318 research outputs found

    Analysis, design, modeling, simulation and development of single-switch AC-DC converters for power factor and efficiency improvement

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    This paper addresses several issues concerning the analysis, design, modeling, simulation and development of single-phase, single-switch, power factor corrected AC-DC high frequency switching converter topologies with transformer isolation. A detailed analysis and design is presented for single-switch topologies, namely forward buck, flyback, Cuk, Sepic and Zeta buck-boost converters, with high frequency isolation for discontinuous conduction modes (DCM) of operation. With an awareness of modern design trends towards improved performance, these switching converters are designed for low power rating and low output voltage, typically 20.25W with 13.5V in DCM operation. Laboratory prototypes of the proposed single-switch converters in DCM operation are developed and test results are presented to validate the proposed design and developed model of the system

    Dynamic modeling of pwm and single-switch single-stage power factor correction converters

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    The concept of averaging has been used extensively in the modeling of power electronic circuits to overcome their inherent time-variant nature. Among various methods, the PWM switch modeling approach is most widely accepted in the study of closed-loop stability and transient response because of its accuracy and simplicity. However, a non-ideal PWM switch model considering conduction losses is not available except for converters operating in continuous conduction mode (CCM) and under small ripple conditions. Modeling of conductor losses under large ripple conditions has not been reported in the open literature, especially when the converter operates in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). In this dissertation, new models are developed to include conduction losses in the non-ideal PWM switch model under CCM and DCM conditions. The developed model is verified through two converter examples and the effect of conduction losses on the steady state and dynamic responses of the converter is also studied. Another major constraint of the PWM switch modeling approach is that it heavily relies on finding the three-terminal PWM switch. This requirement severely limits its application in modeling single-switch single-stage power factor correction (PFC) converters, where more complex topological structures and switching actions are often encountered. In this work, we developed a new modeling approach which extends the PWM switch concept by identifying the charging and discharging voltages applied to the inductors. The new method can be easily applied to derive large-signal models for a large group of PFC converters and the procedure is elaborated through a specific example. Finally, analytical results regarding harmonic contents and power factors of various PWM converters in PFC applications are also presented here


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    A single-phase, buck-boost based, dual-output AC-DC converter is studied in this thesis. The converter has two DC outputs with opposite polarities, which share the same ground with the input power line. The power stage performance, including the input filter, is studied and procedure to select power components is given. The circuit model is analyzed to develop appropriate control. Zerocrossing distortion of the source input current is addressed and a solution is proposed. Experimental results are satisfactory in that a high power factor line current results for steady-state operation

    One-cycle control of switching converters

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    A new large-signal nonlinear control technique is proposed to control the duty-ratio d of a switch such that in each cycle the average value of a switched variable of the switching converter is exactly equal to or proportional to the control reference in the steady-state or in a transient. One-cycle control rejects power source perturbations in one switching cycle; the average value of the switched variable follows the dynamic reference in one switching cycle; and the controller corrects switching errors in one switching cycle. There is no steady-state error nor dynamic error between the control reference and the average value of the switched variable. Experiments with a constant frequency buck converter have demonstrated the robustness of the control method and verified the theoretical predictions. This new control method is very general and applicable to all types of pulse-width-modulated, resonant-based, or soft-switched switching converters for either voltage or current control in continuous or discontinuous conduction mode. Furthermore, it can be used to control any physical variable or abstract signal that is in the form of a switched variable or can be converted to the form of a switched variable

    A DCM Based PFC CUK Converter-Speed Adjustable BLDC Drive

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    This paper proposes a DCM based PFC cuk converter-speed adjustable BLDC drive. This system has major advantages like: it is a money-making solution for low-power applications and it operates in discontinuous conduction mode also. The speed of the BLDC motor is controlled by dc-bus voltage of a voltage source inverter (VSI). VSI uses a low switching frequency to reduce the switching losses. A diode bridge rectifier followed by a Cuk converter functioning in a discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) is used for control of dc-link voltage. And also it will keep unity power factor at ac mains. Performance of the PFC Cuk converter is evaluated under four different operating conditions of discontinuous and continuous conduction modes (CCM). The performance of the proposed system is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink environment to validate its performance over a wide range of speed with unity power factor at ac mains

    A maximum power point tracking scheme for a 1kw stand-alone solar energy based power supply

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    This paper elucidates one of the tracking schemes for a photovoltaic (PV) systems using Cuk converter operating in discontinuous inductor current mode (DICM) as an interface. A method for efficiently maximizing the output power of a solar panel supplying a load or battery bus under varying meteorological conditions is investigated and results presented therein. The incremental conductance (InCond) method of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) using the Cuks dc to dc converter operating in a discontinuous inductor current mode (DICM) was modeled and studied in relation to PV system interface. Also, laboratory setup was implemented based on the model. This was the main objective of the research. Similarly, the PV simulator was also modeled alongside with Cuk converter operating in DICM. MATLAB/SIMULINK software was used to carry out simulation test. With the incremental conductance method, the problem of sustained oscillation around the maximum power point of the solar panel which is the usual characteristic of the perturbation and observation method is essentially absent. The result disclosed that the power available for the load when MPPT was applied was 1.1 kW which gives a tolerance of 0.1% to the load it powers. But without MPPT, the available power is 0.9 kW using the same number of PV panels and batteries as back up. Hence, MPPT has 17.65% edge in power delivery over non-MPPT PV powered energy supply. An experimental prototype of a 1kW, 230V, 50Hz stand-alone solar based power supply with the incremental conductance scheme was successfully implemented using PIC 16F877 microcontroller, tested and results presented therein. The experimental results agreed with the simulated results.Keywords: Maximum Power point tracking, Cuk converter, Photovoltaic system, PIC 16F877A micro-controller, inverter, batteries

