3 research outputs found

    Crowdfunding Dynamics Tracking: A Reinforcement Learning Approach

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    Recent years have witnessed the increasing interests in research of crowdfunding mechanism. In this area, dynamics tracking is a significant issue but is still under exploration. Existing studies either fit the fluctuations of time-series or employ regularization terms to constrain learned tendencies. However, few of them take into account the inherent decision-making process between investors and crowdfunding dynamics. To address the problem, in this paper, we propose a Trajectory-based Continuous Control for Crowdfunding (TC3) algorithm to predict the funding progress in crowdfunding. Specifically, actor-critic frameworks are employed to model the relationship between investors and campaigns, where all of the investors are viewed as an agent that could interact with the environment derived from the real dynamics of campaigns. Then, to further explore the in-depth implications of patterns (i.e., typical characters) in funding series, we propose to subdivide them into fast-growing\textit{fast-growing} and slow-growing\textit{slow-growing} ones. Moreover, for the purpose of switching from different kinds of patterns, the actor component of TC3 is extended with a structure of options, which comes to the TC3-Options. Finally, extensive experiments on the Indiegogo dataset not only demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods, but also validate our assumption that the entire pattern learned by TC3-Options is indeed the U-shaped one

    By the power of grayskull, I have the power: Determining the characteristics of successful crowdfunding projects

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    Kitle fonlaması, fon bulmada sıkıntı yaşayan proje sahipleri için alternatif bir finansman yöntemi olarak kendine yer edinmiştir. Proje sahipleri, kitle fonlaması platformlarına projelerini sunarak, bireylerden fon talep etmekte ve topladıkları fonlarla projelerini gerçekleştirebilmektedir. Projeler, platformda yayınlandıktan sonra proje güncellenebilir, fon sağlayanlar tarafından yorum yapılabilir ve böylelikle projenin başarı durumu etkilenebilmektedir. Bu nedenle mevcut çalışmada, kitle fonlaması projelerinin başlangıçlarında başarı durumlarının tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Literatürdeki çalışmalardan farklı olarak, sadece projenin başlangıç aşamasında, proje sahibinin değiştirebileceği sayısal değişkenler analize dahil edilmiştir. Veri setinde, ödül temelli kitle fonlaması platformu olan Kickstarter.com’a sunulan ve çalışmanın amacına uyan toplamda 4758 proje ile 8 değişken bulunmaktadır. Lojistik regresyon analizi sonuçlarına göre, kısa tanıtım uzunluğu, tanıtım uzunluğu ve video sayısının proje başarısını etkilemediği, istenen fon miktarı, sık kullanılan soru sayısı, ödül sayısı, görsel sayısı ve proje süresinin proje başarısını etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca kurulan modelle, projelerin başarı durumları %75.6 doğru sınıflandırılmıştır. Lojistik regresyon analizinin haricinde, t-test ve korelasyon analizleri de veriye uygulanmış ve sonuçlar yorumlanmıştır.Crowdfunding has emerged as an alternative financing method for project owners who have difficulties in finding funds. Project owners submit their projects to crowdfunding platforms, request funds from individuals and put their projects into action with the funds they collect. After the projects are published on the platform, the project can be updated, funders can make comments, and thus the project’s success can be affected. Therefore, in the present study, it is aimed to determine the success of crowdfunding projects at the beginning. Unlike the studies in the literature, only the numerical variables that the project owner can change at the beginning of the project are included in the analysis. In the dataset, there are 8 variables with a total of 4758 projects submitted to Kickstarter.com, a reward-based crowdfunding platform. According to the results of the logistic regression analysis, it was determined that description length, full description length and number of videos did not affect success of a project, while goal amount of funding, number of frequently used questions, the number of awards, the number of images and the project duration affected the success of the project. The classification rate of the proposed model was %75.6. In addition to the logistic regression analysis, t-test and correlation analyzes were also applied to the data and the results were interpreted

    Predicci?n del estado de financiamiento de proyectos de tecnolog?a en sitio web de crowdfunding Kickstarter mediante modelo de Aprendizaje Profundo Multimodal

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    Desde la aparici?n del crowdfunding, muchos emprendedores han presentado sus proyectos al p?blico para conseguir su financiamiento. Durante el per?odo 2009-2019, el 37% de proyectos de Kickstarter, una de las plataformas de financiamiento colectivo m?s populares, alcanz? ser financiado exitosamente. Se han estado utilizando distintas metodolog?as de Inteligencia Artificial, considerando todas las categor?as en esta plataforma para crear modelos predictivos. Sin embargo, este ratio solo alcanza el 20% para Tecnolog?a. El objetivo de esta investigaci?n fue predecir el estado de financiamiento de proyectos de tecnolog?a en Kickstarter mediante un modelo de Aprendizaje Profundo Multimodal. Siguiendo la metodolog?a CRISP-DM, se implement? un modelo ensamblado de otros modelos de Aprendizaje Profundo para 3 modalidades: un Perceptr?n Multicapa para la Metainformaci?n, una Red Neuronal Convolucional para la descripci?n y un modelo LSTM Bidireccional para los comentarios de los patrocinadores. Se utiliz? informaci?n de m?s de 27 mil proyectos de tecnolog?a en Kickstarter entre 2009 y 2019. El modelo propuesto super? a los modelos de la base de l?nea en cada m?trica, alcanzando un valor de 93% de AUC, su mejor desempe?o. Se logr? resolver el problema bajo una nueva perspectiva, adem?s de aportar mayor conocimiento y un prototipo para apoyar a los emprendedores