6 research outputs found

    Privacy-preserving Federated Singular Value Decomposition

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    Modern Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) computation dates back to the 1960s when the basis for the eigensystem package and linear algebra package routines was created. Since then, SVD has gained attraction and been widely applied in various scenarios, such as recommendation systems and principal component analyses. Federated SVD has recently emerged, where different parties could collaboratively compute SVD without exchanging raw data. Besides its inherited privacy protection, noise injection could be utilized to further increase the privacy guarantee of this privacy-friendly technique. This paper advances the state-of-science by improving an existing Federated SVD scheme with two-fold contributions. First, we revise its privacy guarantee in terms of Differential Privacy, the de-facto data privacy standard of the 21st century. Second, we increase its utility by reducing the added noise, which is achieved by employing Secure Aggregation, a cryptographic technique to prevent information leakage. Using a recommendation system use-case with real-world data, we demonstrate that our scheme outperforms the state-of-the-art Federated SVD solution

    A Trust-based Recommender System over Arbitrarily Partitioned Data with Privacy

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    Recommender systems are effective mechanisms for recommendations about what to watch, read, or taste based on user ratings about experienced products or services. To achieve higher quality recommendations, e-commerce parties may prefer to collaborate over partitioned data. Due to privacy issues, they might hesitate to work in pairs and some solutions motivate them to collaborate. This study examines how to estimate trust-based predictions on arbitrarily partitioned data in which two parties have ratings for similar sets of customers and items. A privacy- preserving scheme is proposed, and it is justified that it efficiently offers trust-based predictions on partitioned data while preserving privacy


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    Collaborative filtering (CF) systems are widely employed by many e-commerce sites for providing recommendations to their customers. To recruit new customers, retain the current ones, and gain competitive edge over competing companies, online vendors need to offer accurate predictions efficiently. Therefore, providing precise recommendations efficiently to many users in real time is imperative. Singular value decomposition (SVD) is applied to CF to achieve such goal. SVD-based CF systems offer reliable and accurate predictions when they own large enough data. Data collected for CF purposes, however, might be split between different companies, even competing ones. Some vendors, especially newly established ones, might have problems with available data. To increase mutual advantages, provide richer CF services, and overcome problems caused by inadequate data, companies want to integrate their data. However, due to privacy, legal, and financial reasons, they do not want to combine their data. In this article, we investigate how to provide SVD-based referrals on partitioned (horizontally or vertically) data without greatly jeopardizing data holders' privacy. We conduct real data-based experiments to assess our schemes' overall performance and analyze them in terms of privacy and supplementary costs. Our results show that it is possible to provide accurate SVD-based referrals on integrated data while preserving e-companies' privacy.Privacy, partitioned data, e-commerce, CF, SVD, prediction

    Privacy-Preserving Crowdsourcing-Based Recommender Systems for E-Commerce & Health Services

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    En l鈥檃ctualitat, els sistemes de recomanacio虂 han esdevingut un mecanisme fonamental per proporcionar als usuaris informacio虂 u虂til i filtrada, amb l鈥檕bjectiu d鈥檕ptimitzar la presa de decisions, com per exemple, en el camp del comerc抬 electro虁nic. La quantitat de dades existent a Internet 茅s tan extensa que els usuaris necessiten sistemes autom脿tics per ajudar-los a distingir entre informaci贸 valuosa i soroll. No obstant, sistemes de recomanaci贸 com el Filtratge Col路laboratiu tenen diverses limitacions, com ara la manca de resposta i la privadesa. Una part important d'aquesta tesi es dedica al desenvolupament de metodologies per fer front a aquestes limitacions. A m茅s de les aportacions anteriors, en aquesta tesi tamb茅 ens centrem en el proc茅s d'urbanitzaci贸 que s'est脿 produint a tot el m贸n i en la necessitat de crear ciutats m茅s sostenibles i habitables. En aquest context, ens proposem solucions de salut intel路ligent (s-health) i metodologies eficients de caracteritzaci贸 de canals sense fils, per tal de proporcionar assist猫ncia sanit脿ria sostenible en el context de les ciutats intel路ligents.En la actualidad, los sistemas de recomendacio虂n se han convertido en una herramienta indispensable para proporcionar a los usuarios informacio虂n u虂til y filtrada, con el objetivo de optimizar la toma de decisiones en una gran variedad de contextos. La cantidad de datos existente en Internet es tan extensa que los usuarios necesitan sistemas automa虂ticos para ayudarles a distinguir entre informacio虂n valiosa y ruido. Sin embargo, sistemas de recomendaci贸n como el Filtrado Colaborativo tienen varias limitaciones, tales como la falta de respuesta y la privacidad. Una parte importante de esta tesis se dedica al desarrollo de metodolog铆as para hacer frente a esas limitaciones. Adema虂s de las aportaciones anteriores, en esta tesis tambi茅n nos centramos en el proceso de urbanizaci贸n que est谩 teniendo lugar en todo el mundo y en la necesidad de crear ciudades m谩s sostenibles y habitables. En este contexto, proponemos soluciones de salud inteligente (s-health) y metodolog铆as eficientes de caracterizaci贸n de canales inal谩mbricos, con el fin de proporcionar asistencia sanitaria sostenible en el contexto de las ciudades inteligentes.Our society lives an age where the eagerness for information has resulted in problems such as infobesity, especially after the arrival of Web 2.0. In this context, automatic systems such as recommenders are increasing their relevance, since they help to distinguish noise from useful information. However, recommender systems such as Collaborative Filtering have several limitations such as non-response and privacy. An important part of this thesis is devoted to the development of methodologies to cope with these limitations. In addition to the previously stated research topics, in this dissertation we also focus in the worldwide process of urbanisation that is taking place and the need for more sustainable and liveable cities. In this context, we focus on smart health solutions and efficient wireless channel characterisation methodologies, in order to provide sustainable healthcare in the context of smart cities