638 research outputs found

    Computing and Displaying Isosurfaces in R

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    This paper presents R utilities for computing and displaying isosurfaces, or three-dimensional contour surfaces, from a three-dimensional array of function values. A version of the marching cubes algorithm that takes into account face and internal ambiguities is used to compute the isosurfaces. Vectorization is used to ensure adequate performance using only R code. Examples are presented showing contours of theoretical densities, density estimates, and medical imaging data. Rendering can use the rgl package or standard or grid graphics, and a set of tools for representing and rendering surfaces using standard or grid graphics is presented.

    Mixing in turbulent jets: scalar measures and isosurface geometry

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    Experiments have been conducted to investigate mixing and the geometry of scalar isosurfaces in turbulent jets. Specifically, we have obtained high-resolution, high-signal-to-noise-ratio images of the jet-fluid concentration in the far field of round, liquid-phase, turbulent jets, in the Reynolds number range 4.5 × 10^3 ≤ Re ≤ 18 × 10^3, using laser-induced-fluorescence imaging techniques. Analysis of these data indicates that this Reynolds-number range spans a mixing transition in the far field of turbulent jets. This is manifested in the probability-density function of the scalar field, as well as in measures of the scalar isosurfaces. Classical as well as fractal measures of these isosurfaces have been computed, from small to large spatial scales, and are found to be functions of both scalar threshold and Reynolds number. The coverage of level sets of jet-fluid concentration in the two-dimensional images is found to possess a scale-dependent-fractal dimension that increases continuously with increasing scale, from near unity, at the smallest scales, to 2, at the largest scales. The geometry of the scalar isosurfaces is, therefore, more complex than power-law fractal, exhibiting an increasing complexity with increasing scale. This behaviour necessitates a scale-dependent generalization of power-law-fractal geometry. A connection between scale-dependent-fractal geometry and the distribution of scales is established and used to compute the distribution of spatial scales in the flow

    Volumetric Isosurface Rendering with Deep Learning-Based Super-Resolution

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    Rendering an accurate image of an isosurface in a volumetric field typically requires large numbers of data samples. Reducing the number of required samples lies at the core of research in volume rendering. With the advent of deep learning networks, a number of architectures have been proposed recently to infer missing samples in multi-dimensional fields, for applications such as image super-resolution and scan completion. In this paper, we investigate the use of such architectures for learning the upscaling of a low-resolution sampling of an isosurface to a higher resolution, with high fidelity reconstruction of spatial detail and shading. We introduce a fully convolutional neural network, to learn a latent representation generating a smooth, edge-aware normal field and ambient occlusions from a low-resolution normal and depth field. By adding a frame-to-frame motion loss into the learning stage, the upscaling can consider temporal variations and achieves improved frame-to-frame coherence. We demonstrate the quality of the network for isosurfaces which were never seen during training, and discuss remote and in-situ visualization as well as focus+context visualization as potential application

    Exposure Render: An Interactive Photo-Realistic Volume Rendering Framework

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    The field of volume visualization has undergone rapid development during the past years, both due to advances in suitable computing hardware and due to the increasing availability of large volume datasets. Recent work has focused on increasing the visual realism in Direct Volume Rendering (DVR) by integrating a number of visually plausible but often effect-specific rendering techniques, for instance modeling of light occlusion and depth of field. Besides yielding more attractive renderings, especially the more realistic lighting has a positive effect on perceptual tasks. Although these new rendering techniques yield impressive results, they exhibit limitations in terms of their exibility and their performance. Monte Carlo ray tracing (MCRT), coupled with physically based light transport, is the de-facto standard for synthesizing highly realistic images in the graphics domain, although usually not from volumetric data. Due to the stochastic sampling of MCRT algorithms, numerous effects can be achieved in a relatively straight-forward fashion. For this reason, we have developed a practical framework that applies MCRT techniques also to direct volume rendering (DVR). With this work, we demonstrate that a host of realistic effects, including physically based lighting, can be simulated in a generic and flexible fashion, leading to interactive DVR with improved realism. In the hope that this improved approach to DVR will see more use in practice, we have made available our framework under a permissive open source license

    Pushing the Limits of 3D Color Printing: Error Diffusion with Translucent Materials

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    Accurate color reproduction is important in many applications of 3D printing, from design prototypes to 3D color copies or portraits. Although full color is available via other technologies, multi-jet printers have greater potential for graphical 3D printing, in terms of reproducing complex appearance properties. However, to date these printers cannot produce full color, and doing so poses substantial technical challenges, from the shear amount of data to the translucency of the available color materials. In this paper, we propose an error diffusion halftoning approach to achieve full color with multi-jet printers, which operates on multiple isosurfaces or layers within the object. We propose a novel traversal algorithm for voxel surfaces, which allows the transfer of existing error diffusion algorithms from 2D printing. The resulting prints faithfully reproduce colors, color gradients and fine-scale details.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures; includes supplemental figure

    Computing and Displaying Isosurfaces in R

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    This paper presents R utilities for computing and displaying isosurfaces, or three-dimensional contour surfaces, from a three-dimensional array of function values. A version of the marching cubes algorithm that takes into account face and internal ambiguities is used to compute the isosurfaces. Vectorization is used to ensure adequate performance using only R code. Examples are presented showing contours of theoretical densities, density estimates, and medical imaging data. Rendering can use the rgl package or standard or grid graphics, and a set of tools for representing and rendering surfaces using standard or grid graphics is presented

    Noise-based volume rendering for the visualization of multivariate volumetric data

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