2,607 research outputs found

    Privacy preserving data mining

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    A fruitful direction for future data mining research will be the development of technique that incorporates privacy concerns. Specifically, we address the following question. Since the primary task in data mining is the development of models about aggregated data, can we develop accurate models without access to precise information in individual data records? We analyze the possibility of privacy in data mining techniques in two phasesrandomization and reconstruction. Data mining services require accurate input data for their results to be meaningful, but privacy concerns may influence users to provide spurious information. To preserve client privacy in the data mining process, techniques based on random perturbation of data records are used. Suppose there are many clients, each having some personal information, and one server, which is interested only in aggregate, statistically significant, properties of this information. The clients can protect privacy of their data by perturbing it with a randomization algorithm and then submitting the randomized version. This approach is called randomization. The randomization algorithm is chosen so that aggregate properties of the data can be recovered with sufficient precision, while individual entries are significantly distorted. For the concept of using value distortion to protect privacy to be useful, we need to be able to reconstruct the original data distribution so that data mining techniques can be effectively utilized to yield the required statistics. Analysis Let xi be the original instance of data at client i. We introduce a random shift yi using randomization technique explained below. The server runs the reconstruction algorithm (also explained below) on the perturbed value zi = xi + yi to get an approximate of the original data distribution suitable for data mining applications. Randomization We have used the following randomizing operator for data perturbation: Given x, let R(x) be x+€ (mod 1001) where € is chosen uniformly at random in {-100…100}. Reconstruction of discrete data set P(X=x) = f X (x) ----Given P(Y=y) = F y (y) ---Given P (Z=z) = f Z (z) ---Given f (X/Z) = P(X=x | Z=z) = P(X=x, Z=z)/P (Z=z) = P(X=x, X+Y=Z)/ f Z (z) = P(X=x, Y=Z - X)/ f Z (z) = P(X=x)*P(Y=Z-X)/ f Z (z) = P(X=x)*P(Y=y)/ f Z (z) Results In this project we have done two aspects of privacy preserving data mining. The first phase involves perturbing the original data set using ‘randomization operator’ techniques and the second phase deals with reconstructing the randomized data set using the proposed algorithm to get an approximate of the original data set. The performance metrics like percentage deviation, accuracy and privacy breaches were calculated. In this project we studied the technical feasibility of realizing privacy preserving data mining. The basic promise was that the sensitive values in a user’s record will be perturbed using a randomizing function and an approximate of the perturbed data set be recovered using reconstruction algorithm

    Privacy Preserving Data Mining

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    Secret charing vs. encryption-based techniques for privacy preserving data mining

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    Privacy preserving querying and data publishing has been studied in the context of statistical databases and statistical disclosure control. Recently, large-scale data collection and integration efforts increased privacy concerns which motivated data mining researchers to investigate privacy implications of data mining and how data mining can be performed without violating privacy. In this paper, we first provide an overview of privacy preserving data mining focusing on distributed data sources, then we compare two technologies used in privacy preserving data mining. The first technology is encryption based, and it is used in earlier approaches. The second technology is secret-sharing which is recently being considered as a more efficient approach

    Privacy Preserving Data Mining, Evaluation Methodologies

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    Privacy is one of the most important properties an information system must satisfy. A relatively new trend shows that classical access control techniques are not sufficient to guarantee privacy when datamining techniques are used. Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM) algorithms have been recently introduced with the aim of modifying the database in such a way to prevent the discovery of sensible information. Due to the large amount of possible techniques that can be used to achieve this goal, it is necessary to provide some standard evaluation metrics to determine the best algorithms for a specific application or context. Currently, however, there is no common set of parameters that can be used for this purpose. Moreover, because sanitization modifies the data, an important issue, especially for critical data, is to preserve the quality of data. However, to the best of our knowledge, no approaches have been developed dealing with the issue of data quality in the context of PPDM algorithms. This report explores the problem of PPDM algorithm evaluation, starting from the key goal of preserving of data quality. To achieve such goal, we propose a formal definition of data quality specifically tailored for use in the context of PPDM algorithms, a set of evaluation parameters and an evaluation algorithm. Moreover, because of the "environment related" nature of data quality, a structure to represent constraints and information relevance related to data is presented. The resulting evaluation core process is then presented as a part of a more general three step evaluation framework, taking also into account other aspects of the algorithm evaluation such as efficiency, scalability and level of privacy.JRC.G.6-Sensors, radar technologies and cybersecurit

    Enabling Multi-level Trust in Privacy Preserving Data Mining

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    Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM) addresses the problem of developing accurate models about aggregated data without access to precise information in individual data record. A widely studied \emph{perturbation-based PPDM} approach introduces random perturbation to individual values to preserve privacy before data is published. Previous solutions of this approach are limited in their tacit assumption of single-level trust on data miners. In this work, we relax this assumption and expand the scope of perturbation-based PPDM to Multi-Level Trust (MLT-PPDM). In our setting, the more trusted a data miner is, the less perturbed copy of the data it can access. Under this setting, a malicious data miner may have access to differently perturbed copies of the same data through various means, and may combine these diverse copies to jointly infer additional information about the original data that the data owner does not intend to release. Preventing such \emph{diversity attacks} is the key challenge of providing MLT-PPDM services. We address this challenge by properly correlating perturbation across copies at different trust levels. We prove that our solution is robust against diversity attacks with respect to our privacy goal. That is, for data miners who have access to an arbitrary collection of the perturbed copies, our solution prevent them from jointly reconstructing the original data more accurately than the best effort using any individual copy in the collection. Our solution allows a data owner to generate perturbed copies of its data for arbitrary trust levels on-demand. This feature offers data owners maximum flexibility.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineerin

    Concealment Conserving the Data Mining of Groups & Individual

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    We present an overview of privacy preserving data mining, one of the most popular directions in the data mining research community. In the first part of the chapter, we presented approaches that have been proposed for the protection of either the sensitive data itself in the course of data mining or the sensitive data mining results, in the context of traditional (relational) datasets. Following that, in the second part of the chapter, we focused our attention on one of the most recent as well as prominent directions in privacy preserving data mining: the mining of user mobility data. Although still in its infancy, privacy preserving data mining of mobility data has attracted a lot of research attention and already counts a number of methodologies both with respect to sensitive data protection and to sensitive knowledge hiding. Finally, in the end of the chapter, we provided some roadmap along the field of privacy preserving mobility data mining as well as the area of privacy preserving data mining at large