13 research outputs found

    Prediction of Pharmacological and Xenobiotic Responses to Drugs Based on Time Course Gene Expression Profiles

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    More and more people are concerned by the risk of unexpected side effects observed in the later steps of the development of new drugs, either in late clinical development or after marketing approval. In order to reduce the risk of the side effects, it is important to look out for the possible xenobiotic responses at an early stage. We attempt such an effort through a prediction by assuming that similarities in microarray profiles indicate shared mechanisms of action and/or toxicological responses among the chemicals being compared. A large time course microarray database derived from livers of compound-treated rats with thirty-four distinct pharmacological and toxicological responses were studied. The mRMR (Minimum-Redundancy-Maximum-Relevance) method and IFS (Incremental Feature Selection) were used to select a compact feature set (141 features) for the reduction of feature dimension and improvement of prediction performance. With these 141 features, the Leave-one-out cross-validation prediction accuracy of first order response using NNA (Nearest Neighbor Algorithm) was 63.9%. Our method can be used for pharmacological and xenobiotic responses prediction of new compounds and accelerate drug development

    Predict and Analyze Protein Glycation Sites with the mRMR and IFS Methods

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    Incorporating significant amino acid pairs to identify O-linked glycosylation sites on transmembrane proteins and non-transmembrane proteins

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>While occurring enzymatically in biological systems, O-linked glycosylation affects protein folding, localization and trafficking, protein solubility, antigenicity, biological activity, as well as cell-cell interactions on membrane proteins. Catalytic enzymes involve glycotransferases, sugar-transferring enzymes and glycosidases which trim specific monosaccharides from precursors to form intermediate structures. Due to the difficulty of experimental identification, several works have used computational methods to identify glycosylation sites.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By investigating glycosylated sites that contain various motifs between Transmembrane (TM) and non-Transmembrane (non-TM) proteins, this work presents a novel method, GlycoRBF, that implements radial basis function (RBF) networks with significant amino acid pairs (SAAPs) for identifying O-linked glycosylated serine and threonine on TM proteins and non-TM proteins. Additionally, a membrane topology is considered for reducing the false positives on glycosylated TM proteins. Based on an evaluation using five-fold cross-validation, the consideration of a membrane topology can reduce 31.4% of the false positives when identifying O-linked glycosylation sites on TM proteins. Via an independent test, GlycoRBF outperforms previous O-linked glycosylation site prediction schemes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A case study of Cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-6 alpha was presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of GlycoRBF. Web-based GlycoRBF, which can be accessed at <url>http://GlycoRBF.bioinfo.tw</url>, can identify O-linked glycosylated serine and threonine effectively and efficiently. Moreover, the structural topology of Transmembrane (TM) proteins with glycosylation sites is provided to users. The stand-alone version of GlycoRBF is also available for high throughput data analysis.</p

    Computational Prediction of O-linked Glycosylation Sites That Preferentially Map on Intrinsically Disordered Regions of Extracellular Proteins

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    O-glycosylation of mammalian proteins is one of the important posttranslational modifications. We applied a support vector machine (SVM) to predict whether Ser or Thr is glycosylated, in order to elucidate the O-glycosylation mechanism. O-glycosylated sites were often found clustered along the sequence, whereas other sites were located sporadically. Therefore, we developed two types of SVMs for predicting clustered and isolated sites separately. We found that the amino acid composition was effective for predicting the clustered type, whereas the site-specific algorithm was effective for the isolated type. The highest prediction accuracy for the clustered type was 74%, while that for the isolated type was 79%. The existence frequency of amino acids around the O-glycosylation sites was different in the two types: namely, Pro, Val and Ala had high existence probabilities at each specific position relative to a glycosylation site, especially for the isolated type. Independent component analyses for the amino acid sequences around O-glycosylation sites showed the position-specific existences of the identified amino acids as independent components. The O-glycosylation sites were preferentially located within intrinsically disordered regions of extracellular proteins: particularly, more than 90% of the clustered O-GalNAc glycosylation sites were observed in intrinsically disordered regions. This feature could be the key for understanding the non-conservation property of O-glycosylation, and its role in functional diversity and structural stability

