16 research outputs found

    Indian Monies and Welfare Eligibility

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    This article discusses the issues raised when Indians --- who are receiving federal or state welfare assistance -- receive claims judgment monies, lease or royalty payments from trust lands, and damage awards in actions brought by the United States on their behalf. The article concludes that conflict between the rights that an Indian has due to his Indian status and the rights that he has as a citizen are unavoidable and these benefits and burdens must be reconciled as well as they can

    Towards an organizational theory of hubris: symptoms, behaviours and social fields within finance and banking

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    Hubris has become a popular explanation for all kinds of business failure. It is often reduced to the one-dimensional notion of ‘over-confidence’, particularly on the part of CEOs. There is a need to clarify the extent to which other attitudes and behaviours constitute hubris, and how they are affected by such organisational dynamics as the struggle for power, status and material rewards between actors. This article explores these issues within the finance and banking sectors. It uses the Critical Incident Technique to identify behaviours associated with hubris and probes the interaction between them and the organisational contexts in which they occur. Five categories of behaviour based on an analysis of 101 incidents are described, as are a series of ‘inflection dynamics’ that reinforce the behaviours in question and constitute a social field conducive to hubris. I challenge the reductionist views that hubris is primarily a psychological state consisting mainly of ‘over-confidence’. This article seeks to complexify the term hubris and to develop an organisational rather than purely psychology theory of its emergence and institutionalisation within finance and banking

    Tapol bulletin no, 82, August 1987

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    Contents: Western powers stand by Indonesia's ailing economy -- East Timor: growing up in an Indonesian colony -- Birth control in East Timor -- Troubles hit transmigration site in Aceh -- West Papuan refugee interviewed III -- Usroh trials shift to Temanggung -- Villagers persecuted for defending land -- Prioritas banned -- Muslim casualty in Aceh -- Book review: Internal Affairs by Jill Tweedi

    Principle of application of the judge’s internal beliefs under the conditions of international rules of evidence and corruption factors

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    У системі стримувань і противаг судова влада є суттєвим елементом у забезпеченні захисту прав людини і громадянина, законності та верховенства права. Іржа судової влади неминуче призводить до градуювання вступних конституційних положень щодо сутності нашої держави та основних прав і свобод. Принципи правосуддя відіграють життєво важливу роль у здійсненні правосуддя. Правильна конструкція наведених принципів є запорукою адекватного правозастосування з дотриманням правових та етичних стандартів. Тому було приділено увагу одному з найбільш складних і неоднозначних принципів правосуддя – принципу внутрішнього переконання судді в момент прийняття пізнання. Окреслено складність реалізації зазначеного принципу в колегіальному судочинстві та його різні прояви та межі залежно від стандартів доказування в різних процесах: цивільному, господарському та кримінальному. Названо основні корупційні фактори, які можуть звести нанівець принцип реалізації внутрішнього переконання судді, та запропоновано дієві заходи протидії цим факторам.В системе сдержек и противовесов судебная власть является важным элементом обеспечения защиты прав человека и гражданина, законности и верховенства права. Ржавчина судебной власти неизбежно ведет к градации вводных конституционных положений о сущности нашего государства и основных правах и свободах. Принципы справедливости играют жизненно важную роль в отправлении правосудия. Правильное построение данных принципов является залогом адекватного правоприменения в соответствии с правовыми и этическими нормами. Именно поэтому было обращено внимание на один из самых сложных и неоднозначных принципов справедливости - принцип внутренних убеждений судьи в момент принятия познания. Обозначена сложность реализации данного принципа в коллегиальном процессе, различные его проявления и пределы в зависимости от стандартов доказывания в разных процессах: гражданском, хозяйственном, уголовном. Названы основные коррупционные факторы, способные отключить принцип реализации внутренних убеждений судьи, и предложены действенные меры по противодействию этим факторам.Under a system of checks and balances, judicial power is a significant element in ensuring the protection of human and civil rights, legitimacy, and the supremacy of law. The rust of judicial power inevitably leads to the grading of the introductory constitutional provisions on the essence of our state and the fundamental rights and freedoms. The principles of justice play a vital role in the administration of justice. Correct construction of the given principles is the key to adequate law enforcement following legal and ethical standards. That is why attention was paid to one of the most complex and ambiguous principles of justice - the principle of the judge’s inner beliefs at the time of cognition adoption. It outlined the complexity of the given principle’s implementation in a collegial trial and its various manifestations and limits depending on the standards of proof in different processes: civil, commercial, and criminal. The main corruption factors that can turn off the principle of a judge’s inner beliefs implementation were named, and effective measures to counteract these factors were propose

