12 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the Belgian-Dutch IABSE Young Engineers Colloquium 2019:YEC2019

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    The proceedings contain 35 papers. The topics discussed include: fatigue monitoring of railway bridges by means of virtual sensing; steel-supported glazed atrium roof between two adjacent existing buildings; the Boekelose bridge: an innovative structure; case study of rail-bridge interaction of a large span railway viaduct in riga; probabilistic approach to evaluate fatigue safety status in steel railway bridges; buckling design approach for unstiffened curved plates in uniform shear; finite element modeling of residual welding stresses in an orthotropic steel bridge component; uniformly loaded tensegrity bridge design via morphological indicators method; tensile and shear resistance of bolted connectors in steel-FRP hybrid beams; and parametric analysis of rib distortion induced stress concentration at rib-to-crossbeam joint.</p

    Workshop on Lunar Breccias and Soils and Their Meteoritic analogs

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    Lunar soils and breccia studies are used in studying the evolution of meteorite parent bodies. These studies are compared to lunar soils and breccias

    Electromagnetic and thermal modelling for prognosis of distribution transformer

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    Master's thesis Renewable Energy ENE500 - University of Agder 2018In this thesis numerical modelling of electromagnetics and thermodynamic of a distribution transformer was studied. The model is based on two 5 MVA three phase distribution transformers located in Uleberg (Norway) owned by Agder Energi. The results include magnetic flux density in the core, current density, heat loss density and temperature distribution in the transformer. The maximum temperature of the transformer operating at full load with cooling fans turned on and ambient temperature 20 C, reached the expected value based on temperature measurements from the transformers in Uleberg provided by Agder Energi. The results of the transformer operating at these condition were as a reference for the other simulations. The transformer model was simulated at different ambient temperatures and when the cooling fans were turned off. The effect of heat transfer by radiation and uniform current density were also investigated. The results of temperature of different operating condition were used to prognose the ageing rate of the transformer's paper insulation. The measurement data provided by Agder Energi was processed in Excel, and the numerical modelling was executed in Comsol Multyphysics.

    Avances en modelos espacio-estado para el análisis de movimiento y comportamiento animal

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    La forma en que se mueven los animales es de gran interés en ecología, ya que afecta a la mayoría de los procesos ecológicos y evolutivos. Analizar estos procesos, implica estudiar sistemas que varían en el espacio y el tiempo a distintas escalas temporales y con distintos niveles de dependencia. Nuevas tecnologías han revolucionado la forma de estudiar y monitorear el movimiento de animales, su comportamiento, y su relación con el medio ambiente, llevando a la necesidad de desarrollar nuevas metodologías estadísticas. Bajo el contexto de modelos espacio-estado (MEE) y utilizando perspectiva Bayesiana, en esta tesis buscamos dar respuestas a este problema. Presentamos un MEE que permite describir trayectorias formulando el proceso de movimiento a tiempo continuo y la observación a tiempo discreto. Usando Modelos Ocultos de Markov, clasificamos datos temporales de aceleración en distintos comportamientos. Por ´ultimo, consideramos el error de las observaciones ambientales para describir trayectorias según la selección de recursos disponibles. Los resultados obtenidos resaltan la importancia de contar con modelos adecuados que permitan describir e interpretar correctamente estos sistemas y diagramar practicas de manejo apropiadas. Evidenciamos cómo la escala a la que los animales toman las decisiones de movimiento debe tenerse en cuenta a la hora de diseñar protocolos de colecta de datos y, que no siempre es necesario contar con datos de alta frecuencia para tener buenas estimaciones de ciertos procesos de movimiento. Además mostramos cómo el efecto del error en las observaciones ambientales puede sesgar las estimaciones de los análisis llevando a conclusiones erróneasRuiz Suarez, Sofia. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Estadística; Argentin

    Probabilistic Graphical Modelling for Software Product Lines: A Frameweork for Modeling and Reasoning under Uncertainty

