1,174 research outputs found

    Manjinski jezici i jezična politika u ruralnom području Baranje (Hrvatska) – analiza slučaja

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    The paper explores the position of minority languages in Croatian primary schools in multi-lingual communities on the example of the village of Darda, situated in the Hungarian-Croatian border area. The research is based on a questionnaire developed by Professor Sture Ureland from the University Mannheim, Germany, within a broader research project on mi-nority languages in Europe. The questionnaire, consisting of 43 questions, was conducted on the sample of 53 pupils taking part in the minority language education programme of the pri-mary school of Darda, a multilingual community 10 km away from Osijek. The sample in-cludes primary school children belonging mostly to three national minorities: the Serbian, the Hungarian and the Romany. In the first part of the paper the author describes the language policy of the Republic of Croatia with specific reference to minority languages. The main part is dedicated to the analysis of the results of the questionnaire concerning the usage of minority languages at school and in everyday communication by the respondents, as well as their atti-tudes towards their mother tongue on one hand and Croatian as the official language on the other. In the conclusion the author compares the results and, by using the example of multi-lingual community of the village of Darda, offers an overview of the position of minority lan-guages in the Hungarian-Croatian border area. The results will also indicate how the minority language policy is applied in Croatian primary schools and how it reflected on the ethnolin-guistic vitality of that specific multilingual community.Rad istražuje položaj manjinskih jezika u hrvatskim osnovnim školama u višejezičnim zajed-nicama na primjeru sela Darda, smještenog uz hrvatsko-mađarsku granicu. Istraživanje se te-melji na upitniku koji je razvio prof. dr. Sture Ureland sa Sveučilišta u Mannheimu, Nje-mačka, u okviru širega znanstvenog projekta o manjinskim jezicima u Europi. Upitnik od ukupno 43 pitanja proveden je na uzorku od 53 učenika uključenih u manjinski obrazovni program Osnovne škole u Dardi, višejezičnoj zajednici udaljenoj 10 km od grada Osijeka. Uzorkom su obuhvaćena djeca osnovnoškolskog uzrasta koja uglavnom pripadaju trima na-cionalnim manjinama: mađarskoj, srpskoj i romskoj. U prvom dijelu rada autorica opisuje jezičnu politiku Hrvatske s posebnim osvrtom na manjinske jezike. Glavni je dio rada posve-ćen analizi rezultata upitnika s obzirom na uporabu manjinskih jezika u školi i u svakodnev-noj komunikaciji, kao i na stavove ispitanika prema konkretnom manjinskom jeziku te prema hrvatskom kao službenom jeziku. U zaključku autorica uspoređuje dobivene rezultate te na primjeru višejezične zajednice u Dardi nudi prikaz položaja manjinskih jezika u pograničnom području s Mađarskom. Rezultati će također ukazati na specifičnosti primjene jezične politike u hrvatskim osnovnim školama te kako se takva jezična politika odražava na etnolingvističku vitalnost konkretne višejezične zajednice

    Religious education in Croatia

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    This chapter analyses basic issues concerning religious education in Croatia: social and religious context, legal framework for the introduction of religious instruction in schools, public discourse about religious education in Croatia during the 1990s, religious education in primary and secondary schools curricula, teacher-training and some data about attitudes towards religious education in schools among population in Croatia

    Civic education as a potential for developing civil society and democracy : (the case of Serbia)

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    This study aims at analyzing the potential of the school subject "Civic Education" for the creation of democratic and civil society in Serbia, and its implications for building a sustainable peace in the region. Civic Education is discussed in the framework of Democracy and Civil society, and its aims and goals are analyzed from the perspective of its stakeholders (teachers and pupils). The results show there is a partial congruence between the stated objectives in the Civic Education curriculum and pupils' and teacher's perspective on it. The possible outcomes of this program, competences hypothesized to be relevant for democratic behavior, are accessed through pupils' attitudes expressed on the Ethnic distance scale and the scale of Authoritarianism, where two groups of pupils are compared (those who attend Civic Education and those who attend Religious Education). A statistically significant, although moderate difference between these groups is found on the later scale, implying that the Civic Education program can decrease authoritarianism/traditionalism. However, strong traditional structures in family and society, as well as visible illiberal tendencies in the Serbian politics are undermining the real potential of the Civic Education for further democratization and developing of civil society in Serbia. Key words: civic education, civil society, democracy, peace, ethnic distance, and authoritarianis

    Study in the Field of Education

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    This analytical study within the field of education aims to explore the situation of migrants in the education system. Of importance in this context are the questions as to the educational involvement and achievements of migrants, on the one hand, and the extent to which young migrants have to fight against discrimination within the field of education on the other. In order to assess the situation of children and young people with a migrant background in the German education system, on the one hand, official education statistics were employed, in particular those of the Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt). On the other hand, recourse was made to various empirical studies. These studies, in which differentiation is not only made between nationality, but also, in part, the place of birth, with the consequence that ethnic German migrants (Aussiedler) or second-generation migrants, for example, could also be identified, provide results which supplement the analysis of the official statistics, but which also, in part, put them into perspective

