180 research outputs found

    Review of Anaerobic Digestion Modeling and Optimization Using Nature-Inspired Techniques

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    Although it is a well-researched topic, the complexity, time for process stabilization, and economic factors related to anaerobic digestion call for simulation of the process offline with the help of computer models. Nature-inspired techniques are a recently developed branch of artificial intelligence wherein knowledge is transferred from natural systems to engineered systems. For soft computing applications, nature-inspired techniques have several advantages, including scope for parallel computing, dynamic behavior, and self-organization. This paper presents a comprehensive review of such techniques and their application in anaerobic digestion modeling. We compiled and synthetized the literature on the applications of nature-inspired techniques applied to anaerobic digestion. These techniques provide a balance between diversity and speed of arrival at the optimal solution, which has stimulated their use in anaerobic digestion modeling

    Predicting organic acid concentration from UV/vis spectrometry measurements – A comparison of machine learning techniques

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    The concentration of organic acids in anaerobic digesters is one of the most critical parameters for monitoring and advanced control of anaerobic digestion processes. Thus, a reliable online-measurement system is absolutely necessary. A novel approach to obtaining these measurements indirectly and online using UV/vis spectroscopic probes, in conjunction with powerful pattern recognition methods, is presented in this paper. An UV/vis spectroscopic probe from S::CAN is used in combination with a custom-built dilution system to monitor the absorption of fully fermented sludge at a spectrum from 200 to 750 nm. Advanced pattern recognition methods are then used to map the non-linear relationship between measured absorption spectra to laboratory measurements of organic acid concentrations. Linear discriminant analysis, generalized discriminant analysis (GerDA), support vector machines (SVM), relevance vector machines, random forest and neural networks are investigated for this purpose and their performance compared. To validate the approach, online measurements have been taken at a full-scale 1.3-MW industrial biogas plant. Results show that whereas some of the methods considered do not yield satisfactory results, accurate prediction of organic acid concentration ranges can be obtained with both GerDA and SVM-based classifiers, with classification rates in excess of 87% achieved on test data

    Predicting organic acid concentration from UV/vis spectrometry measurements – A comparison of machine learning techniques

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    The concentration of organic acids in anaerobic digesters is one of the most critical parameters for monitoring and advanced control of anaerobic digestion processes. Thus, a reliable online-measurement system is absolutely necessary. A novel approach to obtaining these measurements indirectly and online using UV/vis spectroscopic probes, in conjunction with powerful pattern recognition methods, is presented in this paper. An UV/vis spectroscopic probe from S::CAN is used in combination with a custom-built dilution system to monitor the absorption of fully fermented sludge at a spectrum from 200 to 750 nm. Advanced pattern recognition methods are then used to map the non-linear relationship between measured absorption spectra to laboratory measurements of organic acid concentrations. Linear discriminant analysis, generalized discriminant analysis (GerDA), support vector machines (SVM), relevance vector machines, random forest and neural networks are investigated for this purpose and their performance compared. To validate the approach, online measurements have been taken at a full-scale 1.3-MW industrial biogas plant. Results show that whereas some of the methods considered do not yield satisfactory results, accurate prediction of organic acid concentration ranges can be obtained with both GerDA and SVM-based classifiers, with classification rates in excess of 87% achieved on test data

    Anaerobic co-digestion: A critical review of mathematical modelling for performance optimization

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    © 2016 Anaerobic co-digestion (AcoD) is a pragmatic approach to simultaneously manage organic wastes and produce renewable energy. This review demonstrates the need for improving AcoD modelling capacities to simulate the complex physicochemical and biochemical processes. Compared to mono-digestion, AcoD is more susceptible to process instability, as it operates at a higher organic loading and significant variation in substrate composition. Data corroborated here reveal that it is essential to model the transient variation in pH and inhibitory intermediates (e.g. ammonia and organic acids) for AcoD optimization. Mechanistic models (based on the ADM1 framework) have become the norm for AcoD modelling. However, key features in current AcoD models, especially relationships between system performance and co-substrates’ properties, organic loading, and inhibition mechanisms, remain underdeveloped. It is also necessary to predict biogas quantity and composition as well as biosolids quality by considering the conversion and distribution of sulfur, phosphorus, and nitrogen during AcoD

