5 research outputs found

    Type Oriented Parallel Programming

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    Context: Parallel computing is an important field within the sciences. With the emergence of multi, and soon many, core CPUs this is moving more and more into the domain of general computing. HPC programmers want performance, but at the moment this comes at a cost; parallel languages are either efficient or conceptually simple, but not both. Aim: To develop and evaluate a novel programming paradigm which will address the problem of parallel programming and allow for languages which are both conceptually simple and efficient. Method: A type-based approach, which allows the programmer to control all aspects of parallelism by the use and combination of types has been developed. As a vehicle to present and analyze this new paradigm a parallel language, Mesham, and associated compilation tools have also been created. By using types to express parallelism the programmer can exercise efficient, flexible control in a high level abstract model yet with a sufficiently rich amount of information in the source code upon which the compiler can perform static analysis and optimization. Results: A number of case studies have been implemented in Mesham. Official benchmarks have been performed which demonstrate the paradigm allows one to write code which is comparable, in terms of performance, with existing high performance solutions. Sections of the parallel simulation package, Gadget-2, have been ported into Mesham, where substantial code simplifications have been made. Conclusions: The results obtained indicate that the type-based approach does satisfy the aim of the research described in this thesis. By using this new paradigm the programmer has been able to write parallel code which is both simple and efficient

    Specification and Verification of Shared-Memory Concurrent Programs

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    A Hardware Verification Methodology for an Interconnection Network with fast Process Synchronization

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    Shrinking process node sizes allow the integration of more and more functionality into a single chip design. At the same time, the mask costs to manufacture a new chip increases steadily. For the industry this cost increase can be absorbed by selling more chips. Furthermore, new innovative chip designs have a higher risk. Therefore, the industry only changes small parts of a chip design between different generations to minimize their risks. Thus, new innovative chip designs can only be realized by research institutes, which do not have the cost restrictions and the pressure from the markets as the industry. Such an innovative research project is EXTOLL, which is developed by the Computer Architecture Group of the University of Heidelberg. It is a new interconnection network for High performance Computing, and targets the problems of existing interconnection networks commercially available. EXTOLL is optimized for a high bandwidth, a low latency, and a high message rate. Especially, the low latency and high message rate become more important for modern interconnection networks. As the size of networks grow, the same computational problem is distributed to more nodes. This leads to a lower data granularity and more smaller messages, that have to be transported by the interconnection network. The problem of smaller messages in the interconnection network is addressed by this thesis. It develops a new network protocol, which is optimized for small messages. It reduces the protocol overhead required for sending small messages. Furthermore, the growing network sizes introduce a reliability problem. This is also addressed by the developed efficient network protocol. The smaller data granularity also increases the need for an efficient barrier synchronization. Such a hardware barrier synchronization is developed by thesis, using a new approach of integrating the barrier functionality into the interconnection network. The masks costs to manufacture an ASIC make it difficult for a research institute to build an ASIC. A research institute cannot afford re-spin, because of the costs. Therefore, there is the pressure to make it right the first time. An approach to avoid a re-spin is the functional verification in prior to the submission. A complete and comprehensive verification methodology is developed for the EXTOLL interconnection network. Due to the structured approach, it is possible to realize the functional verification with limited resources in a small time frame. Additionally, the developed verification methodology is able to support different target technologies for the design with a very little overhead

    Practical Barrier Synchronisation

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    We investigate the performance of barrier synchronisation on both shared-memory and distributedmemory architectures, using a wide range of techniques. The performance results obtained show that distributed-memory architectures behave predictably, although their performance for barrier synchronisation is relatively poor. For shared-memory architectures, a much larger range of implementation techniques are available. We show that asymptotic analysis is useless, and a detailed understanding of the underlying hardware is required to design an effective barrier implementation. We show that a technique using cache coherence is more effective than semaphore- or lockbased techniques, and is competitive with specialised barrier synchronisation hardware. 1 Introduction Barrier synchronisation is an important collectivecommunication operation in several of today's parallel programming models. It is a simple concept to understand: all processes in some group must reach a certain point in the exe..

    Practical Barrier SYNCHRONISATION

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    We investigate the performance of barrier synchronisation on both shared-memory and distributed-memory architectures, using a wide range of techniques. The performance results obtained show that distributed-memory architectures behave predictably, although their performance for barrier synchronisation is relatively poor. For shared-memory architectures, a much larger range of implementation techniques are available. We show that asymptotic analysis is useless, and a detailed understanding of the underlying hardware is required to design an effective barrier implementation. We show that a technique using cache coherence is more effective than semaphore- or lock-based techniques, and is competitive with specialised barrier synchronisation hardware. 1 Introduction Barrier synchronisation is an important collective-communication operation in several of today's parallel programming models. It is a simple concept to understand: all processes in some group must reach a certain point in the e..