    Bridgeless SEPIC Converter Based Computer Power Supply Using Coupled Inductor

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    Switched Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) are used as power source for computers. Conventional SMPS used in computers are suffered by some serious problems such as poor power quality, high device stress, slow dynamic response, high harmonic contents, periodically dense, peak currents, distorted input current. To minimize these problems, a non-isolated bridgeless buck-boost single ended primary inductance converter (SEPIC) using coupled inductor is introduced at the front end of the SMPS, which is operated in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). This proposed technique reduces the Total Harmonic Distortion(THD), which results in power factor improvement. The DC output voltage of the SMPS is almost a constant voltage which is regulated by means of the proposed SEPIC converter. For obtaining different dc voltage levels for the PC applications, the output of the front end SEPIC converter is fed to the half-bridge DC-DC converter. The output voltages of the SMPS are controlled by controlling any one of the output voltages. Design and simulation of the proposed converter are carried out using the MATLAB/simulink software

    Analysis of suitable converter for the implementation of drive system in solar photovoltaic panels

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    Introduction. Photovoltaic (PV) systems gained immense attraction in the recent years since it produces electricity without causing environmental pollution through direct conversion of solar irradiance into electricity. Solar PV panels produce DC power. The magnitude of this DC power varies with temperature and irradiance of the sun rays. The DC supply from solar panels can be regulated using DC-DC converter and then can further be converted into the desired AC voltage by means of a voltage source inverter before being fed to an induction motor (IM). The speed and torque of an IM, fed from PV arrays, can vary due to the variation in the output power of the panels. Goal of this work is to improve the dynamic performance and reduce the torque ripple of Cuk converter-inverter fed IM drive system. The novelty of the current work proposes interleaved Cuk converter between solar PV DC source and the inverter. Purpose. To provide continuous current using an interleaved Cuk converter to the IM drive and in turn to reduce the torque ripple in IM. Methodology. Introduced an interleaved Cuk converter which is a blend of Cuk converters connected in parallel with each other between solar PV arrays and IM drive system. Originality. Simulation results are obtained for Cuk converter and interleaved Cuk converter fed IM drive by means of MATLAB. The hardware setup for the same IM systems is developed. Practical value. Simulation and hardware results are coincided with each other and it is subject from the simulation and hardware results that the interleaved Cuk converter-inverter fed IM system produced results superior than the Cuk converter inverter fed IM drive system.Вступ. Фотоелектричні (ФЕ) системи набули величезної привабливості в останні роки, оскільки вони виробляють електроенергію, не викликаючи забруднення навколишнього середовища, за рахунок прямого перетворення сонячного випромінювання на електрику. Сонячні ФЕ панелі виробляють енергію постійного струму. Значення цієї потужності постійного струму залежить від температури та освітленості сонячних променів. Подача постійного струму від сонячних панелей може регулюватися за допомогою DC-DC перетворювача, а потім може бути перетворена в бажану змінну напругу за допомогою інвертора джерела напруги перед подачею на асинхронний двигун. Швидкість та обертаючий момент асинхронного двигуна, що живиться від ФЕ батарей, можуть змінюватися через зміну вихідної потужності панелей. Метою даної роботи є покращення динамічних характеристик та зменшення пульсацій обертаючого моменту системи приводу асинхронного двигуна з живленням від Cuk перетворювача-інвертора. Новизна цієї роботи пропонує Cuk перетворювач, що чергується, між сонячним ФЕ джерелом постійного струму та інвертором. Мета. Забезпечення безперервності струму за допомогою Cuk перетворювача, що чергується, для приводу асинхронного двигуна і, у свою чергу, зменшення пульсації обертаючого моменту в асинхронному двигуні. Методологія. Представлений Cuk перетворювач, що чергується, який являє собою суміш Cuk перетворювачів, підключених паралельно один до одного між сонячними ФЕ батареями і системою приводу асинхронного двигуна. Оригінальність. Результати моделювання отримані для Cuk перетворювача і приводу асинхронного двигуна з живленням Cuk перетворювача, що чергується, за допомогою MATLAB. Розроблено апаратну частину цих же асинхронних двигунів. Практична цінність. Результати моделювання та апаратного забезпечення збігаються один з одним, і з результатів моделювання та апаратного забезпечення випливає, що система асинхронного двигуна з живленням від Cuk перетворювача-інвертора, що чергується, дає результати, які перевищують результати, ніж система приводу асинхронного двигуна з живленням від Cuk перетворювача