5 research outputs found

    Ontology Based Policy Mobility for Pervasive Computing

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    The array of devices, networks and resources available in pervasive computing environments, or smart spaces, will require effective self-management systems controlled via user-level policies. However, the local nature of smart spaces means that they present a potentially huge increase in the number of and nature of management domains, e.g. representing individual homes, shops, businesses, schools, hospitals etc. However, differences in local domain models and local resource models means that policies relevant to one smart space will often use different semantics for subject and target objects compared to other pervasive computing domains. To allow users to capture personal preferences in terms of policies that can be consistently applied as they roam between smart spaces, the semantic interoperability problem resulting from different models for policy subjects and targets must be overcome. In this paper we present a framework where the use of ontology-based semantics for policy elements allows dynamic ontology mapping capabilities to support policy mobility. We demonstrate its operation with a case study showing policy mobility in a policy-driven smart space management system

    Web Tool for Monitoring of the Status of Network Printers

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    Tato práce se zabývá tvorbou nástroje, který průběžně monitoruje stav síťových tiskáren a jejich spotřebních materiálů. Tento nástroj slouží správcům sítě k udržování tiskáren v provozuschopném stavu. Důraz je kladen na proces získávání a ukládání dat tiskáren různých výrobců. Data jsou poté přehledně zobrazována webovým rozhraním za využití frameworku Flask. V teoretické části práce analyzuje dostupná řešení na internetu a navrhuje nový přístup získávání dat. Následuje návrh, který zahrnuje mnohá vylepšení a implementace oddělené frontendové a backendové části, jenž jsou obě implementovány v jazyce Python. Závěrem je aplikace nasazena na fakultní síti FIT VUT a jsou navrhnuta další možná vylepšení.This thesis describes the process of creating a tool for continuous monitoring of network printers and their consumables. This tool is used by network administrators to maintain printers in operational state. The major task is collecting and saving relevant data of printers of different vendors. The data are displayed to the user through a web tool using the framework Flask. Solutions available on the internet are analyzed in the theoretical part of the thesis, along with a draft of a new way to collect data. The thesis also provides information on the design of some improvements and separate implementations of frontend and backend, both implemented in Python. Eventually the application is launched on the FIT BUT network and more possible improvements to be done are mentioned.

    Printer MIB v2

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