9 research outputs found

    Rank, select and access in grammar-compressed strings

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    Given a string SS of length NN on a fixed alphabet of σ\sigma symbols, a grammar compressor produces a context-free grammar GG of size nn that generates SS and only SS. In this paper we describe data structures to support the following operations on a grammar-compressed string: \mbox{rank}_c(S,i) (return the number of occurrences of symbol cc before position ii in SS); \mbox{select}_c(S,i) (return the position of the iith occurrence of cc in SS); and \mbox{access}(S,i,j) (return substring S[i,j]S[i,j]). For rank and select we describe data structures of size O(nσlogN)O(n\sigma\log N) bits that support the two operations in O(logN)O(\log N) time. We propose another structure that uses O(nσlog(N/n)(logN)1+ϵ)O(n\sigma\log (N/n)(\log N)^{1+\epsilon}) bits and that supports the two queries in O(logN/loglogN)O(\log N/\log\log N), where ϵ>0\epsilon>0 is an arbitrary constant. To our knowledge, we are the first to study the asymptotic complexity of rank and select in the grammar-compressed setting, and we provide a hardness result showing that significantly improving the bounds we achieve would imply a major breakthrough on a hard graph-theoretical problem. Our main result for access is a method that requires O(nlogN)O(n\log N) bits of space and O(logN+m/logσN)O(\log N+m/\log_\sigma N) time to extract m=ji+1m=j-i+1 consecutive symbols from SS. Alternatively, we can achieve O(logN/loglogN+m/logσN)O(\log N/\log\log N+m/\log_\sigma N) query time using O(nlog(N/n)(logN)1+ϵ)O(n\log (N/n)(\log N)^{1+\epsilon}) bits of space. This matches a lower bound stated by Verbin and Yu for strings where NN is polynomially related to nn.Comment: 16 page

    Queries on LZ-Bounded Encodings

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    We describe a data structure that stores a string SS in space similar to that of its Lempel-Ziv encoding and efficiently supports access, rank and select queries. These queries are fundamental for implementing succinct and compressed data structures, such as compressed trees and graphs. We show that our data structure can be built in a scalable manner and is both small and fast in practice compared to other data structures supporting such queries

    Space-efficient data structures for string searching and retrieval

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    Let D = {d_1, d_2, ...} be a collection of string documents of n characters in total, which are drawn from an alphabet set Sigma =[sigma] ={1,2,3,...sigma}. The top-k document retrieval problem is to maintain D as a data structure, such that when ever a query Q=(P, k) comes, we can report (the identifiers of) those k documents that are most relevant to the pattern P (of p characters). The relevance of a document d_r with respect to a pattern P is captured by score(P, d_r), which can be any function of the set of locations where P occurs in d_r. Finding the most relevant documents to the user query is the central task of any web-search engine. In the case of web-data, the documents can be demarcated along word boundaries. All the search engines use inverted index as the back-bone data structure. For each word occurring in the document collection, the inverted index stores the list of documents where it appears. It is often augmented with relevance score and/or positional information. However, when data consists of strings (e.g., in bioinformatics or Asian language texts), there are no word demarcation boundaries and the queries are arbitrary substrings instead of being proper valid words. In this case, string data structures have to be used and central approach is to use suffix tree (or string B-tree) with appropriate augmenting data structures. The work by Hon, Shah and Vitter [FOCS 2009], and Navarro and Nekrich [SODA 2012] resulted in a linear space data structure with optimal O(p+k) query time solution for this problem. This was based on geometric interpretation of the query. We extend this central problem, in two important areas of massive data sets. First, we consider an external memory disk based index, where we give near optimal results. Next, we consider compression aspects of data structure, reducing the storage space. This is central goal of the active research field of succinct data structures. We present several results, which improve upon several previous results, and are currently the best known space-time trade-offs in this area

    Space-Efficient Data Structures for Information Retrieval

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    The amount of data that people and companies store has grown exponentially over the last few years. Storing this information alone is not enough, because in order to make it useful we need to be able to efficiently search inside it. Furthermore, it is highly valuable to keep the historic data of each document stored, allowing to not only access and search inside the newest version, but also over the whole history of the documents. Grammar-based compression has proven to be very effective for repetitive data, which is the case for versioned documents. In this thesis we present several results on representing textual information and searching in it. In particular, we present text indexes for grammar-based compressed text that support searching for a pattern and extracting substrings of the input text. These are the first general indexes for grammar-based compressed text that support searching in sublinear time. In order to build our indexes, we present new results on representing binary relations in a space-efficient manner, and construction algorithms that use little space to achieve their goal. These two results have a wide range of applications. In particular, the representations for binary relations can be used as a building block for several structures in computer science, such as graphs, inverted indexes, etc. Finally, we present a new index, that uses on grammar-based compression, to solve the document listing problem. This problem deals with representing a collection of texts and searching for the documents that contain a given pattern. In spite of being similar to the classical text indexing problem, this problem has proven to be a challenge when we do not want to pay time proportional to the number of occurrences, but time proportional to the size of the result. Our proposal is designed particularly for versioned text, allowing the storage of a collection of documents with all their historic versions in little space. This is currently the smallest structure for such a purpose in practice

    Scalable succinct indexing for large text collections

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    Self-indexes save space by emulating operations of traditional data structures using basic operations on bitvectors. Succinct text indexes provide full-text search functionality which is traditionally provided by suffix trees and suffix arrays for a given text, while using space equivalent to the compressed representation of the text. Succinct text indexes can therefore provide full-text search functionality over inputs much larger than what is viable using traditional uncompressed suffix-based data structures. Fields such as Information Retrieval involve the processing of massive text collections. However, the in-memory space requirements of succinct text indexes during construction have hampered their adoption for large text collections. One promising approach to support larger data sets is to avoid constructing the full suffix array by using alternative indexing representations. This thesis focuses on several aspects related to the scalability of text indexes to larger data sets. We identify practical improvements in the core building blocks of all succinct text indexing algorithms, and subsequently improve the index performance on large data sets. We evaluate our findings using several standard text collections and demonstrate: (1) the practical applications of our improved indexing techniques; and (2) that succinct text indexes are a practical alternative to inverted indexes for a variety of top-k ranked document retrieval problems