42,046 research outputs found

    A planned study of the impact of B2C logistics service quality on shopper satisfaction and loyalty

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    Purpose of the paper: This paper reports on an in-progress study of the impact of business to consumer (B2C) logistics service quality (LSQ) on in-store shopper satisfaction and loyalty. Methodology: A comparative research approach is being used across the UK, France and Germany to also investigate country-specific differences of consumer shopping behaviour and channel strategies. The first stage, in-line with a deliberate integrated supply chain approach, consists of structured in-depth interviews conducted with managers at the producer/retailer interface, e.g. producer category captains and retail category managers. This qualitative stage will be followed-up by a quantitative survey stage targeting consumers as shoppers to determine how their expectations of retail LSQ and associated activities influence their satisfaction and ongoing loyalty. Findings: A broad literature review has generated over 40 variables of interest for both LSQ and loyalty, and almost 10 variables of satisfaction. This study will contribute theoretically by considering a B2C setting for LSQ, which is the final aspect of point of origin to point-of-consumption, whereas most general LSQ literature and LSQ’s impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty has been dominated by business to business (B2B) designs from point-of-origin to point of sale, that is they assume consumer expectations are a given or a different domain. Research limitations: Although covering three major European grocery retail markets, this study might not be considered as representative, especially when adopting a world-wide perspective. Practical implications: As this study emphasises consequences of B2C LSQ on downstream or consumer satisfaction and loyalty, rather than considering the upstream origins of related problems that dominate extant research, it will contribute practically by providing managers with an understanding of the components of LSQ considered critical by consumers

    Channel switching behavior during the modernization of grocery retailing in Turkey

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    (a) Purpose: Considering the increasing competition and channel diversity due to retail modernization we aim to study the channel switching behavior progress in a long horizon and the customer-related factors as influencers of channel switching. (b) Design/Methodology/Approach: Major channel switching behaviors of households are analyzed during six years, using household panel data covering grocery purchases from supermarket, local market and traditional channels in Turkey. Household demographics and behavioral variables are induced from dataset and Logistic regression model is employed to measure the effects of customer-related variables on the probability of channel switching. (c) Findings: Traditional channel still keeps the highest loyal customer base in Turkey. Loyalty to both traditional channel and supermarkets decreases, while to local markets increases by time. Households loyal to traditional channel transfer either a small amount of their purchases to modern channels or make modern channels their major channel occasionally. In any case, there is a transition period experienced in Turkish grocery retail market. A multi-channel usage behavior or higher adoption to modern channel might me the result of this transition. (d) Research Limitations/Implications: Channel level analysis limits to define channel-related variables, such as price, place, product-variety specific to each channel format. Excluding these variables might explain partially the low explanatory power of the model. (e) Practical Implications: Analyzing channel-switching behavior, its progression and explaining determinants is important for retailers and producers in predicting the future of market structure, modern retail customer base and in designing the growth strategies. The variables influencing channel switching help to explain some barriers of modern retail development

    Orchestration of the Marketing Strategy under Competitive Dynamics

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    Constructing suitable marketing strategy and implementing it effectively is an art and science both like orchestration of a symphony. The discussion in this paper blends this analogy with the science of marketing demonstrating the levels of strategy development in a competitive marketplace. The paper presents the marketing-mix in contemporary context and argues that performance of a marketing firm can be maximized, when a firm develops a creative marketing strategy and achieves marketing strategy implementation effectiveness. The discussion in the paper reveals that marketing managers of different levels simultaneously operate within the firm and perceive the need for strategy development with varied preferences. A consequence of this is development of robust strategies and their effective implementation which, in turn, leads to increased market performance. Thus, it is important for researchers to investigate various strategy integration perspectives and this paper provides guidance by reviewing the existing literature.Marketing strategy, strategy integration, marketing-mix, customer value,strategy implementation, market competition, risk factors, brand building, customer centric strategy, routes to market

    An international study of the impact of B2C logistics service quality on shopper satisfaction and loyalty

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    Paper presented at 17th Toulon-Verona International Conference. This paper reports on an in-progress study of the impact of business to consumer (B2C) logistics service quality (LSQ) on in-store shopper satisfaction and loyalty. LSQ in this study is considered to be a holistic concept and not limited to specific dimensions and trade-offs, for example on-shelf availability versus out-of-stock situations. A comparative research approach is used across the UK, France and Germany to also investigate country-specific differences of consumer shopping behaviour and channel strategies. The first stage, in-line with a deliberate integrated supply chain approach, consists of structured in-depth interviews conducted with managers at the producer/retailer interface, e.g. producer category captains and retail category managers. This qualitative stage is being followed-up by a quantitative survey stage targeting consumers as shoppers to determine how their expectations of retail LSQ and associated activities influence their satisfaction and ongoing loyalty. This study will contribute theoretically by considering a B2C setting for LSQ, which is the final aspect of point of origin to point-of-consumption, whereas most general LSQ literature and LSQ’s impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty has been dominated by business to business (B2B) designs from point-of-origin to point of sale, that is they assume consumer expectations are a given or a different domain. Further, as this study emphasises consequences of B2C LSQ on downstream or consumer satisfaction and loyalty, rather than considering the upstream origins of related problems that dominate extant research, it will contribute practically by providing managers with an understanding of the components of LSQ considered critical by consumers

    Търговската марка като икономическа стойност и знак. Позиционирането като инструмент за създаване на отличимост

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    ABSTRACT: This article is dedicated on brand issues, especially on its role of economic value sign as well as social sign (symbol), and also comments the four main theories in marketing and advertising concerning communication positioning. РЕЗЮМЕ: Статията е посветена на проблемите на търговската марка и по-специално на нейната роля като икономически знак за стойност, както и като социален знак (символ); също така текстът обръща внимание на четирите основни теории, възприети в маркетинга и рекламата, които засягат комуникационното позициониране на брандовете

    Insurance Industry and E-Business

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    Perspectives of Small Retailers in the Organic Market: Customer Satisfaction and Customer Enthusiasm

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    Abstract. In this paper we discuss the impact of customer satisfaction and enthusiasm on the performance of small retailers in the organic food market. The analysis of customer satisfaction and shop data confirm essential economic effects. The study is based on 948 customer interviews and an analysis of management ratios of 12 organic food shops in Germany. The results show that customer satisfaction is a relevant key to sales performance. Regression analysis reveals that overall customer satisfaction accounts for 32 % of sales per square meter sales area. An additional factor analysis identifies service and product quality as main determinants of customer satisfaction. Consumers consider the freshness of fruit and vegetables as representative for the quality of the whole assortment. A correlation analysis demonstrates that customer enthusiasm is a more accurate factor in the recommendation of shops than customer satisfaction. The paper ends with managerial and scientific implications

    (Dis)loyalty in the German dairy industry: a supplier relationship management view ; empirical evidence and management implications

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    During the last decades there have been many empirical and theoretical attempts to approach the question of how to build and maintain stable, long-term relationships (Hennig- Thurau and Hansen, 2000; Andaleeb, 1996). In neoclassical analysis, one would typically argue that the decision to whom to deliver one's products or from whom to buy them is only based on price. The perception that the homo oeconomicus is no appropriate idea of man for the analysis of enduring business relationships, however, is not new (Heide, 1994). Today, it is widely accepted that behavioural aspects such as commitment and loyalty also play an important role in economic exchanges. --