4,989 research outputs found

    PiRaNhA: A server for the computational prediction of RNA-binding residues in protein sequences

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    The PiRaNhA web server is a publicly available online resource that automatically predicts the location of RNA-binding residues (RBRs) in protein sequences. The goal of functional annotation of sequences in the field of RNA binding is to provide predictions of high accuracy that require only small numbers of targeted mutations for verification. The PiRaNhA server uses a support vector machine (SVM), with position-specific scoring matrices, residue interface propensity, predicted residue accessibility and residue hydrophobicity as features. The server allows the submission of up to 10 protein sequences, and the predictions for each sequence are provided on a web page and via email. The prediction results are provided in sequence format with predicted RBRs highlighted, in text format with the SVM threshold score indicated and as a graph which enables users to quickly identify those residues above any specific SVM threshold. The graph effectively enables the increase or decrease of the false positive rate. When tested on a non-redundant data set of 42 protein sequences not used in training, the PiRaNhA server achieved an accuracy of 85%, specificity of 90% and a Matthews correlation coefficient of 0.41 and outperformed other publicly available servers. The PiRaNhA prediction server is freely available at http://www.bioinformatics.sussex.ac.uk/PIRANHA. © The Author(s) 2010. Published by Oxford University Press

    BindN+ for accurate prediction of DNA and RNA-binding residues from protein sequence features

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    Abstract Background Understanding how biomolecules interact is a major task of systems biology. To model protein-nucleic acid interactions, it is important to identify the DNA or RNA-binding residues in proteins. Protein sequence features, including the biochemical property of amino acids and evolutionary information in terms of position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM), have been used for DNA or RNA-binding site prediction. However, PSSM is rather designed for PSI-BLAST searches, and it may not contain all the evolutionary information for modelling DNA or RNA-binding sites in protein sequences. Results In the present study, several new descriptors of evolutionary information have been developed and evaluated for sequence-based prediction of DNA and RNA-binding residues using support vector machines (SVMs). The new descriptors were shown to improve classifier performance. Interestingly, the best classifiers were obtained by combining the new descriptors and PSSM, suggesting that they captured different aspects of evolutionary information for DNA and RNA-binding site prediction. The SVM classifiers achieved 77.3% sensitivity and 79.3% specificity for prediction of DNA-binding residues, and 71.6% sensitivity and 78.7% specificity for RNA-binding site prediction. Conclusions Predictions at this level of accuracy may provide useful information for modelling protein-nucleic acid interactions in systems biology studies. We have thus developed a web-based tool called BindN+ (http://bioinfo.ggc.org/bindn+/) to make the SVM classifiers accessible to the research community

    Kernel methods in genomics and computational biology

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    Support vector machines and kernel methods are increasingly popular in genomics and computational biology, due to their good performance in real-world applications and strong modularity that makes them suitable to a wide range of problems, from the classification of tumors to the automatic annotation of proteins. Their ability to work in high dimension, to process non-vectorial data, and the natural framework they provide to integrate heterogeneous data are particularly relevant to various problems arising in computational biology. In this chapter we survey some of the most prominent applications published so far, highlighting the particular developments in kernel methods triggered by problems in biology, and mention a few promising research directions likely to expand in the future

    Identification of DNA-binding proteins using support vector machines and evolutionary profiles

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Identification of DNA-binding proteins is one of the major challenges in the field of genome annotation, as these proteins play a crucial role in gene-regulation. In this paper, we developed various SVM modules for predicting DNA-binding domains and proteins. All models were trained and tested on multiple datasets of non-redundant proteins.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>SVM models have been developed on DNAaset, which consists of 1153 DNA-binding and equal number of non DNA-binding proteins, and achieved the maximum accuracy of 72.42% and 71.59% using amino acid and dipeptide compositions, respectively. The performance of SVM model improved from 72.42% to 74.22%, when evolutionary information in form of PSSM profiles was used as input instead of amino acid composition. In addition, SVM models have been developed on DNAset, which consists of 146 DNA-binding and 250 non-binding chains/domains, and achieved the maximum accuracy of 79.80% and 86.62% using amino acid composition and PSSM profiles. The SVM models developed in this study perform better than existing methods on a blind dataset.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A highly accurate method has been developed for predicting DNA-binding proteins using SVM and PSSM profiles. This is the first study in which evolutionary information in form of PSSM profiles has been used successfully for predicting DNA-binding proteins. A web-server DNAbinder has been developed for identifying DNA-binding proteins and domains from query amino acid sequences <url>http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/dnabinder/</url>.</p

    Prediction of GTP interacting residues, dipeptides and tripeptides in a protein from its evolutionary information

