193,862 research outputs found

    Bayesian Markov Random Field Analysis for Protein Function Prediction Based on Network Data

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    Inference of protein functions is one of the most important aims of modern biology. To fully exploit the large volumes of genomic data typically produced in modern-day genomic experiments, automated computational methods for protein function prediction are urgently needed. Established methods use sequence or structure similarity to infer functions but those types of data do not suffice to determine the biological context in which proteins act. Current high-throughput biological experiments produce large amounts of data on the interactions between proteins. Such data can be used to infer interaction networks and to predict the biological process that the protein is involved in. Here, we develop a probabilistic approach for protein function prediction using network data, such as protein-protein interaction measurements. We take a Bayesian approach to an existing Markov Random Field method by performing simultaneous estimation of the model parameters and prediction of protein functions. We use an adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm that leads to more accurate parameter estimates and consequently to improved prediction performance compared to the standard Markov Random Fields method. We tested our method using a high quality S.cereviciae validation network with 1622 proteins against 90 Gene Ontology terms of different levels of abstraction. Compared to three other protein function prediction methods, our approach shows very good prediction performance. Our method can be directly applied to protein-protein interaction or coexpression networks, but also can be extended to use multiple data sources. We apply our method to physical protein interaction data from S. cerevisiae and provide novel predictions, using 340 Gene Ontology terms, for 1170 unannotated proteins and we evaluate the predictions using the available literature

    Improving protein function prediction methods with integrated literature data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Determining the function of uncharacterized proteins is a major challenge in the post-genomic era due to the problem's complexity and scale. Identifying a protein's function contributes to an understanding of its role in the involved pathways, its suitability as a drug target, and its potential for protein modifications. Several graph-theoretic approaches predict unidentified functions of proteins by using the functional annotations of better-characterized proteins in protein-protein interaction networks. We systematically consider the use of literature co-occurrence data, introduce a new method for quantifying the reliability of co-occurrence and test how performance differs across species. We also quantify changes in performance as the prediction algorithms annotate with increased specificity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We find that including information on the co-occurrence of proteins within an abstract greatly boosts performance in the Functional Flow graph-theoretic function prediction algorithm in yeast, fly and worm. This increase in performance is not simply due to the presence of additional edges since supplementing protein-protein interactions with co-occurrence data outperforms supplementing with a comparably-sized genetic interaction dataset. Through the combination of protein-protein interactions and co-occurrence data, the neighborhood around unknown proteins is quickly connected to well-characterized nodes which global prediction algorithms can exploit. Our method for quantifying co-occurrence reliability shows superior performance to the other methods, particularly at threshold values around 10% which yield the best trade off between coverage and accuracy. In contrast, the traditional way of asserting co-occurrence when at least one abstract mentions both proteins proves to be the worst method for generating co-occurrence data, introducing too many false positives. Annotating the functions with greater specificity is harder, but co-occurrence data still proves beneficial.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Co-occurrence data is a valuable supplemental source for graph-theoretic function prediction algorithms. A rapidly growing literature corpus ensures that co-occurrence data is a readily-available resource for nearly every studied organism, particularly those with small protein interaction databases. Though arguably biased toward known genes, co-occurrence data provides critical additional links to well-studied regions in the interaction network that graph-theoretic function prediction algorithms can exploit.</p

    A probabilistic framework to predict protein function from interaction data integrated with semantic knowledge

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The functional characterization of newly discovered proteins has been a challenge in the post-genomic era. Protein-protein interactions provide insights into the functional analysis because the function of unknown proteins can be postulated on the basis of their interaction evidence with known proteins. The protein-protein interaction data sets have been enriched by high-throughput experimental methods. However, the functional analysis using the interaction data has a limitation in accuracy because of the presence of the false positive data experimentally generated and the interactions that are a lack of functional linkage.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Protein-protein interaction data can be integrated with the functional knowledge existing in the Gene Ontology (GO) database. We apply similarity measures to assess the functional similarity between interacting proteins. We present a probabilistic framework for predicting functions of unknown proteins based on the functional similarity. We use the leave-one-out cross validation to compare the performance. The experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm performs better than other competing methods in terms of prediction accuracy. In particular, it handles the high false positive rates of current interaction data well.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The experimentally determined protein-protein interactions are erroneous to uncover the functional associations among proteins. The performance of function prediction for uncharacterized proteins can be enhanced by the integration of multiple data sources available.</p

