2,052 research outputs found

    Consensus-Based Group Task Assignment with Social Impact in Spatial Crowdsourcing

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    Abstract With the pervasiveness of GPS-enabled smart devices and increased wireless communication technologies, spatial crowdsourcing (SC) has drawn increasing attention in assigning location-sensitive tasks to moving workers. In real-world scenarios, for the complex tasks, SC is more likely to assign each task to more than one worker, called group task assignment (GTA), for the reason that an individual worker cannot complete the task well by herself. It is a challenging issue to assign worker groups the tasks that they are interested in and willing to perform. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for group task assignment based on worker groups’ preferences, which includes two components: social impact-based preference modeling (SIPM) and preference-aware group task assignment (PGTA). SIPM employs a bipartite graph embedding model and the attention mechanism to learn the social impact-based preferences of different worker groups on different task categories. PGTA utilizes an optimal task assignment algorithm based on the tree decomposition technique to maximize the overall task assignments, in which we give higher priorities to the worker groups showing more interests in the tasks. We further optimize the original framework by proposing strategies to improve the effectiveness of group task assignment, wherein a deep learning method and the group consensus are taken into consideration. Extensive empirical studies verify that the proposed techniques and optimization strategies can settle the problem nicely

    Preference-aware Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing:from Individuals to Groups

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    Context-Aware Hierarchical Online Learning for Performance Maximization in Mobile Crowdsourcing

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    In mobile crowdsourcing (MCS), mobile users accomplish outsourced human intelligence tasks. MCS requires an appropriate task assignment strategy, since different workers may have different performance in terms of acceptance rate and quality. Task assignment is challenging, since a worker's performance (i) may fluctuate, depending on both the worker's current personal context and the task context, (ii) is not known a priori, but has to be learned over time. Moreover, learning context-specific worker performance requires access to context information, which may not be available at a central entity due to communication overhead or privacy concerns. Additionally, evaluating worker performance might require costly quality assessments. In this paper, we propose a context-aware hierarchical online learning algorithm addressing the problem of performance maximization in MCS. In our algorithm, a local controller (LC) in the mobile device of a worker regularly observes the worker's context, her/his decisions to accept or decline tasks and the quality in completing tasks. Based on these observations, the LC regularly estimates the worker's context-specific performance. The mobile crowdsourcing platform (MCSP) then selects workers based on performance estimates received from the LCs. This hierarchical approach enables the LCs to learn context-specific worker performance and it enables the MCSP to select suitable workers. In addition, our algorithm preserves worker context locally, and it keeps the number of required quality assessments low. We prove that our algorithm converges to the optimal task assignment strategy. Moreover, the algorithm outperforms simpler task assignment strategies in experiments based on synthetic and real data.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    e-Uber\textit{e-Uber}: A Crowdsourcing Platform for Electric Vehicle-based Ride- and Energy-sharing

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    The sharing-economy-based business model has recently seen success in the transportation and accommodation sectors with companies like Uber and Airbnb. There is growing interest in applying this model to energy systems, with modalities like peer-to-peer (P2P) Energy Trading, Electric Vehicles (EV)-based Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G), Vehicle-to-Home (V2H), Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), and Battery Swapping Technology (BST). In this work, we exploit the increasing diffusion of EVs to realize a crowdsourcing platform called e-Uber that jointly enables ride-sharing and energy-sharing through V2G and BST. e-Uber exploits spatial crowdsourcing, reinforcement learning, and reverse auction theory. Specifically, the platform uses reinforcement learning to understand the drivers' preferences towards different ride-sharing and energy-sharing tasks. Based on these preferences, a personalized list is recommended to each driver through CMAB-based Algorithm for task Recommendation System (CARS). Drivers bid on their preferred tasks in their list in a reverse auction fashion. Then e-Uber solves the task assignment optimization problem that minimizes cost and guarantees V2G energy requirement. We prove that this problem is NP-hard and introduce a bipartite matching-inspired heuristic, Bipartite Matching-based Winner selection (BMW), that has polynomial time complexity. Results from experiments using real data from NYC taxi trips and energy consumption show that e-Uber performs close to the optimum and finds better solutions compared to a state-of-the-art approachComment: Preprint, under revie

    SMAP: A Novel Heterogeneous Information Framework for Scenario-based Optimal Model Assignment

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    The increasing maturity of big data applications has led to a proliferation of models targeting the same objectives within the same scenarios and datasets. However, selecting the most suitable model that considers model's features while taking specific requirements and constraints into account still poses a significant challenge. Existing methods have focused on worker-task assignments based on crowdsourcing, they neglect the scenario-dataset-model assignment problem. To address this challenge, a new problem named the Scenario-based Optimal Model Assignment (SOMA) problem is introduced and a novel framework entitled Scenario and Model Associative percepts (SMAP) is developed. SMAP is a heterogeneous information framework that can integrate various types of information to intelligently select a suitable dataset and allocate the optimal model for a specific scenario. To comprehensively evaluate models, a new score function that utilizes multi-head attention mechanisms is proposed. Moreover, a novel memory mechanism named the mnemonic center is developed to store the matched heterogeneous information and prevent duplicate matching. Six popular traffic scenarios are selected as study cases and extensive experiments are conducted on a dataset to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of SMAP and the score function

    Preference-aware task assignment in on-demand taxi dispatching: An online stable matching approach

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    A central issue in on-demand taxi dispatching platforms is task assignment, which designs matching policies among dynamically arrived drivers (workers) and passengers (tasks). Previous matching policies maximize the profit of the platform without considering the preferences of workers and tasks (e.g., workers may prefer high-rewarding tasks while tasks may prefer nearby workers). Such ignorance of preferences impairs user experience and will decrease the profit of the platform in the long run. To address this problem, we propose preference-aware task assignment using online stable matching. Specifically, we define a new model, Online Stable Matching under Known Identical Independent Distributions (OSM-KIID). It not only maximizes the expected total profits (OBJ-1), but also tries to satisfy the preferences among workers and tasks by minimizing the expected total number of blocking pairs (OBJ-2). The model also features a practical arrival assumption validated on real-world dataset. Furthermore, we present a linear program based online algorithm LP-ALG, which achieves an online ratio of at least 1−1/e on OBJ-1 and has at most 0.6·|E| blocking pairs expectedly, where |E| is the total number of edges in the compatible graph. We also show that a natural Greedy can have an arbitrarily bad performance on OBJ-1 while maintaining around 0.5·|E| blocking pairs. Evaluations on both synthetic and real datasets confirm our theoretical analysis and demonstrate that LP-ALG strictly dominates all the baselines on both objectives when tasks notably outnumber workers

    A survey of spatial crowdsourcing

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