, a new approach to privacy centering on a simple concept: A guarantee is provided to users about the upper-bound on the probability that their personal data will be used. Such a probability, which we refer to as \emph{privacy risk}, can be assessed by users as a preference or communicated as a policy by a service provider. Service providers can work to personalize and to optimize revenues in accordance with preferences about privacy risk. We present procedures, proofs, and an overall system for maximizing the quality of services, while respecting bounds on allowable or communicated privacy risk. We demonstrate the methodology with a case study and evaluation of the procedures applied to web search personalization. We show how we can achieve near-optimal utility of accessing information with provable guarantees on the probability of sharing data