4 research outputs found

    Multi-fidelity modelling approach for airline disruption management using simulation

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    Disruption to airline schedules is a key issue for the industry. There are various causes for disruption, ranging from weather events through to technical problems grounding aircraft. Delays can quickly propagate through a schedule, leading to high financial and reputational costs. Mitigating the impact of a disruption by adjusting the schedule is a high priority for the airlines. The problem involves rearranging aircraft, crew and passengers, often with large fleets and many uncertain elements. The multiple objectives, cost, delay and minimising schedule alterations, create a trade-off. In addition, the new schedule should be achievable without over-promising. This thesis considers the rescheduling of aircraft, the Aircraft Recovery Problem. The Aircraft Recovery Problem is well studied, though the literature mostly focusses on deterministic approaches, capable of modelling the complexity of the industry but with limited ability to capture the inherent uncertainty. Simulation offers a natural modelling framework, handling both the complexity and variability. However, the combinatorial aircraft allocation constraints are difficult for many simulation optimisation approaches, suggesting that a more tailored approach is required. This thesis proposes a two-stage multi-fidelity modelling approach, combining a low-fidelity Integer Program and a simulation. The deterministic Integer Program allocates aircraft to flights and gives an initial estimate of the delay of each flight. By solving in a multi-objective manner, it can quickly produce a set of promising solutions representing different trade-offs between disruption costs, total delay and the number of schedule alterations. The simulation is used to evaluate the candidate solutions and look for further local improvement. The aircraft allocation is fixed whilst a local search is performed over the flight delays, a continuous valued problem, aiming reduce costs. This is done by developing an adapted version of STRONG, a stochastic trust-region approach. The extension incorporates experimental design principles and projected gradient steps into STRONG to enable it to handle bound constraints. This method is demonstrated and evaluated with computational experiments on a set of disruptions with different fleet sizes and different numbers of disrupted aircraft. The results suggest that this multi-fidelity combination can produce good solutions to the Aircraft Recovery Problem. A more theoretical treatment of the extended trust-region simulation optimisation is also presented. The conditions under which a guarantee of the algorithm's asymptotic performance may be possible and a framework for proving these guarantees is presented. Some of the work towards this is discussed and we highlight where further work is required. This multi-fidelity approach could be used to implement a simulation-based decision support system for real-time disruption handling. The use of simulation for operational decisions raises the issue of how to evaluate a simulation-based tool and its predictions. It is argued that this is not a straightforward question of the real-world result being good or bad, as natural system variability can mask the results. This problem is formalised and a method is proposed for detecting systematic errors that could lead to poor decision making. The method is based on the Probability Integral Transformation using the simulation Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function and goodness of fit hypothesis tests for uniformity. This method is tested by applying it to the airline disruption problem previously discussed. Another simulation acts as a proxy real world, which deviates from the simulation in the runway service times. The results suggest that the method has high power when the deviations have a high impact on the performance measure of interest (more than 20%), but low power when the impact is less than 5%

    A type-2 fuzzy logic based goal-driven simulation for optimising field service delivery

