21,194 research outputs found

    Effective Cloud Detection and Segmentation using a Gradient-Based Algorithm for Satellite Imagery; Application to improve PERSIANN-CCS

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    Being able to effectively identify clouds and monitor their evolution is one important step toward more accurate quantitative precipitation estimation and forecast. In this study, a new gradient-based cloud-image segmentation technique is developed using tools from image processing techniques. This method integrates morphological image gradient magnitudes to separable cloud systems and patches boundaries. A varying scale-kernel is implemented to reduce the sensitivity of image segmentation to noise and capture objects with various finenesses of the edges in remote-sensing images. The proposed method is flexible and extendable from single- to multi-spectral imagery. Case studies were carried out to validate the algorithm by applying the proposed segmentation algorithm to synthetic radiances for channels of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES-R) simulated by a high-resolution weather prediction model. The proposed method compares favorably with the existing cloud-patch-based segmentation technique implemented in the PERSIANN-CCS (Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Network - Cloud Classification System) rainfall retrieval algorithm. Evaluation of event-based images indicates that the proposed algorithm has potential to improve rain detection and estimation skills with an average of more than 45% gain comparing to the segmentation technique used in PERSIANN-CCS and identifying cloud regions as objects with accuracy rates up to 98%

    Low-frequency oscillatory correlates of auditory predictive processing in cortical-subcortical networks: a MEG-study

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    Emerging evidence supports the role of neural oscillations as a mechanism for predictive information processing across large-scale networks. However, the oscillatory signatures underlying auditory mismatch detection and information flow between brain regions remain unclear. To address this issue, we examined the contribution of oscillatory activity at theta/alpha-bands (4–8/8–13 Hz) and assessed directed connectivity in magnetoencephalographic data while 17 human participants were presented with sound sequences containing predictable repetitions and order manipulations that elicited prediction-error responses. We characterized the spectro-temporal properties of neural generators using a minimum-norm approach and assessed directed connectivity using Granger Causality analysis. Mismatching sequences elicited increased theta power and phase-locking in auditory, hippocampal and prefrontal cortices, suggesting that theta-band oscillations underlie prediction-error generation in cortical-subcortical networks. Furthermore, enhanced feedforward theta/alpha-band connectivity was observed in auditory-prefrontal networks during mismatching sequences, while increased feedback connectivity in the alpha-band was observed between hippocampus and auditory regions during predictable sounds. Our findings highlight the involvement of hippocampal theta/alpha-band oscillations towards auditory prediction-error generation and suggest a spectral dissociation between inter-areal feedforward vs. feedback signalling, thus providing novel insights into the oscillatory mechanisms underlying auditory predictive processing

    Satellite-based precipitation estimation using watershed segmentation and growing hierarchical self-organizing map

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    This paper outlines the development of a multi-satellite precipitation estimation methodology that draws on techniques from machine learning and morphology to produce high-resolution, short-duration rainfall estimates in an automated fashion. First, cloud systems are identified from geostationary infrared imagery using morphology based watershed segmentation algorithm. Second, a novel pattern recognition technique, growing hierarchical self-organizing map (GHSOM), is used to classify clouds into a number of clusters with hierarchical architecture. Finally, each cloud cluster is associated with co-registered passive microwave rainfall observations through a cumulative histogram matching approach. The network was initially trained using remotely sensed geostationary infrared satellite imagery and hourly ground-radar data in lieu of a dense constellation of polar-orbiting spacecraft such as the proposed global precipitation measurement (GPM) mission. Ground-radar and gauge rainfall measurements were used to evaluate this technique for both warm (June 2004) and cold seasons (December 2004-February 2005) at various temporal (daily and monthly) and spatial (0.04 and 0.25) scales. Significant improvements of estimation accuracy are found classifying the clouds into hierarchical sub-layers rather than a single layer. Furthermore, 2-year (2003-2004) satellite rainfall estimates generated by the current algorithm were compared with gauge-corrected Stage IV radar rainfall at various time scales over continental United States. This study demonstrates the usefulness of the watershed segmentation and the GHSOM in satellite-based rainfall estimations

    Personalized Pancreatic Tumor Growth Prediction via Group Learning

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    Tumor growth prediction, a highly challenging task, has long been viewed as a mathematical modeling problem, where the tumor growth pattern is personalized based on imaging and clinical data of a target patient. Though mathematical models yield promising results, their prediction accuracy may be limited by the absence of population trend data and personalized clinical characteristics. In this paper, we propose a statistical group learning approach to predict the tumor growth pattern that incorporates both the population trend and personalized data, in order to discover high-level features from multimodal imaging data. A deep convolutional neural network approach is developed to model the voxel-wise spatio-temporal tumor progression. The deep features are combined with the time intervals and the clinical factors to feed a process of feature selection. Our predictive model is pretrained on a group data set and personalized on the target patient data to estimate the future spatio-temporal progression of the patient's tumor. Multimodal imaging data at multiple time points are used in the learning, personalization and inference stages. Our method achieves a Dice coefficient of 86.8% +- 3.6% and RVD of 7.9% +- 5.4% on a pancreatic tumor data set, outperforming the DSC of 84.4% +- 4.0% and RVD 13.9% +- 9.8% obtained by a previous state-of-the-art model-based method

    Airborne LiDAR for DEM generation: some critical issues

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    Airborne LiDAR is one of the most effective and reliable means of terrain data collection. Using LiDAR data for DEM generation is becoming a standard practice in spatial related areas. However, the effective processing of the raw LiDAR data and the generation of an efficient and high-quality DEM remain big challenges. This paper reviews the recent advances of airborne LiDAR systems and the use of LiDAR data for DEM generation, with special focus on LiDAR data filters, interpolation methods, DEM resolution, and LiDAR data reduction. Separating LiDAR points into ground and non-ground is the most critical and difficult step for DEM generation from LiDAR data. Commonly used and most recently developed LiDAR filtering methods are presented. Interpolation methods and choices of suitable interpolator and DEM resolution for LiDAR DEM generation are discussed in detail. In order to reduce the data redundancy and increase the efficiency in terms of storage and manipulation, LiDAR data reduction is required in the process of DEM generation. Feature specific elements such as breaklines contribute significantly to DEM quality. Therefore, data reduction should be conducted in such a way that critical elements are kept while less important elements are removed. Given the highdensity characteristic of LiDAR data, breaklines can be directly extracted from LiDAR data. Extraction of breaklines and integration of the breaklines into DEM generation are presented

    A survey on utilization of data mining approaches for dermatological (skin) diseases prediction

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    Due to recent technology advances, large volumes of medical data is obtained. These data contain valuable information. Therefore data mining techniques can be used to extract useful patterns. This paper is intended to introduce data mining and its various techniques and a survey of the available literature on medical data mining. We emphasize mainly on the application of data mining on skin diseases. A categorization has been provided based on the different data mining techniques. The utility of the various data mining methodologies is highlighted. Generally association mining is suitable for extracting rules. It has been used especially in cancer diagnosis. Classification is a robust method in medical mining. In this paper, we have summarized the different uses of classification in dermatology. It is one of the most important methods for diagnosis of erythemato-squamous diseases. There are different methods like Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms and fuzzy classifiaction in this topic. Clustering is a useful method in medical images mining. The purpose of clustering techniques is to find a structure for the given data by finding similarities between data according to data characteristics. Clustering has some applications in dermatology. Besides introducing different mining methods, we have investigated some challenges which exist in mining skin data
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