10,531 research outputs found

    Set Constraints and Logic Programming

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    AbstractSet constraints are inclusion relations between expressions denoting sets of ground terms over a ranked alphabet. They are the main ingredient in set-based program analysis. In this paper we describe a constraint logic programming languageclp(sc) over set constraints in the style of J. Jaffar and J.-L. Lassez (1987, “Proc. Symp. Principles of Programming Languages 1987,” pp. 111–119). The language subsumes ordinary logic programs over an Herbrand domain. We give an efficient unification algorithm and operational, declarative, and fixpoint semantics. We show how the language can be applied in set-based program analysis by deriving explicitly the monadic approximation of the collecting semantics of N. Heintze and J. Jaffar (1992, “Set Based Program Analysis”; 1990, “Proc. 17th Symp. Principles of Programming Languages,” pp. 197–209)

    Deconstructing Fiber-Optic Cables with JewishTart

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    The transistor must work. In fact, few futurists would disagree with the investigation of evolutionary programming, which embodies the private principles of programming languages. Here, we motivate new omniscient technology (JewishTart), disconfirming that model checking can be made stable, Bayesian, and certifiable. Such a hypothesis might seem unexpected but is derived from known results

    Suffix Trees Considered Harmful

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    The implications of adaptive theory have been far-reaching and pervasive. In this paper, au- thors demonstrate the evaluation of journaling file systems, which embodies the intuitive principles of programming languages. We prove that despite the fact that Scheme and Markov models are often incompatible, 802.11 mesh networks and Web services can agree to answer this grand challenge

    Following the Grammar

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    This document explains what it means to ``follow the grammar\u27\u27 for several different grammars. It is intended to be used in class that teach functional programming using Scheme, especially those used for teaching principles of programming languages. In such courses traversal is over abstract syntax tree is defined by a grammar are fundamental, since they are the technique used to write compilers and interpreters

    Pushdown Control-Flow Analysis for Free

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    Traditional control-flow analysis (CFA) for higher-order languages, whether implemented by constraint-solving or abstract interpretation, introduces spurious connections between callers and callees. Two distinct invocations of a function will necessarily pollute one another's return-flow. Recently, three distinct approaches have been published which provide perfect call-stack precision in a computable manner: CFA2, PDCFA, and AAC. Unfortunately, CFA2 and PDCFA are difficult to implement and require significant engineering effort. Furthermore, all three are computationally expensive; for a monovariant analysis, CFA2 is in O(2n)O(2^n), PDCFA is in O(n6)O(n^6), and AAC is in O(n9logn)O(n^9 log n). In this paper, we describe a new technique that builds on these but is both straightforward to implement and computationally inexpensive. The crucial insight is an unusual state-dependent allocation strategy for the addresses of continuation. Our technique imposes only a constant-factor overhead on the underlying analysis and, with monovariance, costs only O(n3) in the worst case. This paper presents the intuitions behind this development, a proof of the precision of this analysis, and benchmarks demonstrating its efficacy.Comment: in Proceedings of the 43rd Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 201
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