2 research outputs found

    Time-Dependent Performance Modeling for Platooning Communications at Intersection

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    With the development of internet of vehicles, platooning strategy has been widely studied as the potential approach to ensure the safety of autonomous driving. Vehicles in the form of platoon adopt 802.11p to exchange messages through vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communications. When multiple platoons arrive at an intersection, the leader vehicle of each platoon adjusts its movement characteristics to ensure that it can cross the intersection and thus the following vehicles have to adjust their movement characteristics accordingly. In this case, the time-varying connectivity among vehicles leads to the significant non-stationary performance change in platooning communications, which may incur safety issues. In this paper, we construct the time-dependent model to evaluate the platooning communication performance at the intersection based on the initial movement characteristics. We first consider the movement behaviors of vehicles at the intersection including turning, accelerating, decelerating and stopping as well as the periodic change of traffic lights to construct movement model, and then establish a hearing network to reflect the time-varying connectivity among vehicles. Afterwards, we adopt the pointwise stationary fluid flow approximation (PSFFA) to model the non-stationary behavior of transmission queue. Then, we consider four access categories (ACs) and continuous backoff freezing of 802.11p to construct the models to describe the time-dependent access process of 802.11p. Finally, based on the time-dependent model, the packet transmission delay and packet delivery ratio are derived. The accuracy of our proposed model is verified by comparing the simulation results with analytical results.Comment: This paper has been accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journa

    Matching 5G Connected Vehicles to Sensed Vehicles for Safe Cooperative Autonomous Driving

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    5G connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) help enhance perception of driving environment and cooperation among vehicles by sharing sensing and driving information, which is a promising technology to avoid accidents and improve road-use efficiency. A key issue for cooperation among CAVs is matching communicating vehicles to those captured in sensors such as cameras, LiDAR, etc.. Incorrect vehicle matching may cause serious accidents. While centimeter level positioning is now available for autonomous vehicles, matching connected vehicles to sensed vehicles (MCSV) is still challenging and has rarely been studied. In this paper, we are motivated to investigate the MCSV problem for 5G CAVs, propose and assess solutions for the problem to bridge the research gap. We formulate the MCSV problem and propose two MCSV approaches to support cooperative driving. The first approach is based on vehicle registration number (VRN), which is unique to identify a vehicle and can be shared among CAVs for MCSV. VRN is hashed before sharing to protect privacy, and will be compared to the shared one for vehicle matching. The second MCSV approach is based on visual features of vehicle’s external views, which are shared with other CAVs and compared to those obtained from visual sensors to match the vehicles of interest. A new MCSV dataset is developed to assess the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. Experiment results show that both approaches are feasible and useful, and they achieve a very low false positive rate, which is critical for cooperative driving safety