109,876 research outputs found

    Anonymization Techniques for Privacy-preserving Process Mining

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    Process Mining ermöglicht die Analyse von Event Logs. Jede AktivitĂ€t ist durch ein Event in einem Trace recorded, welcher jeweils einer Prozessinstanz entspricht. Traces können sensible Daten, z.B. ĂŒber Patienten enthalten. Diese Dissertation adressiert Datenschutzrisiken fĂŒr Trace Daten und Process Mining. Durch eine empirische Studie zum Re-Identifikations Risiko in öffentlichen Event Logs wird die hohe Gefahr aufgezeigt, aber auch weitere Risiken sind von Bedeutung. Anonymisierung ist entscheidend um Risiken zu adressieren, aber schwierig weil gleichzeitig die Verhaltensaspekte des Event Logs erhalten werden sollen. Dies fĂŒhrt zu einem Privacy-Utility-Trade-Off. Dieser wird durch neue Algorithmen wie SaCoFa und SaPa angegangen, die Differential Privacy garantieren und gleichzeitig Utility erhalten. PRIPEL ergĂ€nzt die anonymiserten Control-flows um Kontextinformationen und ermöglich so die Veröffentlichung von vollstĂ€ndigen, geschĂŒtzten Logs. Mit PRETSA wird eine Algorithmenfamilie vorgestellt, die k-anonymity garantiert. DafĂŒr werden privacy-verletztende Traces miteinander vereint, mit dem Ziel ein möglichst syntaktisch Ă€hnliches Log zu erzeugen. Durch Experimente kann eine bessere Utility-Erhaltung gegenĂŒber existierenden Lösungen aufgezeigt werden.Process mining analyzes business processes using event logs. Each activity execution is recorded as an event in a trace, representing a process instance's behavior. Traces often hold sensitive info like patient data. This thesis addresses privacy concerns arising from trace data and process mining. A re-identification risk study on public event logs reveals high risk, but other threats exist. Anonymization is vital to address these issues, yet challenging due to preserving behavioral aspects for analysis, leading to a privacy-utility trade-off. New algorithms, SaCoFa and SaPa, are introduced for trace anonymization using noise for differential privacy while maintaining utility. PRIPEL supplements anonymized control flows with trace contextual info for complete protected logs. For k-anonymity, the PRETSA algorithm family merges privacy-violating traces based on a prefix representation of the event log, maintaining syntactic similarity. Empirical evaluations demonstrate utility improvements over existing techniques

    Investigating the tension between cloud-related actors and individual privacy rights

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    Historically, little more than lip service has been paid to the rights of individuals to act to preserve their own privacy. Personal information is frequently exploited for commercial gain, often without the person’s knowledge or permission. New legislation, such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation Act, has acknowledged the need for legislative protection. This Act places the onus on service providers to preserve the confidentiality of their users’ and customers’ personal information, on pain of punitive fines for lapses. It accords special privileges to users, such as the right to be forgotten. This regulation has global jurisdiction covering the rights of any EU resident, worldwide. Assuring this legislated privacy protection presents a serious challenge, which is exacerbated in the cloud environment. A considerable number of actors are stakeholders in cloud ecosystems. Each has their own agenda and these are not necessarily well aligned. Cloud service providers, especially those offering social media services, are interested in growing their businesses and maximising revenue. There is a strong incentive for them to capitalise on their users’ personal information and usage information. Privacy is often the first victim. Here, we examine the tensions between the various cloud actors and propose a framework that could be used to ensure that privacy is preserved and respected in cloud systems

    Design Challenges for GDPR RegTech

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    The Accountability Principle of the GDPR requires that an organisation can demonstrate compliance with the regulations. A survey of GDPR compliance software solutions shows significant gaps in their ability to demonstrate compliance. In contrast, RegTech has recently brought great success to financial compliance, resulting in reduced risk, cost saving and enhanced financial regulatory compliance. It is shown that many GDPR solutions lack interoperability features such as standard APIs, meta-data or reports and they are not supported by published methodologies or evidence to support their validity or even utility. A proof of concept prototype was explored using a regulator based self-assessment checklist to establish if RegTech best practice could improve the demonstration of GDPR compliance. The application of a RegTech approach provides opportunities for demonstrable and validated GDPR compliance, notwithstanding the risk reductions and cost savings that RegTech can deliver. This paper demonstrates a RegTech approach to GDPR compliance can facilitate an organisation meeting its accountability obligations

    Developing a Conceptual Framework for Cloud Security Assurance

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    Synthetic Observational Health Data with GANs: from slow adoption to a boom in medical research and ultimately digital twins?

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    After being collected for patient care, Observational Health Data (OHD) can further benefit patient well-being by sustaining the development of health informatics and medical research. Vast potential is unexploited because of the fiercely private nature of patient-related data and regulations to protect it. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have recently emerged as a groundbreaking way to learn generative models that produce realistic synthetic data. They have revolutionized practices in multiple domains such as self-driving cars, fraud detection, digital twin simulations in industrial sectors, and medical imaging. The digital twin concept could readily apply to modelling and quantifying disease progression. In addition, GANs posses many capabilities relevant to common problems in healthcare: lack of data, class imbalance, rare diseases, and preserving privacy. Unlocking open access to privacy-preserving OHD could be transformative for scientific research. In the midst of COVID-19, the healthcare system is facing unprecedented challenges, many of which of are data related for the reasons stated above. Considering these facts, publications concerning GAN applied to OHD seemed to be severely lacking. To uncover the reasons for this slow adoption, we broadly reviewed the published literature on the subject. Our findings show that the properties of OHD were initially challenging for the existing GAN algorithms (unlike medical imaging, for which state-of-the-art model were directly transferable) and the evaluation synthetic data lacked clear metrics. We find more publications on the subject than expected, starting slowly in 2017, and since then at an increasing rate. The difficulties of OHD remain, and we discuss issues relating to evaluation, consistency, benchmarking, data modelling, and reproducibility.Comment: 31 pages (10 in previous version), not including references and glossary, 51 in total. Inclusion of a large number of recent publications and expansion of the discussion accordingl

    A survey on cyber security for smart grid communications

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    A smart grid is a new form of electricity network with high fidelity power-flow control, self-healing, and energy reliability and energy security using digital communications and control technology. To upgrade an existing power grid into a smart grid, it requires significant dependence on intelligent and secure communication infrastructures. It requires security frameworks for distributed communications, pervasive computing and sensing technologies in smart grid. However, as many of the communication technologies currently recommended to use by a smart grid is vulnerable in cyber security, it could lead to unreliable system operations, causing unnecessary expenditure, even consequential disaster to both utilities and consumers. In this paper, we summarize the cyber security requirements and the possible vulnerabilities in smart grid communications and survey the current solutions on cyber security for smart grid communications. © 2012 IEEE
