1,194 research outputs found

    Provenance Views for Module Privacy

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    Scientific workflow systems increasingly store provenance information about the module executions used to produce a data item, as well as the parameter settings and intermediate data items passed between module executions. However, authors/owners of workflows may wish to keep some of this information confidential. In particular, a module may be proprietary, and users should not be able to infer its behavior by seeing mappings between all data inputs and outputs. The problem we address in this paper is the following: Given a workflow, abstractly modeled by a relation R, a privacy requirement \Gamma and costs associated with data. The owner of the workflow decides which data (attributes) to hide, and provides the user with a view R' which is the projection of R over attributes which have not been hidden. The goal is to minimize the cost of hidden data while guaranteeing that individual modules are \Gamma -private. We call this the "secureview" problem. We formally define the problem, study its complexity, and offer algorithmic solutions

    Privacy Issues in Scientific Workflow Provenance

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    A scientific workflow often deals with proprietary modules as well as private or confidential data, such as health or medical information. Hence providing exact answers to provenance queries over all executions of the workflow may reveal private information. In this paper we first study the potential privacy issues in a scientific workflow – module privacy, data privacy, and provenance privacy, and frame several natural questions: (i) can we formally analyze module, data or provenance privacy giving provable privacy guarantees for an unlimited/bounded number of provenance queries? (ii) how can we answer provenance queries, providing as much information as possible to the user while still guaranteeing the required privacy? Then we look at module privacy in detail and propose a formal model from our recent work in [11]. Finally we point to several directions for future work

    Viewpoint | Personal Data and the Internet of Things: It is time to care about digital provenance

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    The Internet of Things promises a connected environment reacting to and addressing our every need, but based on the assumption that all of our movements and words can be recorded and analysed to achieve this end. Ubiquitous surveillance is also a precondition for most dystopian societies, both real and fictional. How our personal data is processed and consumed in an ever more connected world must imperatively be made transparent, and more effective technical solutions than those currently on offer, to manage personal data must urgently be investigated.Comment: 3 pages, 0 figures, preprint for Communication of the AC

    On Anonymizing the Provenance of Collection-Based Workflows

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    We examine in this paper the problem of anonymizing the prove-nance of collection-oriented workflows, in which the constituent modules use and generate sets of data records. Despite their popularity , this kind of workflow has been overlooked in the literature w.r.t privacy. We, therefore, set out in this paper to examine the following questions: How the provenance of a collection-based module can be anonymized? Can lineage information be preserved? Beyond a single module, how can the provenance of a whole work-flow be anonymized? As well as addressing the above questions, we report on evaluation exercises that assess the effectiveness and efficiency of our solution. In particular, we tease apart the parameters that impact the quality of the obtained anonymized provenance information

    Scalable And Secure Provenance Querying For Scientific Workflows And Its Application In Autism Study

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    In the era of big data, scientific workflows have become essential to automate scientific experiments and guarantee repeatability. As both data and workflow increase in their scale, requirements for having a data lineage management system commensurate with the complexity of the workflow also become necessary, calling for new scalable storage, query, and analytics infrastructure. This system that manages and preserves the derivation history and morphosis of data, known as provenance system, is essential for maintaining quality and trustworthiness of data products and ensuring reproducibility of scientific discoveries. With a flurry of research and increased adoption of scientific workflows in processing sensitive data, i.e., health and medication domain, securing information flow and instrumenting access privileges in the system have become a fundamental precursor to deploying large-scale scientific workflows. That has become more important now since today team of scientists around the world can collaborate on experiments using globally distributed sensitive data sources. Hence, it has become imperative to augment scientific workflow systems as well as the underlying provenance management systems with data security protocols. Provenance systems, void of data security protocol, are susceptible to vulnerability. In this dissertation research, we delineate how scientific workflows can improve therapeutic practices in autism spectrum disorders. The data-intensive computation inherent in these workflows and sensitive nature of the data, necessitate support for scalable, parallel and robust provenance queries and secured view of data. With that in perspective, we propose OPQLPigOPQL^{Pig}, a parallel, robust, reliable and scalable provenance query language and introduce the concept of access privilege inheritance in the provenance systems. We characterize desirable properties of role-based access control protocol in scientific workflows and demonstrate how the qualities are integrated into the workflow provenance systems as well. Finally, we describe how these concepts fit within the DATAVIEW workflow management system

    Abstracting PROV provenance graphs:A validity-preserving approach

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    Data provenance is a structured form of metadata designed to record the activities and datasets involved in data production, as well as their dependency relationships. The PROV data model, released by the W3C in 2013, defines a schema and constraints that together provide a structural and semantic foundation for provenance. This enables the interoperable exchange of provenance between data producers and consumers. When the provenance content is sensitive and subject to disclosure restrictions, however, a way of hiding parts of the provenance in a principled way before communicating it to certain parties is required. In this paper we present a provenance abstraction operator that achieves this goal. It maps a graphical representation of a PROV document PG1 to a new abstract version PG2, ensuring that (i) PG2 is a valid PROV graph, and (ii) the dependencies that appear in PG2 are justified by those that appear in PG1. These two properties ensure that further abstraction of abstract PROV graphs is possible. A guiding principle of the work is that of minimum damage: the resultant graph is altered as little as possible, while ensuring that the two properties are maintained. The operator developed is implemented as part of a user tool, described in a separate paper, that lets owners of sensitive provenance information control the abstraction by specifying an abstraction policy.</p

    AiiDA: Automated Interactive Infrastructure and Database for Computational Science

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    Computational science has seen in the last decades a spectacular rise in the scope, breadth, and depth of its efforts. Notwithstanding this prevalence and impact, it is often still performed using the renaissance model of individual artisans gathered in a workshop, under the guidance of an established practitioner. Great benefits could follow instead from adopting concepts and tools coming from computer science to manage, preserve, and share these computational efforts. We illustrate here our paradigm sustaining such vision, based around the four pillars of Automation, Data, Environment, and Sharing. We then discuss its implementation in the open-source AiiDA platform (http://www.aiida.net), that has been tuned first to the demands of computational materials science. AiiDA's design is based on directed acyclic graphs to track the provenance of data and calculations, and ensure preservation and searchability. Remote computational resources are managed transparently, and automation is coupled with data storage to ensure reproducibility. Last, complex sequences of calculations can be encoded into scientific workflows. We believe that AiiDA's design and its sharing capabilities will encourage the creation of social ecosystems to disseminate codes, data, and scientific workflows.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figure
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