12,956 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Many-objective Optimization of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Control: From General Optimization to Preference Articulation

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    Many real-world optimization problems have more than three objectives, which has triggered increasing research interest in developing efficient and effective evolutionary algorithms for solving many-objective optimization problems. However, most many-objective evolutionary algorithms have only been evaluated on benchmark test functions and few applied to real-world optimization problems. To move a step forward, this paper presents a case study of solving a many-objective hybrid electric vehicle controller design problem using three state-of-the-art algorithms, namely, a decomposition based evolutionary algorithm (MOEA/D), a non-dominated sorting based genetic algorithm (NSGA-III), and a reference vector guided evolutionary algorithm (RVEA). We start with a typical setting aiming at approximating the Pareto front without introducing any user preferences. Based on the analyses of the approximated Pareto front, we introduce a preference articulation method and embed it in the three evolutionary algorithms for identifying solutions that the decision-maker prefers. Our experimental results demonstrate that by incorporating user preferences into many-objective evolutionary algorithms, we are not only able to gain deep insight into the trade-off relationships between the objectives, but also to achieve high-quality solutions reflecting the decision-maker’s preferences. In addition, our experimental results indicate that each of the three algorithms examined in this work has its unique advantages that can be exploited when applied to the optimization of real-world problems

    A Hierachical Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization in IMRT

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    Purpose: Current inverse planning methods for IMRT are limited because they are not designed to explore the trade-offs between the competing objectives between the tumor and normal tissues. Our goal was to develop an efficient multiobjective optimization algorithm that was flexible enough to handle any form of objective function and that resulted in a set of Pareto optimal plans. Methods: We developed a hierarchical evolutionary multiobjective algorithm designed to quickly generate a diverse Pareto optimal set of IMRT plans that meet all clinical constraints and reflect the trade-offs in the plans. The top level of the hierarchical algorithm is a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA). The genes of the individuals generated in the MOEA are the parameters that define the penalty function minimized during an accelerated deterministic IMRT optimization that represents the bottom level of the hierarchy. The MOEA incorporates clinical criteria to restrict the search space through protocol objectives and then uses Pareto optimality among the fitness objectives to select individuals. Results: Acceleration techniques implemented on both levels of the hierarchical algorithm resulted in short, practical runtimes for optimizations. The MOEA improvements were evaluated for example prostate cases with one target and two OARs. The modified MOEA dominated 11.3% of plans using a standard genetic algorithm package. By implementing domination advantage and protocol objectives, small diverse populations of clinically acceptable plans that were only dominated 0.2% by the Pareto front could be generated in a fraction of an hour. Conclusions: Our MOEA produces a diverse Pareto optimal set of plans that meet all dosimetric protocol criteria in a feasible amount of time. It optimizes not only beamlet intensities but also objective function parameters on a patient-specific basis

    An adaptation reference-point-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.It is well known that maintaining a good balance between convergence and diversity is crucial to the performance of multiobjective optimization algorithms (MOEAs). However, the Pareto front (PF) of multiobjective optimization problems (MOPs) affects the performance of MOEAs, especially reference point-based ones. This paper proposes a reference-point-based adaptive method to study the PF of MOPs according to the candidate solutions of the population. In addition, the proportion and angle function presented selects elites during environmental selection. Compared with five state-of-the-art MOEAs, the proposed algorithm shows highly competitive effectiveness on MOPs with six complex characteristics

    Automating control system design via a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm

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    This chapter presents a performance-prioritized computer aided control system design (CACSD) methodology using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. The evolutionary CACSD approach unifies different control laws in both the time and frequency domains based upon performance satisfactions, without the need of aggregating different design criteria into a compromise function. It is shown that control engineers' expertise as well as settings on goal or priority for different preference on each performance requirement can be easily included and modified on-line according to the evolving trade-offs, which makes the controller design interactive, transparent and simple for real-time implementation. Advantages of the evolutionary CACSD methodology are illustrated upon a non-minimal phase plant control system, which offer a set of low-order Pareto optimal controllers satisfying all the conflicting performance requirements in the face of system constraints

    An evolutionary algorithm with double-level archives for multiobjective optimization

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    Existing multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) tackle a multiobjective problem either as a whole or as several decomposed single-objective sub-problems. Though the problem decomposition approach generally converges faster through optimizing all the sub-problems simultaneously, there are two issues not fully addressed, i.e., distribution of solutions often depends on a priori problem decomposition, and the lack of population diversity among sub-problems. In this paper, a MOEA with double-level archives is developed. The algorithm takes advantages of both the multiobjective-problemlevel and the sub-problem-level approaches by introducing two types of archives, i.e., the global archive and the sub-archive. In each generation, self-reproduction with the global archive and cross-reproduction between the global archive and sub-archives both breed new individuals. The global archive and sub-archives communicate through cross-reproduction, and are updated using the reproduced individuals. Such a framework thus retains fast convergence, and at the same time handles solution distribution along Pareto front (PF) with scalability. To test the performance of the proposed algorithm, experiments are conducted on both the widely used benchmarks and a set of truly disconnected problems. The results verify that, compared with state-of-the-art MOEAs, the proposed algorithm offers competitive advantages in distance to the PF, solution coverage, and search speed
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