5 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keuangan Sekolah

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      School financial data processing if done manually then the result is less effective. So required financial information management information system to improve the quality of service to students and accelerate the performance of employees in school. It is expected that this system can improve the performance of employees or teachers in school including chairman institutionalized in making decisions. The purpose of this study is to make school financial management information system designed and built by using PHP programming language and MySQL database so that it can process the school finance data such as tuition fee payment and making financial reports done efficiently and effectively. In this study, the author uses two methods, namely data collection methods and methods of system development. For data collection method, we use three way, that is observation, interview and study of library for development of system method used by writer that is incremental method having 5 stages, that is communication, planning, modeling, construction, deployment

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keuangan Sekolah

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      School financial data processing if done manually then the result is less effective. So required financial information management information system to improve the quality of service to students and accelerate the performance of employees in school. It is expected that this system can improve the performance of employees or teachers in school including chairman institutionalized in making decisions. The purpose of this study is to make school financial management information system designed and built by using PHP programming language and MySQL database so that it can process the school finance data such as tuition fee payment and making financial reports done efficiently and effectively. In this study, the author uses two methods, namely data collection methods and methods of system development. For data collection method, we use three way, that is observation, interview and study of library for development of system method used by writer that is incremental method having 5 stages, that is communication, planning, modeling, construction, deployment.  School financial data processing if done manually then the result is less effective. So required financial information management information system to improve the quality of service to students and accelerate the performance of employees in school. It is expected that this system can improve the performance of employees or teachers in school including chairman institutionalized in making decisions. The purpose of this study is to make school financial management information system designed and built by using PHP programming language and MySQL database so that it can process the school finance data such as tuition fee payment and making financial reports done efficiently and effectively. In this study, the author uses two methods, namely data collection methods and methods of system development. For data collection method, we use three way, that is observation, interview and study of library for development of system method used by writer that is incremental method having 5 stages, that is communication, planning, modeling, construction, deployment


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    Analisa perancangan data pembayaran uang sekolah jika dilakukan secara manualmaka hasilnya kurang efektif. Sehingga diperlukan analisis perancangan danpengembangan sistem informasi pembayaran data keuangan untuk meningkatkankualitas pelayanan kepada wali murid, pimpinan lembaga atau sekolah, bankrekanan dan mempercepat kinerja pegawai keuangan disekolah. Diharapkan sistemini dapat meningkatkan kinerja pegawai yang ada disekolah termasuk ketuadilembaga serta pihak wali murid dalam memperoleh infromasi mengenai datapembayaran biaya sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa perancangandan pengembangan sistem informasi pembayaran keuangan sekolah yangdirancang dan dikembangankan dengan mengunakan bahasa pemrograman mobileandroid app dan database MySQL dengan begitu maka dapat mengolah dataâ€datakeuangan sekolah seperti pembayaran spp dan pembuatan laporan keuangandilakukan dengan efisisen dan efektif. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakandua buah metode, yaitu metode pengumpulan data dan metode pengembangansistem. Untuk metode pengumpulan data, penulis menggunakan tiga cara, yaituobservasi, interview dan studi pustaka sedangan untuk pengembangan sistemmetode yang kami terapkan adalah metode incremental yang memilik 5 tahapan,yaitu communication, planning, modelling, construction, dan deployment.Kata Kunci: Sistem infromasi pembayaran; sekolah; android mobile app

    Enriquecimento de Base de Dorks Com Processamento de Linguagem Natural / Dorks Base Enrichment With Natural Language Processing

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    Na era digital, a informação é um dos principais ativos de uma organização, tornando-se um diferencial competitivo. Para proteger a informação, a segurança da informação dispõe de práticas para encontrar vulnerabilidades onde a informação está armazenada. Uma prática utilizada para encontrar vulnerabilidade em páginas web é o Google Hacking. O Google Hacking é uma prática de segurança da informação que utiliza dorks, strings de busca com adição ou não de operadores avançados do google. Encontra-se disponível na internet o Google Hacking Database, uma base de dados da organização Offensive Security contendo dorks testadas e validadas. Apesar da grande quantidade de dorks disponível na base, a base possui poucos atributos, fazendo-se necessário que quem a utilize, possua conhecimento prévio. Um modo de enriquecer esta base de dorks é utilizando técnicas de processamento de linguagem natural, subárea da inteligência artificial responsável por compreender, produzir e interpretar conteúdo em linguagem humana. Diante deste cenário, o objetivo deste trabalho enriquecer base de dorks com processamento de linguagem natural no apoio em testes de segurança da informação. Como metodologia, utilizou-se pesquisa experimental com abordagem quantitativa. Os resultados mostram que o processamento de linguagem natural pode ser utilizado para enriquecer uma base de dorks

    Proactive risk management in information systems

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    Managing security risks is one of the major challenges in modern information systems. Threats often come via the World Wide Web and are therefore difficult to predict. Thus, attackers can always be a step ahead of us and reactive approach based on known security incidents is not sufficient. A much higher security level can be achieved by active detection and neutralization of software vulnerabilities. When a large number of vulnerabilities are present in the system, they have to be prioritized for removal according to their severity. With a proactive approach, where we foresee which vulnerabilities will be more likely exploited in practice, the highest level of security can be assured. A widely used prioritization policy based upon a CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) score is frequently criticised for bad effectiveness. The main reason is that the CVSS score alone is not a good predictor of vulnerability exploitation in the wild. One of the key challenges in this area is therefore to identify the indicators of exploitation. Since the exploitation of vulnerability is basically a human threat, it is reasonable to take into account the characteristics of typical attackers. We propose several methods for setting priorities that take this into account. Methods have to be compared according to their effectiveness in risk mitigation. To this end, we have developed a valuation model that allows such comparisons. Proposed methods, which take into account human threats, were compared with the most popular existing methods. In the experiment we used vulnerability data from publicly available databases. Experimental results show that methods which take into account the characteristics of attackers are generally more effective than existing methods. The effectiveness was also confirmed in some real cases of information systems in practice