17 research outputs found

    A Survey on Various Techniques in Internet of Things (IoT) Implementation: A Comparative Study

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    As per the current trends in computing research socialization and Personalization in Internet of Things (IOT) environment are quite trending and they are being widely used. The main aim of research work is to provide socialized and personalized services along with creating awareness of predicting the service. Here various kind of methods are discussed which can be used for predicting user intention in large variety of IOT based applications such as smart mobile, smart television, web mining, weather forecasting, health-care/medical, robotics, road-traffic, educational data mining, natural calamities, retail banking, e-commerce, wireless networks & social networking. By common consent it is found that the prediction is made usually for finding techniques that can be accessed by the mobile user, predicting the next page that is most likely to be used by web user, predicting favorite and most likely TV program that can be viewed by user, getting a list of browsing usage and need of user and also predicting user navigational patterns, predicting future climate conditions, predicting the health and welfare of user, predicting user intention so that implicit could be made and human-like interactions could be possible by accepting implicit commands, predicting the exact amount of traffic at a particular location, predicting curricular performance of student in schools & colleges, having prediction of frequency of natural calamities and their occurrences such as floods, earthquakes over a long period of time & also the required time in which precautionary measures could be adopted, predicting & detecting the frauds in which false user try to make transaction in the name of genuine user, predicting the steps and work done by the user to improve the business, predicting & detecting the intruder acting in the network, by the help of context history predicting the mood transition information of the user, etc. Here in this topic of discussion, different techniques such as Decision Tree algorithm, Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining based Machine learning techniques, Content and Collaborative based Recommender algorithms are used for prediction

    Prototype System for Multiple Sources Multiple Search Techniques Prediction (Algorithm and architecture)

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    The future of health care may be in “predictive health” that emphasizes prediction instead of diagnosis. Nowadays, the researchers are mining the data provided in social networks, aiming in prediction of diverse phenomena like social, political, medical, etc. The first part of the paper outlines the e-Health revolution phenomena. Next, we are focused on proposing a searching algorithm for predicting children general diseases in FYROM. The prediction task of the health related issues of specific people from noisy data is taken into consideration. We offer a model that can predict children general diseases with high percentage precision and good semantic recall on the basis of special designed ontology and social ties with other people, as revealed by their posts in social networks which is advised to be used by young mothers in our country. Also the architecture for ontology to database conversion is suggested and ready for implementation

    Prediction Techniques in Internet of Things (IoT) Environment: A Comparative Study

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    Socialization and Personalization in Internet of Things (IOT) environment are the current trends in computing research. Most of the research work stresses the importance of predicting the service & providing socialized and personalized services. This paper presents a survey report on different techniques used for predicting user intention in wide variety of IOT based applications like smart mobile, smart television, web mining, weather forecasting, health-care/medical, robotics, road-traffic, educational data mining, natural calamities, retail banking, e-commerce, wireless networks & social networking. As per the survey made the prediction techniques are used for: predicting the application that can be accessed by the mobile user, predicting the next page to be accessed by web user, predicting the users favorite TV program, predicting user navigational patterns and usage needs on websites & also to extract the users browsing behavior, predicting future climate conditions, predicting whether a patient is suffering from a disease, predicting user intention to make implicit and human-like interactions possible by accepting implicit commands, predicting the amount of traffic occurring at a particular location, predicting student performance in schools & colleges, predicting & estimating the frequency of natural calamities occurrences like floods, earthquakes over a long period of time & also to take precautionary measures, predicting & detecting false user trying to make transaction in the name of genuine user, predicting the actions performed by the user to improve the business, predicting & detecting the intruder acting in the network, predicting the mood transition information of the user by using context history, etc. This paper also discusses different techniques like Decision Tree algorithm, Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining based Machine learning techniques, Content and Collaborative based Recommender algorithms used for prediction

