5 research outputs found

    Signatures courtes sur chiffrés randomizables

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    International audienceRandomizable encryption lets anyone randomize a ciphertext so it is distributed like a fresh encryption of the same plaintext. Signatures on randomizable cipher-texts (SoRC), introduced by Blazy et al. (PKC'11), let one adapt a signature on a ciphertext to a randomization of the latter. Since signatures can only be adapted to ciphertexts that encrypt the same message as the signed ciphertext, signatures obliviously authenticate plaintexts. SoRC have been used as a building block in e-voting, blind signatures and (delegatable) anonymous credentials. We observe that SoRC can be seen as signatures on equivalence classes (JoC'19), another primitive with many applications to anonymous authentication, and that SoRC provide better anonymity guarantees. We first strengthen the unforgeability notion for SoRC and then give a scheme that provably achieves it in the generic group model. Signatures in our scheme consist of 4 bilinear-group elements, which is considerably more efficient than prior schemes

    Concurrently Secure Blind Schnorr Signatures

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    Many applications of blind signatures (notably in blockchains) require the resulting signatures to be compatible with the existing system. This makes schemes that produce Schnorr signatures (now being standardized and supported by major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin) desirable. Unfortunately, the existing blind-signing protocol has been shown insecure when users can open signing sessions concurrently (Eurocrypt\u2721). On the other hand, only allowing sequential sessions opens the door to denial-of-service attacks. We present the first practical, concurrently secure blind-signing protocol for Schnorr signatures, using the standard primitives NIZK and PKE and assuming that Schnorr signatures themselves are unforgeable. We cast our scheme as a generalization of blind and partially blind signatures: we introduce the notion of predicate blind signatures, in which the signer can define a predicate that the blindly signed message must satisfy. We provide proof-of-concept implementations and benchmarks for various choices of primitives and scenarios, including blindly signing Bitcoin transactions conditioned on certain properties

    Structure-Preserving Signatures on Equivalence Classes and Constant-Size Anonymous Credentials

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    Structure-preserving signatures (SPS) are a powerful building block for cryptographic protocols. We introduce SPS on equivalence classes (SPS-EQ), which allow joint randomization of messages and signatures. Messages are projective equivalence classes defined on group element vectors, so multiplying a vector by a scalar yields a different representative of the same class. Our scheme lets one adapt a signature for one representative to a signature for another representative without knowledge of any secret. Moreover, given a signature, an adapted signature for a different representative is indistinguishable from a fresh signature on a random message. We propose a definitional framework for SPS-EQ and an efficient construction in Type-3 bilinear groups, which we prove secure against generic forgers. We also introduce set-commitment schemes that let one open subsets of the committed set. From this and SPS-EQ we then build an efficient multi-show attribute-based anonymous credential system for an arbitrary number of attributes. Our ABC system avoids costly zero-knowledge proofs and only requires a short interactive proof to thwart replay attacks. It is the first credential system whose bandwidth required for credential showing is independent of the number of its attributes, i.e., constant-size. We propose strengthened game-based security definitions for ABC and prove our scheme anonymous against malicious organizations in the standard model; finally, we discuss a concurrently secure variant in the CRS model

    Non-Constructivity in Security Proofs

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    In the field of cryptography, one generally obtains assurances for the security of a cryptographic protocol by giving a reductionist security proof, which is comprised of a reduction from breaking a mathematical problem (that is well-studied and widely believed to be intractable) to the breaking of the cryptographic protocol. While such reductions are generally constructive, some authors give non-constructive reductions (also called non-uniform reductions) in order to reduce the tightness gap of the reduction. However, in order to assess the concrete security that the proof provides, one also needs to assess the intractability of the underlying mathematical problem against non-constructive attacks. Unfortunately, there has been very little work in the literature on non-constructive attacks on these problems, and sometimes non-constructive attacks are found that are much faster than their constructive counterparts. Thus, it is sometimes very difficult to obtain meaningful security assurances about a cryptographic protocol from a non-constructive reductionist security proof. In this thesis, we examine three instances of non-constructive security proofs for cryptographic protocols in the literature: (1) a password-based key derivation function; (2) an HMAC-related message authentication code scheme; and (3) a round-optimal blind signature scheme

    IST Austria Thesis

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    A search problem lies in the complexity class FNP if a solution to the given instance of the problem can be verified efficiently. The complexity class TFNP consists of all search problems in FNP that are total in the sense that a solution is guaranteed to exist. TFNP contains a host of interesting problems from fields such as algorithmic game theory, computational topology, number theory and combinatorics. Since TFNP is a semantic class, it is unlikely to have a complete problem. Instead, one studies its syntactic subclasses which are defined based on the combinatorial principle used to argue totality. Of particular interest is the subclass PPAD, which contains important problems like computing Nash equilibrium for bimatrix games and computational counterparts of several fixed-point theorems as complete. In the thesis, we undertake the study of averagecase hardness of TFNP, and in particular its subclass PPAD. Almost nothing was known about average-case hardness of PPAD before a series of recent results showed how to achieve it using a cryptographic primitive called program obfuscation. However, it is currently not known how to construct program obfuscation from standard cryptographic assumptions. Therefore, it is desirable to relax the assumption under which average-case hardness of PPAD can be shown. In the thesis we take a step in this direction. First, we show that assuming the (average-case) hardness of a numbertheoretic problem related to factoring of integers, which we call Iterated-Squaring, PPAD is hard-on-average in the random-oracle model. Then we strengthen this result to show that the average-case hardness of PPAD reduces to the (adaptive) soundness of the Fiat-Shamir Transform, a well-known technique used to compile a public-coin interactive protocol into a non-interactive one. As a corollary, we obtain average-case hardness for PPAD in the random-oracle model assuming the worst-case hardness of #SAT. Moreover, the above results can all be strengthened to obtain average-case hardness for the class CLS ⊆ PPAD. Our main technical contribution is constructing incrementally-verifiable procedures for computing Iterated-Squaring and #SAT. By incrementally-verifiable, we mean that every intermediate state of the computation includes a proof of its correctness, and the proof can be updated and verified in polynomial time. Previous constructions of such procedures relied on strong, non-standard assumptions. Instead, we introduce a technique called recursive proof-merging to obtain the same from weaker assumptions