    Prediction of glycosylation sites using random forests

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Post translational modifications (PTMs) occur in the vast majority of proteins and are essential for function. Prediction of the sequence location of PTMs enhances the functional characterisation of proteins. Glycosylation is one type of PTM, and is implicated in protein folding, transport and function.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We use the random forest algorithm and pairwise patterns to predict glycosylation sites. We identify pairwise patterns surrounding glycosylation sites and use an odds ratio to weight their propensity of association with modified residues. Our prediction program, GPP (glycosylation prediction program), predicts glycosylation sites with an accuracy of 90.8% for Ser sites, 92.0% for Thr sites and 92.8% for Asn sites. This is significantly better than current glycosylation predictors. We use the trepan algorithm to extract a set of comprehensible rules from GPP, which provide biological insight into all three major glycosylation types.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have created an accurate predictor of glycosylation sites and used this to extract comprehensible rules about the glycosylation process. GPP is available online at <url>http://comp.chem.nottingham.ac.uk/glyco/</url>.</p

    Data mining techniques for protein sequence analysis

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    This thesis concerns two areas of bioinformatics related by their role in protein structure and function: protein structure prediction and post translational modification of proteins. The dihedral angles Ψ and Φ are predicted using support vector regression. For the prediction of Ψ dihedral angles the addition of structural information is examined and the normalisation of Ψ and Φ dihedral angles is examined. An application of the dihedral angles is investigated. The relationship between dihedral angles and three bond J couplings determined from NMR experiments is described by the Karplus equation. We investigate the determination of the correct solution of the Karplus equation using predicted Φ dihedral angles. Glycosylation is an important post translational modification of proteins involved in many different facets of biology. The work here investigates the prediction of N-linked and O-linked glycosylation sites using the random forest machine learning algorithm and pairwise patterns in the data. This methodology produces more accurate results when compared to state of the art prediction methods. The black box nature of random forest is addressed by using the trepan algorithm to generate a decision tree with comprehensible rules that represents the decision making process of random forest. The prediction of our program GPP does not distinguish between glycans at a given glycosylation site. We use farthest first clustering, with the idea of classifying each glycosylation site by the sugar linking the glycan to protein. This thesis demonstrates the prediction of protein backbone torsion angles and improves the current state of the art for the prediction of glycosylation sites. It also investigates potential applications and the interpretation of these methods

    Data mining techniques for protein sequence analysis

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    This thesis concerns two areas of bioinformatics related by their role in protein structure and function: protein structure prediction and post translational modification of proteins. The dihedral angles Ψ and Φ are predicted using support vector regression. For the prediction of Ψ dihedral angles the addition of structural information is examined and the normalisation of Ψ and Φ dihedral angles is examined. An application of the dihedral angles is investigated. The relationship between dihedral angles and three bond J couplings determined from NMR experiments is described by the Karplus equation. We investigate the determination of the correct solution of the Karplus equation using predicted Φ dihedral angles. Glycosylation is an important post translational modification of proteins involved in many different facets of biology. The work here investigates the prediction of N-linked and O-linked glycosylation sites using the random forest machine learning algorithm and pairwise patterns in the data. This methodology produces more accurate results when compared to state of the art prediction methods. The black box nature of random forest is addressed by using the trepan algorithm to generate a decision tree with comprehensible rules that represents the decision making process of random forest. The prediction of our program GPP does not distinguish between glycans at a given glycosylation site. We use farthest first clustering, with the idea of classifying each glycosylation site by the sugar linking the glycan to protein. This thesis demonstrates the prediction of protein backbone torsion angles and improves the current state of the art for the prediction of glycosylation sites. It also investigates potential applications and the interpretation of these methods