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    This work provides a holistic investigation into the realm of feature modeling within software product lines. The work presented identifies limitations and challenges within the current feature modeling approaches. Those limitations include, but not limited to, the dearth of satisfactory cognitive presentation, inconveniency in scalable systems, inflexibility in adapting changes, nonexistence of predictability of models behavior, as well as the lack of probabilistic quantification of model’s implications and decision support for reasoning under uncertainty. The work in this thesis addresses these challenges by proposing a series of solutions. The first solution is the construction of a Bayesian Belief Feature Model, which is a novel modeling approach capable of quantifying the uncertainty measures in model parameters by a means of incorporating probabilistic modeling with a conventional modeling approach. The Bayesian Belief feature model presents a new enhanced feature modeling approach in terms of truth quantification and visual expressiveness. The second solution takes into consideration the unclear support for the reasoning under the uncertainty process, and the challenging constraint satisfaction problem in software product lines. This has been done through the development of a mathematical reasoner, which was designed to satisfy the model constraints by considering probability weight for all involved parameters and quantify the actual implications of the problem constraints. The developed Uncertain Constraint Satisfaction Problem approach has been tested and validated through a set of designated experiments. Profoundly stating, the main contributions of this thesis include the following: • Develop a framework for probabilistic graphical modeling to build the purported Bayesian belief feature model. • Extend the model to enhance visual expressiveness throughout the integration of colour degree variation; in which the colour varies with respect to the predefined probabilistic weights. • Enhance the constraints satisfaction problem by the uncertainty measuring of the parameters truth assumption. • Validate the developed approach against different experimental settings to determine its functionality and performance

    Contact lens platforms for ocular health monitoring

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    As of today, the World Health Organization (WHO) counts millions of cases of preventable blindness every year in high income countries, attributed to the lack of early-stage ophthalmic screening technologies. Contemporary methods rely on bulky and costly equipment exclusively operated by specialized clinicians, resulting in a medical approach based on reaction over prevention. A possible approach results from a literature survey on the tear fluid properties, which revealed its potential to be used as a diagnostic medium. However, existing tear sampling technologies lack practicality, and introduce a high contamination risk of tear samples

    Towards a philosophy of theatre inspired by Aristotle’s poetics and post-structuralist aesthetics in relation to three South African plays