    Simulation, optimization and instrumentation of agricultural biogas plants

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    During the last two decades, the production of renewable energy by anaerobic digestion (AD) in biogas plants has become increasingly popular due to its applicability to a great variety of organic material from energy crops and animal waste to the organic fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), and to the relative simplicity of AD plant designs. Thus, a whole new biogas market emerged in Europe, which is strongly supported by European and national funding and remuneration schemes. Nevertheless, stable and efficient operation and control of biogas plants can be challenging, due to the high complexity of the biochemical AD process, varying substrate quality and a lack of reliable online instrumentation. In addition, governmental support for biogas plants will decrease in the long run and the substrate market will become highly competitive. The principal aim of the research presented in this thesis is to achieve a substantial improvement in the operation of biogas plants. At first, a methodology for substrate inflow optimization of full-scale biogas plants is developed based on commonly measured process variables and using dynamic simulation models as well as computational intelligence (CI) methods. This methodology which is appliquable to a broad range of different biogas plants is then followed by an evaluation of existing online instrumentation for biogas plants and the development of a novel UV/vis spectroscopic online measurement system for volatile fatty acids. This new measurement system, which uses powerful machine learning techniques, provides a substantial improvement in online process monitoring for biogas plants. The methodologies developed and results achieved in the areas of simulation and optimization were validated at a full-scale agricultural biogas plant showing that global optimization of the substrate inflow based on dynamic simulation models is able to improve the yearly profit of a biogas plant by up to 70%. Furthermore, the validation of the newly developed online measurement for VFA concentration at an industrial biogas plant showed that a measurement accuracy of 88% is possible using UV/vis spectroscopic probes

    Prediction of Methane Fraction in Biogas from Landfill Bioreactors by Neural Network Modeling

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    Background: Predicting the methane percentage of biogas is necessary for selecting the optimized technologies of using landfill biogas for energy. The aim of this study was to predict of methane fraction in biogas from landfill bioreactors by Artificial Neural Network (ANN) modeling.Methods: In this study, two different systems were applied to predict the methane fraction in landfill gas as a final product of anaerobic digestion, in system I (C1), the leachate generated from a fresh-waste reactor was drained to recirculation tank, and recycled. In System II (C2), the leachate generated from a fresh waste landfill reactor was fed through a well-decomposed refuse landfill reactor, and at the same time, the leachate generated from a well-decomposed refuse landfill reactor recycled to a fresh waste landfill reactor. We monitored the systems for 6 months, after which we modeled the methane fraction in landfill gas from the bioreactors using artificial neural networks. The leachate specifications were used as input parameters. Leachate samples were collected every 7 days from effluent port of each reactor. COD and NH4 were determined according to the Standard Methods (2005). The pH value was measured by a portable digital pH meter (Salemab, Iran). Results: There is very good agreement in the trends between predicted and measured data. R values are 0.991 and 0.993, and the obtained mean square error values are 1.046 and 2.117 for training and test data, respectively. Conclusions: ANN based approaches can be considered as a compromising approach in landfill gas prediction problem and can be used to optimize the dimensions of a plant using biogas for energy (i.e. heat and/or electricity) recovery and monitoring system.

    Prediction of Methane Fraction in Biogas from Landfill Bioreactors by Neural Network Modeling

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    Background: Predicting the methane percentage of biogas is necessary for selecting the optimized technologies of using landfill biogas for energy. The aim of this study was to predict of methane fraction in biogas from landfill bioreactors by Artificial Neural Network (ANN) modeling.Methods: In this study, two different systems were applied to predict the methane fraction in landfill gas as a final product of anaerobic digestion, in system I (C1), the leachate generated from a fresh-waste reactor was drained to recirculation tank, and recycled. In System II (C2), the leachate generated from a fresh waste landfill reactor was fed through a well-decomposed refuse landfill reactor, and at the same time, the leachate generated from a well-decomposed refuse landfill reactor recycled to a fresh waste landfill reactor. We monitored the systems for 6 months, after which we modeled the methane fraction in landfill gas from the bioreactors using artificial neural networks. The leachate specifications were used as input parameters. Leachate samples were collected every 7 days from effluent port of each reactor. COD and NH4 were determined according to the Standard Methods (2005). The pH value was measured by a portable digital pH meter (Salemab, Iran). Results: There is very good agreement in the trends between predicted and measured data. R values are 0.991 and 0.993, and the obtained mean square error values are 1.046 and 2.117 for training and test data, respectively. Conclusions: ANN based approaches can be considered as a compromising approach in landfill gas prediction problem and can be used to optimize the dimensions of a plant using biogas for energy (i.e. heat and/or electricity) recovery and monitoring system.
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