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    This thesis develops an intelligent system capable of incorporating the conditions that drive operational activity while implementing the means to handle unexpected factors to protect business sustainability. This solution aims to optimise field service operations in the utility-based industry, especially within one of the world's leading communications services companies, namely BT (British Telecom), which operates in highly regulated and competitive markets. Notably, the telecommunication sector is an essential driver of economic activity. Consequently, intelligent solutions must incorporate the ability to explain their underlying algorithms that power their final decisions to humans. In this regard, this thesis studies the following research gaps: the lack of integrated solutions that go beyond isolated monolithic architectures, the lack of agile end-to-end frameworks for handling uncertainty while business targets are defined, current solutions that address target-oriented problems do not incorporate explainable methodologies; as a result, limited explainability features result in inapplicability for highly regulated industries, and most tools do not support scalability for real-world scenarios. Hence, the need for an integrated, intelligent solution to address these target-oriented simulation problems. This thesis aims to reduce the gaps mentioned above by exploiting fuzzy logic capabilities such as mimicking human thinking and handling uncertainty. Moreover, this thesis also finds support in the Explainable AI field, particularly in the strategies and characteristics to deploy more transparent intelligent solutions that humans can understand. Hence, these foundations support the thesis to unlock explainability, transparency and interpretability. This thesis develops a series of techniques with the following features: the formalisation of an end-to-end framework that dynamically learns form data, the implementation of a novel fuzzy membership correlation analysis approach to enhance performance, the development of a novel fuzzy logic-based method to evaluate the relevancy of inputs, the modelling of a robust optimisation method for operational sustainability in the telecommunications sector, the design of an agile modelling approach for scalability and consistency, the formalisation of a novel fuzzy-logic system for goal-driven simulation for achieving specific business targets before being implemented in real-life conditions, and a novel simulation environment that incorporates visual tools to enhance interpretability while moving from conventional simulation to a target-oriented model. The proposed tool was developed based on data from BT, reflecting their real-world operational conditions. The data was protected and anonymised in compliance with BT’s sharing of information regulations. The techniques presented in the development of this thesis yield significant improvements aligned to institutional targets. Precisely, as detailed in Section 9.5, the proposed system can model a reduction between 3.78% and 5.36% of footprint carbon emission due to travel times for jobs completion on customer premises for specific geographical areas. The proposed framework allows generating simulation scenarios 13 times faster than conventional approaches. As described in Section 9.6, these improvements contribute to increased productivity and customer satisfaction metrics regarding keeping appointment times, completing orders in the promised timeframe or fixing faults when agreed by an estimated 2.6%. The proposed tool allows to evaluate decisions before acting; as detailed in Section 9.7, this contributes to the ‘promoters’ minus ‘detractors’ across business units measure by an estimated 1%

    Online simulation for the operational management of inpatient beds

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    In many modern hospitals, resources such as beds, theatre time, medical equipment and staff are shared between patients who require immediate care and must be dealt with as they arrive (emergency patients), and those whose care requirements are known to the hospital some time in advance (elective patients). Caring for these two types of patients poses a logistical challenge, since some portion of each resource must be set aside for emergency patients when planning for the number and type of elective patients to admit. Failing to strike this balance can result in negative outcomes, such as patient-stays on non-ideal wards, or increased waiting time for elective procedures (in the case of public health services). The potential benefits of using discrete event simulation (DES) models in healthcare are well established, and they are often preferred to other modelling approaches because of their ability to emulate the randomness seen in real systems, at a level of detail which is necessary for models to be convincing. However, their use is often limited to strategic or tactical decision making, and few have attempted to produce models which can help hospitals with short-term (operational) decision making. This is where Online Discrete Event Simulation (ODES) can help. An ODES (also known as symbiotic simulation) takes all the components of a DES model, and adds the ability to load the state of the real system at run-time to make predictions about how the real system might evolve in the short-term. This thesis reports the development of a whole-hospital, proof-of-concept ODES to assess the impact of elective admissions decisions, on wards which are shared with emergency patients. The model is parameterised by analysing 18 months of patient administrative data from an Australian General Hospital. Since ODES is a relatively new method, this research focuses on formalising the model development process, resulting in a new “black-box” validation method for handling conditionally distributed simulation outputs. Additionally, a new probabilistic routing method is developed to better represent inter-ward dependencies during peaks in bed demand. A statistical analysis of the relationship between ward transfers and ward occupancy is conducted on real hospital data to parameterise so-called “Dynamic Transition Matrices” for this purpose. Finally, the ODES is used to demonstrate how additional patient-level information (which might only become available after admission) can affect the predicted bed census. Clinicians’ discharge date estimates fit this criterion, and the case is made for more scientific use of this type of information, as part of an operational ODES model