    Protein Function Assignment through Mining Cross-Species Protein-Protein Interactions

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    Background: As we move into the post genome-sequencing era, an immediate challenge is how to make best use of the large amount of high-throughput experimental data to assign functions to currently uncharacterized proteins. We here describe CSIDOP, a new method for protein function assignment based on shared interacting domain patterns extracted from cross-species protein-protein interaction data. Methodology/Principal Findings: The proposed method is assessed both biologically and statistically over the genome of H. sapiens. The CSIDOP method is capable of making protein function prediction with accuracy of 95.42 % using 2,972 gene ontology (GO) functional categories. In addition, we are able to assign novel functional annotations for 181 previously uncharacterized proteins in H. sapiens. Furthermore, we demonstrate that for proteins that are characterized by GO, the CSIDOP may predict extra functions. This is attractive as a protein normally executes a variety of functions in different processes and its current GO annotation may be incomplete. Conclusions/Significance: It can be shown through experimental results that the CSIDOP method is reliable and practical in use. The method will continue to improve as more high quality interaction data becomes available and is readily scalable t

    MEGADOCK 3.0: a high-performance protein-protein interaction prediction software using hybrid parallel computing for petascale supercomputing environments

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    BACKGROUND: Protein-protein interaction (PPI) plays a core role in cellular functions. Massively parallel supercomputing systems have been actively developed over the past few years, which enable large-scale biological problems to be solved, such as PPI network prediction based on tertiary structures. RESULTS: We have developed a high throughput and ultra-fast PPI prediction system based on rigid docking, “MEGADOCK”, by employing a hybrid parallelization (MPI/OpenMP) technique assuming usages on massively parallel supercomputing systems. MEGADOCK displays significantly faster processing speed in the rigid-body docking process that leads to full utilization of protein tertiary structural data for large-scale and network-level problems in systems biology. Moreover, the system was scalable as shown by measurements carried out on two supercomputing environments. We then conducted prediction of biological PPI networks using the post-docking analysis. CONCLUSIONS: We present a new protein-protein docking engine aimed at exhaustive docking of mega-order numbers of protein pairs. The system was shown to be scalable by running on thousands of nodes. The software package is available at: http://www.bi.cs.titech.ac.jp/megadock/k/

    Extraction of an Effective Pairwise Potential for Amino Acids

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    Key to successful protein structure prediction is a potential that recognizes the native state from misfolded structures. In this thesis, we introduced a novel way to extract interaction potential functions between the 20 types of amino acids, which used the Modified Hypenetted Chain (MHNC) and the Reverse Monte-Carlo (RMC) method. We extract Radial Distribution Functions (RDFs) from 996 known protein crystal structures from the Protein Data Bank, and using these RDFs we were able to first generate the potential-of-mean-force (PMF) for different pairs of residues, and then we improved these PMFs by including the higher order terms of the Ornstein-Zernike equation using an iteration that starting from the HNC approximation for the pair interaction potential, and in each of the follow step, we conducted Monte-Carlo simulations to generate the RDFs for the updated potential. The updated potentials in each iteration step can be generated either using MHNC or the RMC method. These effective pairwise potentials were then summed up to obtain the total energy score for known protein structures, and their effectiveness was validated by conducting single and multiple decoy set tests using the `R\u27 Us decoy set

