2 research outputs found


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    One of the 21st-century skills is shaping student autonomy. Student autonomy is a student who acts bravely and is responsible for his learning with specific learning strategies, and students can control themselves over their weaknesses in learning and outside interference so that learning outcomes are good. This study was conducted to analyze the needs of students in the 21st century so that students can prepare themselves and know how to become successful students. This study aims to determine the need for autonomy of students in the 21st century. The researcher uses a qualitative case study approach. Data for analysis were collected from a critical literature review. The focus mentioned in previous research is specifically directed at the needs of language learners. This study explains how to become autonomous language learners in the 21st century and to know the needs for the autonomy of language learners in the 21st century. The result is that to become independent learners, English learners must have self-assessment, self-concept, self-control, self-efficacy, and self�initiative attitude. In each of its characteristics, several things must be achieved to be called an independent learner. The need to have self-assessment, students must first determine self-competence, assessment criteria, and the format they want to use. The need to have a self-concept, namely experience, acceptance of the environment, self-image, and self-actualization. The need to have self-control is introspection and the ability to suppress impulsive behaviour. The need for self-efficacy, interest and motivation, experience, and observation of others. The need to have initiative is to develop a mind and dare to try

    Implementation of adaptive Moodle LMS with adjusments of the Felder-Silverman model of learning styles

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    Е-учење, као сложен систем, обухвата учење на даљину, наставне материјале у различитим формама и облицима, групне и индивидуалне процесе учења, као и интерактивни и туторски рад. Да би се повећала ефективност система за е-учење, потребно је пре свега размотрити својства студената и њихове стилове учења. На основу података прикупљених на различите начине, методама истраживања путем упитника за утврђивање индекса стилова учења (ILS), коришћењем система за управљањем учењем Moodle LMS-а, на основу субјективне процене предметних наставника, као и на основу података из пословног информационог система, утврђују се афинитети студената. Затим се на основу ових информација врши адаптација, процес који прилагођава рад Moodle LMS-а на основу стилова учења појединаца. Примарни циљеви који се могу постићи прилагођавањем система е-учења су унапређење изгледа и делотворност курса, подршку у проналажењу података о наставном предмету, ефикасније претраживање и постављање резултата претраге у аспекту интересовања студената, као и повећање лојалности студената образовној установи