14,387 research outputs found

    Towards a Holistic Approach to Designing Theory-based Mobile Health Interventions

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    Increasing evidence has shown that theory-based health behavior change interventions are more effective than non-theory-based ones. However, only a few segments of relevant studies were theory-based, especially the studies conducted by non-psychology researchers. On the other hand, many mobile health interventions, even those based on the behavioral theories, may still fail in the absence of a user-centered design process. The gap between behavioral theories and user-centered design increases the difficulty of designing and implementing mobile health interventions. To bridge this gap, we propose a holistic approach to designing theory-based mobile health interventions built on the existing theories and frameworks of three categories: (1) behavioral theories (e.g., the Social Cognitive Theory, the Theory of Planned Behavior, and the Health Action Process Approach), (2) the technological models and frameworks (e.g., the Behavior Change Techniques, the Persuasive System Design and Behavior Change Support System, and the Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions), and (3) the user-centered systematic approaches (e.g., the CeHRes Roadmap, the Wendel's Approach, and the IDEAS Model). This holistic approach provides researchers a lens to see the whole picture for developing mobile health interventions

    Competitive orientation as a basis for personalization of competition feature and its contents in mobile applications promoting physical activity

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    Kilpailullisuus personoinnin perustana aktivisuussovelluksissa. Tiivistelmä. New technologies, such as web and mobile applications, propose a promising means for promoting healthier lifestyles. Behaviour change support systems (BCSSs) and persuasive systems are concepts that have been introduced to create a common grounds for studying such new technologies. Previous study has found that competition strategy, commonly used in persuasive systems, is perceived controversially both as motivating and demotivating for users. Furthermore, previous study has found that personalization of the system according to user characteristics can increase system persuasiveness. This thesis is one of the first studies to explore how the psychological construct of competitive orientation can be utilized as a basis for personalizing persuasive systems. More in particular, this thesis is the first study to explore how competitive orientation of an individual should be considered in the design of competition strategy. Two research methods were used: conceptual analysis and analysis of empirical data. Study results suggest that the competitive orientation of a user is one of the factors explaining the perceived persuasiveness of competition strategy. This study proposes that competition strategy should be personalized to match the user’s competitive orientation. Furthermore, this study suggests that the persuasive systems design model should be extended to include a feature of self-competition to leverage the power of the self-developmental aspect of competition to motivate behaviour change

    Expanding the research area of behavior change support systems

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    The First International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems attracted a great research interest. The selected papers focused on abstraction, implementation and evaluation of Behavior Change Support Systems. The workshop is an evidence of how researchers from around the globe have their own perspective of behavior change interventions. In this abstract, we have attempted to outline core issues that can enhance persuasiveness of such support systems. Finally, we highlight important research questions relating to the development of effective Behavior Change Support System

    Get yourself connected: conceptualising the role of digital technologies in Norwegian career guidance

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    This report outlines the role of digital technologies in the provision of career guidance. It was commissioned by the c ommittee on career guidance which is advising the Norwegian Government following a review of the countries skills system by the OECD. In this report we argue that career guidance and online career guidance in particular can support the development of Norwa y’s skills system to help meet the economic challenges that it faces.The expert committee advising Norway’s Career Guidance Initiativ

    Self-Control in Cyberspace: Applying Dual Systems Theory to a Review of Digital Self-Control Tools

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    Many people struggle to control their use of digital devices. However, our understanding of the design mechanisms that support user self-control remains limited. In this paper, we make two contributions to HCI research in this space: first, we analyse 367 apps and browser extensions from the Google Play, Chrome Web, and Apple App stores to identify common core design features and intervention strategies afforded by current tools for digital self-control. Second, we adapt and apply an integrative dual systems model of self-regulation as a framework for organising and evaluating the design features found. Our analysis aims to help the design of better tools in two ways: (i) by identifying how, through a well-established model of self-regulation, current tools overlap and differ in how they support self-control; and (ii) by using the model to reveal underexplored cognitive mechanisms that could aid the design of new tools.Comment: 11.5 pages (excl. references), 6 figures, 1 tabl

    A Data Science approach to behavioural change: large scale interventions on physical activity and weight loss

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    This PhD thesis is a quantitative investigation combining Behaviour Change Science with a Data Science approach in search of more effective large scale, multi-component behavioural interventions for health and well-being. There is limited evidence about how technology-based interventions (including those using wearable physical activity monitors and apps) are efficacious for increasing physical activity and nutrition. The relevance of this research is the systematic approach to overcome previous studies’ limitations in method and measurement: restricted research about multi-component interventions, limited analysis about the impact of social networking, the inclusion of components without sufficient evidence about the components’ effectiveness, the absence of a control group(s), small sample sizes, subjective physical activity reporting, among other limitations. The research was done in conjunction with Tictrac Ltd as the industrial partner, and the UCL Centre for Behaviour Change. Tictrac Ltd builds platforms for the collection and aggregation of personal data generated by the users’ devices and mobile apps. The collaboration with the UCL Centre for Behaviour Change has been instrumental to design, implement, evaluate and analyse behaviour change interventions that impact wellbeing and health. The thesis comprises three areas of research: 1. Computational platforms for large scale behavioural interventions. To support this research, computational platforms were designed, built, deployed and used for randomised behavioural interventions with control groups. The interventions were implemented as experiments related to the behavioural impact on physical activity, weight loss and change in diet. / 2. Behaviour change experiments. The two experiments use the Behaviour Change Wheel framework for behaviour change, intervention design and evaluation. A Data Science approach was used to test hypotheses, determine and quantify the effect of the fundamental intervention components and their interactions. The effective use of tracking devices and apps was determined by comparing the results of ‘structured intervention’ –vs- those of the control group. / Experiment 1: Large scale intervention in a corporate wellness setting. Multi-component behavioural intervention with: control group, self-defined goals, choice architecture and personal dashboards for physical activity and weight loss. The analysis covers network effects of social interactions, the role of being explicit about a type of goal, the impact of making part of team, among other relevant outcomes. / Experiment 2: Identification of critical factors of a technology-based intervention. Multi-component behavioural intervention with simultaneous target behaviours related to weight loss and physical activity, inspired by factorial design for the determination of critical factors and effective components. The analysis comprises: components’ interactions (coach, challenge, team, action plans, forum), non-linear relationships (BMI, change in diet habit), five personality traits, among other relevant results. / 3. Frameworks for future large scale interventions in behaviour change. The implementation of both experiments required an applied use of theoretical and practical principles for the design of the experimental computational platforms. As a result, two frameworks were suggested for future interventions: an implementation framework and a data strategy framework

    Analyzing constraint-based innovations : learnings from cases in rural Mexico

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