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    Background: Guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-binding proteins play an important role in regulation of G-protein. Thus prediction of GTP interacting residues in a protein is one of the major challenges in the field of the computational biology. In this study, an attempt has been made to develop a computational method for predicting GTP interacting residues in a protein with high accuracy (Acc), precision (Prec) and recall (Rc). Result: All the models developed in this study have been trained and tested on a non-redundant (40% similarity) dataset using five-fold cross-validation. Firstly, we have developed neural network based models using single sequence and PSSM profile and achieved maximum Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) 0.24 (Acc 61.30%) and 0.39 (Acc 68.88%) respectively. Secondly, we have developed a support vector machine (SVM) based models using single sequence and PSSM profile and achieved maximum MCC 0.37 (Prec 0.73, Rc 0.57, Acc 67.98%) and 0.55 (Prec 0.80, Rc 0.73, Acc 77.17%) respectively. In this work, we have introduced a new concept of predicting GTP interacting dipeptide (two consecutive GTP interacting residues) and tripeptide (three consecutive GTP interacting residues) for the first time. We have developed SVM based model for predicting GTP interacting dipeptides using PSSM profile and achieved MCC 0.64 with precision 0.87, recall 0.74 and accuracy 81.37%. Similarly, SVM based model have been developed for predicting GTP interacting tripeptides using PSSM profile and achieved MCC 0.70 with precision 0.93, recall 0.73 and accuracy 83.98%. Conclusion: These results show that PSSM based method performs better than single sequence based method. The prediction models based on dipeptides or tripeptides are more accurate than the traditional model based on single residue. A web server "GTPBinder" http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/gtpbinder/ webcite based on above models has been developed for predicting GTP interacting residues in a protein

    Comparing Kernels For Predicting Protein Binding Sites From Amino Acid Sequence

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    The ability to identify protein binding sites and to detect specific amino acid residues that contribute to the specificity and affinity of protein interactions has important implications for problems ranging from rational drug design to analysis of metabolic and signal transduction networks. Support vector machines (SVM) and related kernel methods offer an attractive approach to predicting protein binding sites. An appropriate choice of the kernel function is critical to the performance of SVM. Kernel functions offer a way to incorporate domain-specific knowledge into the classifier. We compare the performance of 3 types of kernels functions: identity kernel, sequence-alignment kernel, and amino acid substitution matrix kernel for predicting protein-protein, protein-DNA and protein-RNA binding sites. The results show that the identity kernel is quite effective in on all three tasks, with the substitution kernel based on amino acid substitution matrices that take into account structural or evolutionary conservation or physicochemical properties of amino acids yields modest improvement in the performance of the resulting SVM classifiers for predicting protein-protein, protein-DNA and protein-RNA binding sites

    Classifying RNA-Binding Proteins Based on Electrostatic Properties

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    Protein structure can provide new insight into the biological function of a protein and can enable the design of better experiments to learn its biological roles. Moreover, deciphering the interactions of a protein with other molecules can contribute to the understanding of the protein's function within cellular processes. In this study, we apply a machine learning approach for classifying RNA-binding proteins based on their three-dimensional structures. The method is based on characterizing unique properties of electrostatic patches on the protein surface. Using an ensemble of general protein features and specific properties extracted from the electrostatic patches, we have trained a support vector machine (SVM) to distinguish RNA-binding proteins from other positively charged proteins that do not bind nucleic acids. Specifically, the method was applied on proteins possessing the RNA recognition motif (RRM) and successfully classified RNA-binding proteins from RRM domains involved in protein–protein interactions. Overall the method achieves 88% accuracy in classifying RNA-binding proteins, yet it cannot distinguish RNA from DNA binding proteins. Nevertheless, by applying a multiclass SVM approach we were able to classify the RNA-binding proteins based on their RNA targets, specifically, whether they bind a ribosomal RNA (rRNA), a transfer RNA (tRNA), or messenger RNA (mRNA). Finally, we present here an innovative approach that does not rely on sequence or structural homology and could be applied to identify novel RNA-binding proteins with unique folds and/or binding motifs

    Machine learning-guided directed evolution for protein engineering

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    Machine learning (ML)-guided directed evolution is a new paradigm for biological design that enables optimization of complex functions. ML methods use data to predict how sequence maps to function without requiring a detailed model of the underlying physics or biological pathways. To demonstrate ML-guided directed evolution, we introduce the steps required to build ML sequence-function models and use them to guide engineering, making recommendations at each stage. This review covers basic concepts relevant to using ML for protein engineering as well as the current literature and applications of this new engineering paradigm. ML methods accelerate directed evolution by learning from information contained in all measured variants and using that information to select sequences that are likely to be improved. We then provide two case studies that demonstrate the ML-guided directed evolution process. We also look to future opportunities where ML will enable discovery of new protein functions and uncover the relationship between protein sequence and function.Comment: Made significant revisions to focus on aspects most relevant to applying machine learning to speed up directed evolutio