    EcID. A database for the inference of functional interactions in E. coli

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    The EcID database (Escherichia coli Interaction Database) provides a framework for the integration of information on functional interactions extracted from the following sources: EcoCyc (metabolic pathways, protein complexes and regulatory information), KEGG (metabolic pathways), MINT and IntAct (protein interactions). It also includes information on protein complexes from the two E. coli high-throughput pull-down experiments and potential interactions extracted from the literature using the web services associated to the iHOP text-mining system. Additionally, EcID incorporates results of various prediction methods, including two protein interaction prediction methods based on genomic information (Phylogenetic Profiles and Gene Neighbourhoods) and three methods based on the analysis of co-evolution (Mirror Tree, In Silico 2 Hybrid and Context Mirror). EcID associates to each prediction a specifically developed confidence score. The two main features that make EcID different from other systems are the combination of co-evolution-based predictions with the experimental data, and the introduction of E. coli-specific information, such as gene regulation information from EcoCyc. The possibilities offered by the combination of the EcID database information are illustrated with a prediction of potential functions for a group of poorly characterized genes related to yeaG. EcID is available online at http://ecid.bioinfo.cnio.es

    EcID. A database for the inference of functional interactions in E. coli

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    The EcID database (Escherichia coli Interaction Database) provides a framework for the integration of information on functional interactions extracted from the following sources: EcoCyc (metabolic pathways, protein complexes and regulatory information), KEGG (metabolic pathways), MINT and IntAct (protein interactions). It also includes information on protein complexes from the two E. coli high-throughput pull-down experiments and potential interactions extracted from the literature using the web services associated to the iHOP text-mining system. Additionally, EcID incorporates results of various prediction methods, including two protein interaction prediction methods based on genomic information (Phylogenetic Profiles and Gene Neighbourhoods) and three methods based on the analysis of co-evolution (Mirror Tree, In Silico 2 Hybrid and Context Mirror). EcID associates to each prediction a specifically developed confidence score. The two main features that make EcID different from other systems are the combination of co-evolution-based predictions with the experimental data, and the introduction of E. coli-specific information, such as gene regulation information from EcoCyc. The possibilities offered by the combination of the EcID database information are illustrated with a prediction of potential functions for a group of poorly characterized genes related to yeaG. EcID is available online at http://ecid.bioinfo.cnio.es

    Predicting domain-domain interaction based on domain profiles with feature selection and support vector machines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Protein-protein interaction (PPI) plays essential roles in cellular functions. The cost, time and other limitations associated with the current experimental methods have motivated the development of computational methods for predicting PPIs. As protein interactions generally occur via domains instead of the whole molecules, predicting domain-domain interaction (DDI) is an important step toward PPI prediction. Computational methods developed so far have utilized information from various sources at different levels, from primary sequences, to molecular structures, to evolutionary profiles.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we propose a computational method to predict DDI using support vector machines (SVMs), based on domains represented as interaction profile hidden Markov models (ipHMM) where interacting residues in domains are explicitly modeled according to the three dimensional structural information available at the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Features about the domains are extracted first as the Fisher scores derived from the ipHMM and then selected using singular value decomposition (SVD). Domain pairs are represented by concatenating their selected feature vectors, and classified by a support vector machine trained on these feature vectors. The method is tested by leave-one-out cross validation experiments with a set of interacting protein pairs adopted from the 3DID database. The prediction accuracy has shown significant improvement as compared to <it>InterPreTS </it>(Interaction Prediction through Tertiary Structure), an existing method for PPI prediction that also uses the sequences and complexes of known 3D structure.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We show that domain-domain interaction prediction can be significantly enhanced by exploiting information inherent in the domain profiles via feature selection based on Fisher scores, singular value decomposition and supervised learning based on support vector machines. Datasets and source code are freely available on the web at <url>http://liao.cis.udel.edu/pub/svdsvm</url>. Implemented in Matlab and supported on Linux and MS Windows.</p

    Modeliranje 3D struktur interakcij med proteini in RNA

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    Protein-RNA interactions have an essential role in many cellular processes. Experimental analysis of 3D molecular structure is slow and difficult process. Consequently, computational methods, which successfully predict interaction sites and molecular conformations are needed. In this thesis we have defined a number of attributes to describe local properties of protein-RNA interactions using data on 3D structure of protein-RNA molecules. We have implemented a method that uses machine learning and optimization algorithm for prediction of protein-RNA interaction sites. Machine learning predictions are used to generate initial positions for optimization. Optimization algorithm uses scoring functions based on the distribution of 3D structural attributes to identify most likely positions of the RNA molecule interacting with a given protein. The accuracy of the proposed prediction model is comparable to results obtained with best existing methods