    Factors determining the formation of e-mail communities in a university class

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    This thesis is an attempt to explain some of the factors impacting on e-mail adoption and use in undergraduates. It is an extended case study, and therefore real world based, spanning eight years from 1993 to 2001, the population under scrutiny being five cohorts of undergraduates studying Psychology at a Scottish University. In a time of rapid technological advance, where computer experience is rising, access to computers is widespread, and IT training is compulsory for students in the institution under investigation, e-mail use has changed too. However, an unexpected drop in e-mail use during the 1996/97 session seemed to be atypical and led the original focus of the thesis away from individual differences such as computer experience, computer related attitudes, gender and personality, towards social and situational factors. Careful observation of the 1993/94 and 1994/95 cohorts’ e-mail behaviour, using surveys, e-mail logs, and examination of e-mail messages, provided insight into the unique nature of the e-mail environment for these groups. The final conclusions of the thesis are that what appeared to be small features of the e-mail system, and the nature of the computer laboratories where access was restricted to the class, provided the requirements for an e-mail community to form. Some significant results were found for individual differences, and these had some effect on the adoption of mail by the earliest users (those who really instigated the network) but a minimal effect on eventual e-mail use with the class. A group of enthusiastic e-mail users, with very little training in the system, began to mail either groups of classmates, or individuals, making use of the system’s list of class e-mail addresses, and the list of users logged on to the system. These were speculative messages to unknown recipients but they were to individuals the senders knew they had some common interest with as they were in the same social group (the class). The mail was mainly of a social nature, often almost synchronous, and obviously enjoyable to those who adopted the novel technology. The e-mail messages revealed evidence of ‘playfulness’ in the exchanges ranging from the use of nicknames in headers, signatures, and distribution of poetry, song lyrics, jokes and graphics. The class was large and forming e-mail relationships was one way of ‘meeting’ others. This behaviour was missing in the 1996/97 sample, when e-mail was not available in the computer laboratories. E-mail was available throughout the campus but the computer laboratory became a place for work only, and not for communication with classmates. In the 1999/00 and 2001/02 cohorts there is still no evidence of an electronic community forming in the class, despite even more computers being available for e-mail. Changeover to a university-wide e-mail system for students has removed the features that were so important to the formation of the network in the 1993/94 and 1994/95 cohorts

    Brian Simon and the Struggle for Education

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    This is the first full-length study of the life and career of Brian Simon (1915-2002), leading Marxist intellectual and historian of education in twentieth-century Britain. Using documentary sources that have only recently become publicly available, it reveals the remarkably broad range of Simon’s life as student, soldier and school teacher, Communist Party activist, and educational academic, campaigner and reformer. In a sympathetic biography that yet retains critical distance, the authors analyse Simon’s contribution to Marxism and the Communist Party. They explore the influence of both on his work as a historian of education and trace the significance of his Marxist beliefs, political associations and historical approach to the cause of educational reform. In so doing, they consider the full nature and limitations of Simon’s achievements in his struggle for education. Unlike many Marxist scholars he remained loyal to the Communist Party in the 1950s, which damaged his reputation as a public intellectual. Nevertheless, his support for comprehensive education helped to promote egalitarian educational reforms in Britain, although he was later unable to provide sufficient resistance to the 1988 Education Reform Act and to a decline in the position of the comprehensive schools. In all this, the significance of Simon’s family, and especially his relationship with his wife Joan is to the fore. Joan and Brian forged a formidable 60-year partnership, in politics and the Communist Party as well as in life, that lasted until Brian’s death in January 2002