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    I have attempted a reading of Aristotle in terms of mimesis, ethos, mythos, lexis, hamartia, anagnorisis, peripeteia, catharsis and anamnesis - as an existential “being there” (Dasein) of the characters’ freedom and actual historicity - in three of my plays in which I performed or witnessed in productions in England, Wales, three Scandinavian countries, the U.S. and South Africa. I have analysed other Southern African “womanist” performative drama and feminist theatre. I assume with the ancient Greeks that in serious theatre there is theoria, an educated, discursive looking, which involves a dialectics of logos in dianoia intertwined in the mythos – ethical truth in the discourse of the plot. Whilst aesthetics cannot be reduced to psychobiography, creative writing is motivated in part by the author’s and the dramatic subjects’ psychoanalytically understood personal and political unconscious placed in the ethos – the character on the stage. The aesthetics of tragedy relate to both peripeteia (reversals) and anagnorisis (recognition of responsibility) which occur within an arc of development, crisis and denouement of the vicissitudes of purported wisdom in understanding how performative drama and critical theatre have been presented in what has become known as The Struggle in a post-apartheid South Africa and post-colonial Zimbabwe by comparison with historical conditions in South America, India, even China. The values of nous, phronesis and sophia, intuitive, practical and interpretative wisdom are connected to the Nicomachean and Eudemian Ethics with which the tragic-comic hero and his Other are imbued or violate. The post-structuralist aesthetic as developed in the literary theory of the twentieth century is essentially the interaction of synchronic and diachronic language emerging from the signifiance and the semiosis of the chora (the feminine or maternal unconscious) within the de-familarisation techniques of Russian and Czech Formalism. This provides a creative and meaningful limit to a consciousness of being-white and beingblack- in-the-world against disempowering Nothingness or perceived Otherness threatening moral beings. Nothingness and the Other are characterised magically and as witch-craft in oral-cultures which deny the unconscious and resort to paranoia and persecution of Otherness in the subject projected onto the other – the “colonial personality”. Shades of Brown has been re-written as Jannie Veldsman – A Film 8 Scenario and I have incorporated into a revised The Cape Orchard a retrospective anticipation of the coming of the new South Africa. I reflect on what tragic drama on the stage and in real life in South Africa means now that the new South Africa is over its honeymoon period and faces serious problems of failed governance. Within the dialectic of an enlightened rabbinical morality of Hillel the Elder (“What is hateful to you do not do to others….” and “If I am not for myself who will be for me…?”) and Kant’s categorical imperative of human beings as a priori ends, I follow the fortunes of an old Jewish veteran of The Struggle, dating back to the Defiance Campaign of 1952/3. Fugard’s work is exemplary in fostering a sense of Sartre’s Nothingness and nihilation which “haunts” Being and is the space of undecidability in relation to my condition of freedom allowing the transcendence of Being. Being asserts reparation and redemption in the face of the depressive and paranoid subject/object split in the subject’s being-in-the-world. Plays ideally submerge this existentialist, psychoanalytic and Aristotelian dramaturgy in the form of Kierkegaard’s faith and Nietzsche’s will which are part of the Encompassing in Karl Jasper’s metaphysics - the residue of a Judaeo-Christian ethics facing the anomie and aporia of the postmodern. The new South Africa was only ostensibly built on Greek and Judaeo- Christian secular ethics – “truth and reconciliation”. It inherited state, revolutionary and criminal violence, as well as a sophisticated economic infrastructure, masspoverty and a segregated educational, social and welfare system which in the milieu of ANC incompetence and corruption have for the very poor got worse but to the benefit of a new African oligarchy, the beneficiaries of a dysfunctional affirmative action policy. What is to be done? Irigaray’s striking metaphor “the speculum of the Other woman” suggests that we are reflected by the instrument we use for investigating what may be Other to us: “we” are westerners trying to live in Africa. “We” are Other – not as autochthonous as the African majority. But the autochthonous can also behave as Other and may even fail to recognise the Other in themselves. Franz Fanon’s “colonial personality”, like ex-president Thabo Mbeki, misunderstands the colonial Other in himself which, disastrously, he projects and attacks in the imaginary and persecutory Other, only to suffer the return of the Real, as do the dramatic fictions Van Tonder in Shades of Brown, Dianne Cupido in The Cape Orchard and Harry Grossman the old man’s son in The Zulu and the Zeide (inspired by a short story by Dan Jacobson). 9 The Russian and Czech Formalists and Structuralists show us how to foreground the Real through techniques of de-familiarisation which can be applied to modernist and post-modernist “womanist” performance drama and feminist theatre. Defamilarisation, especially in an Africa struggling between failed and successful colonialism and often ruled by more or less corrupt elites, sensitizes us to a moral nihilism which characterises the failed African state - described by Conrad as a “heart of darkness” transcended in aletheia – being oneself in the self-showing light of one’s ethos operating through a personal and political unconscious mystified in the rhetoric of oral-cultures. Playwrights such as Yael Farber, Fraser Grace, Aletta Bezuidenhout and Fatima Dike express a semiosis of the unconscious and the signifiance and “absurdity” of logos suggesting that all is not lost in post-apartheid Southern Africa as regards human values, whilst struggling with the political correctness demanded in The Struggle. A partially successful colonialism in parts of Africa could within a British education system, produce a Wole Soyinka who transcends the propaganda of agit-prop by showing the parabolic arc of tragedy afflicted with peripeteia. The weight of African backwardness is not only the negative heritage of colonialism and slavery but Africa’s immersion in traditional partially modernised, but still patriarchal, often tribally and religiously split oral-cultures. These enable the colonial personality to unconsciously or opportunistically exploit his paranoiac sense of his victimage at the expense of the writing-cultures of development which entail anamnesis and the redemption through anagnorisis

    T.J.T., Inc. v. Mori Clerk\u27s Record v. 1 Dckt. 35079

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