92,394 research outputs found

    Topological Feature Based Classification

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    There has been a lot of interest in developing algorithms to extract clusters or communities from networks. This work proposes a method, based on blockmodelling, for leveraging communities and other topological features for use in a predictive classification task. Motivated by the issues faced by the field of community detection and inspired by recent advances in Bayesian topic modelling, the presented model automatically discovers topological features relevant to a given classification task. In this way, rather than attempting to identify some universal best set of clusters for an undefined goal, the aim is to find the best set of clusters for a particular purpose. Using this method, topological features can be validated and assessed within a given context by their predictive performance. The proposed model differs from other relational and semi-supervised learning models as it identifies topological features to explain the classification decision. In a demonstration on a number of real networks the predictive capability of the topological features are shown to rival the performance of content based relational learners. Additionally, the model is shown to outperform graph-based semi-supervised methods on directed and approximately bipartite networks.Comment: Awarded 3rd Best Student Paper at 14th International Conference on Information Fusion 201

    A nonparametric Bayesian approach toward robot learning by demonstration

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    In the past years, many authors have considered application of machine learning methodologies to effect robot learning by demonstration. Gaussian mixture regression (GMR) is one of the most successful methodologies used for this purpose. A major limitation of GMR models concerns automatic selection of the proper number of model states, i.e., the number of model component densities. Existing methods, including likelihood- or entropy-based criteria, usually tend to yield noisy model size estimates while imposing heavy computational requirements. Recently, Dirichlet process (infinite) mixture models have emerged in the cornerstone of nonparametric Bayesian statistics as promising candidates for clustering applications where the number of clusters is unknown a priori. Under this motivation, to resolve the aforementioned issues of GMR-based methods for robot learning by demonstration, in this paper we introduce a nonparametric Bayesian formulation for the GMR model, the Dirichlet process GMR model. We derive an efficient variational Bayesian inference algorithm for the proposed model, and we experimentally investigate its efficacy as a robot learning by demonstration methodology, considering a number of demanding robot learning by demonstration scenarios

    Combining Self-Supervised Learning and Imitation for Vision-Based Rope Manipulation

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    Manipulation of deformable objects, such as ropes and cloth, is an important but challenging problem in robotics. We present a learning-based system where a robot takes as input a sequence of images of a human manipulating a rope from an initial to goal configuration, and outputs a sequence of actions that can reproduce the human demonstration, using only monocular images as input. To perform this task, the robot learns a pixel-level inverse dynamics model of rope manipulation directly from images in a self-supervised manner, using about 60K interactions with the rope collected autonomously by the robot. The human demonstration provides a high-level plan of what to do and the low-level inverse model is used to execute the plan. We show that by combining the high and low-level plans, the robot can successfully manipulate a rope into a variety of target shapes using only a sequence of human-provided images for direction.Comment: 8 pages, accepted to International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 201

    A Neural, Interactive-predictive System for Multimodal Sequence to Sequence Tasks

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    We present a demonstration of a neural interactive-predictive system for tackling multimodal sequence to sequence tasks. The system generates text predictions to different sequence to sequence tasks: machine translation, image and video captioning. These predictions are revised by a human agent, who introduces corrections in the form of characters. The system reacts to each correction, providing alternative hypotheses, compelling with the feedback provided by the user. The final objective is to reduce the human effort required during this correction process. This system is implemented following a client-server architecture. For accessing the system, we developed a website, which communicates with the neural model, hosted in a local server. From this website, the different tasks can be tackled following the interactive-predictive framework. We open-source all the code developed for building this system. The demonstration in hosted in http://casmacat.prhlt.upv.es/interactive-seq2seq.Comment: ACL 2019 - System demonstration

    Uncertainty Aware Learning from Demonstrations in Multiple Contexts using Bayesian Neural Networks

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    Diversity of environments is a key challenge that causes learned robotic controllers to fail due to the discrepancies between the training and evaluation conditions. Training from demonstrations in various conditions can mitigate---but not completely prevent---such failures. Learned controllers such as neural networks typically do not have a notion of uncertainty that allows to diagnose an offset between training and testing conditions, and potentially intervene. In this work, we propose to use Bayesian Neural Networks, which have such a notion of uncertainty. We show that uncertainty can be leveraged to consistently detect situations in high-dimensional simulated and real robotic domains in which the performance of the learned controller would be sub-par. Also, we show that such an uncertainty based solution allows making an informed decision about when to invoke a fallback strategy. One fallback strategy is to request more data. We empirically show that providing data only when requested results in increased data-efficiency.Comment: Copyright 20XX IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work