    Odnos dijakov in študentov do vseživljenjskega učenja

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    In the paper we present the results of the study on young people’s attitudes towards lifelong learning. The study was conducted on a sample of 100 Croatian university students from various study programmes and 100 pupils of a secondary school from Opatija. The aims of the study were to gain an insight into the participants’ knowledge of and attitude towards lifelong learning, and to examine whether there are any differences between the pupils’ and the students’ opinions. Two questionnaires were used to collect data. One was presented to the pupils and the other to the students. The results show that the students know more about lifelong learning than pupils, and that most participants are interested in future learning. While more than half of the pupils did not consider lifelong learning to be necessary, the majority of students, on the other hand, saw it as important for their future. Recommendations and possible practical implications of the study are discussed in the final part.Članek predstavlja rezultate raziskave, ki je analizirala odnos mladih do vseživljenjskega učenja. Študija je bila izvedena na vzorcu 100 hrvaških univerzitetnih študentov različnih programov ter 100 dijakov srednje šole iz Opatije. Cilj študije je bil pridobiti vpogled v znanje o vseživljenjskem učenju in v odnos udeležencev do njega ter hkrati preveriti, ali pri tem obstajajo razlike med dijaki in študenti. Pri pridobivanju podatkov sta bila uporabljena dva vprašalnika, eden za dijake in drugi za študente. Rezultati so pokazali, da študenti o vseživljenjskem učenju vedo več kot dijaki ter da pri večini udeležencev obstaja zanimanje za nadaljevanje učenja v prihodnosti. Medtem ko več kot polovica dijakov vseživljenjskega učenja ne doživlja kot nujnega, je večina študentov prepričana, da je pomembno za njihovo prihodnost. V zaključku članka so podana priporočila in nakazani možni praktični nastavki raziskave

    Analytical report on education: national focal point for Germany

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    "This analytical study within the field of education aims to explore the situation of migrants in the education system. Here, first of all the question of legal regulations and political measures which promote the integration of migrants into the education system and which prevent discrimination are of importance. It can be stated that there are indeed general regulations prohibting discrimination in the public education system. On the other hand, there is no anti-discrimination law tailored for the special features of the education situation and fixing concrete norms. Also special institutions, such as commissioners for anti-discrimination schools, do not exist yet. There are, however, a number of programmes fostering the intigration of migrants and contributing to tolerance and peaceful co-existance." [Text abstract]Die Studie informiert über die Situation und die Lernleistungen der Migranten im Bildungssystem der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. In das Thema einführend werden in einem Überblick zunächst Förderungsmaßnahmen von Migrantenkindern an deutschen Schulen sowie die grundlegenden rechtlichen Regelungen hinsichtlich der Diskriminierung im Bildungssystem dargestellt. Der zweite Schritt befasst sich in detaillierterer Form mit der Situation von Migrantenkindern und jungen Menschen, wobei die Betrachtung sowohl die schulischen Gegebenheiten als auch die spätere Ausbildungssituation umfasst. Ferner gilt das Augenmerk dem Phänomen der Diskriminierung von Migranten im Bildungsbereich. Dabei basieren die Ausführungen auf offiziellen statistischen Daten für den Zeitraum von 1997 bis 2002. Die Untersuchungen machen deutlich, dass im Bildungssystem große Differenzen zwischen deutschen und Migrantenkindern bzw. jungen Menschen hinsichtlich der Bildungsmöglichkeiten und -niveaus bestehen. Der dritte Schritt präsentiert eine Reihe fördernder Maßnahmen in den Bereichen Politik und Gesetzgebung sowie im Schulwesen (Vorschule, Primarbereich, Sekundarstufe I, Berufsausbildung, Ausbildung von Lehrpersonal) zur Bewältigung der ungleichen Bildungssituation. (ICG2


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    This paper points to different modes of agency that aimed and are still aiming at the transformation of social, political and economic discourse in the direction of \u27conservative modernization\u27 in most Western countries. The paper begins with a brief historical sketch of the socio-political circumstances that provided fertile ground for the emergence and development of \u27conservative modernization\u27, and continues to further elaborate the concept through the analysis of the categories that draw from works of the Michael W. Apple. The Apple\u27s theoretical apparatus is applied as a \u27tool\u27 for the analysis of neoliberal, neoconservative, authoritarian-populist and expert conceptual and implementation pressures in the process of Comprehensive Curricular Reform in Croatia. The concluding section of the paper presents the results of the analysis of conceptual and implementation pressures in the process of Comprehensive Curricular Reform in Croatia