    Predicting disease risks from highly imbalanced data using random forest

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We present a method utilizing Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) dataset for predicting disease risk of individuals based on their medical diagnosis history. The presented methodology may be incorporated in a variety of applications such as risk management, tailored health communication and decision support systems in healthcare.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We employed the National Inpatient Sample (NIS) data, which is publicly available through Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), to train random forest classifiers for disease prediction. Since the HCUP data is highly imbalanced, we employed an ensemble learning approach based on repeated random sub-sampling. This technique divides the training data into multiple sub-samples, while ensuring that each sub-sample is fully balanced. We compared the performance of support vector machine (SVM), bagging, boosting and RF to predict the risk of eight chronic diseases.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We predicted eight disease categories. Overall, the RF ensemble learning method outperformed SVM, bagging and boosting in terms of the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC). In addition, RF has the advantage of computing the importance of each variable in the classification process.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In combining repeated random sub-sampling with RF, we were able to overcome the class imbalance problem and achieve promising results. Using the national HCUP data set, we predicted eight disease categories with an average AUC of 88.79%.</p


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    In this age of information overload and plethora of choices, people increasingly rely on automatic recommender systems to tell them what suits their needs. A very effective approach for creating recommender systems is collaborative filtering, which is the task of predicting the preference/rating that a user would assign to an item based on preference data of that user and preference data of other users. One way to conduct collaborative filtering is through dimensionality reduction. The underlying concept of the approach lies in the belief that there are only a few features (reduced dimensions) that influence the user’s choice. In this paper we use low rank matrix factorization for dimensionality reduction. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), which is minimizing the L2 norm is the most popular technique to perform matrix factorization. However, in most recommendation system data sets, often the users only rate a small amount of items, which creates missing data. As a result SVD fails. In recent years L1 norm has gained much importance and popularity because it is robust to outliers and missing data. In this thesis we use alternate convex optimization to perform L1 norm minimization to solve the matrix factorization problem and apply it to collaborative filtering. We also review some of the major challenges that collaborative filtering faces today and some of the other techniques used. Additionally, this thesis discusses the importance and future of collaborative filtering in medical applications that concerns the database of patient history (prescriptions/symptoms) and how it can be used as a predictive task for the future of the patient


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    One of many things humans are obsessive about is health. Presently, when faced with a health-related issue one goes to the web first, to find closure to his/her problem. The community Question Answering (cQA) forum allows people to pose their query and/or discuss it. Due to alike or unique nature of the health query it may go unanswered. Many a time the answers provided are ill-founded, leaving the user discontent. This indicates that the process is dependent on supplementary users or experts, in relation to their ability and/or the time taken to answer the question. Hence, the need to create an answer predictor which provides instant and better-quality result. We, therefore propose a novel scheme where deep learning is used to produce appropriate answer to the given health query. Both historical data i.e. cQA and general medical data are used to form a powerful Knowledge Base (KB), to assist the health predictor

    Sequential Event Prediction

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    In sequential event prediction, we are given a “sequence database” of past event sequences to learn from, and we aim to predict the next event within a current event sequence. We focus on applications where the set of the past events has predictive power and not the specific order of those past events. Such applications arise in recommender systems, equipment maintenance, medical informatics, and in other domains. Our formalization of sequential event prediction draws on ideas from supervised ranking. We show how specific choices within this approach lead to different sequential event prediction problems and algorithms. In recommender system applications, the observed sequence of events depends on user choices, which may be influenced by the recommendations, which are themselves tailored to the user’s choices. This leads to sequential event prediction algorithms involving a non-convex optimization problem. We apply our approach to an online grocery store recommender system, email recipient recommendation, and a novel application in the health event prediction domain

    Addressing the complexities of big data analytics in healthcare : The diabetes screening case

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    The healthcare industry generates a high throughput of medical, clinical and omics data of varying complexity and features. Clinical decision-support is gaining widespread attention as medical institutions and governing bodies turn towards better management of this data for effective and efficient healthcare delivery and quality assured outcomes. Amass of data across all stages, from disease diagnosis to palliative care, is further indication of the opportunities and challenges to effective data management, analysis, prediction and optimization techniques as parts of knowledge management in clinical environments. Big Data analytics (BDA) presents the potential to advance this industry with reforms in clinical decision-support and translational research. However, adoption of big data analytics has been slow due to complexities posed by the nature of healthcare data. The success of these systems is hard to predict, so further research is needed to provide a robust framework to ensure investment in BDA is justified. In this paper we investigate these complexities from the perspective of updated Information Systems (IS) participation theory. We present a case study on a large diabetes screening project to integrate, converge and derive expedient insights from such an accumulation of data and make recommendations for a successful BDA implementation grounded in a participatory framework and the specificities of big data in healthcare context. © 2015 De Silva, Burstein, Jelinek, Stranieri