907 research outputs found

    One-bit Distributed Sensing and Coding for Field Estimation in Sensor Networks

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    This paper formulates and studies a general distributed field reconstruction problem using a dense network of noisy one-bit randomized scalar quantizers in the presence of additive observation noise of unknown distribution. A constructive quantization, coding, and field reconstruction scheme is developed and an upper-bound to the associated mean squared error (MSE) at any point and any snapshot is derived in terms of the local spatio-temporal smoothness properties of the underlying field. It is shown that when the noise, sensor placement pattern, and the sensor schedule satisfy certain weak technical requirements, it is possible to drive the MSE to zero with increasing sensor density at points of field continuity while ensuring that the per-sensor bitrate and sensing-related network overhead rate simultaneously go to zero. The proposed scheme achieves the order-optimal MSE versus sensor density scaling behavior for the class of spatially constant spatio-temporal fields.Comment: Fixed typos, otherwise same as V2. 27 pages (in one column review format), 4 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. Current version is updated for journal submission: revised author list, modified formulation and framework. Previous version appeared in Proceedings of Allerton Conference On Communication, Control, and Computing 200

    Correlation-based Cross-layer Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are event based systems that rely on the collective effort of densely deployed sensor nodes continuously observing a physical phenomenon. The spatio-temporal correlation between the sensor observations and the cross-layer design advantages are significant and unique to the design of WSN. Due to the high density in the network topology, sensor observations are highly correlated in the space domain. Furthermore, the nature of the energy-radiating physical phenomenon constitutes the temporal correlation between each consecutive observation of a sensor node. This unique characteristic of WSN can be exploited through a cross-layer design of communication functionalities to improve energy efficiency of the network. In this thesis, several key elements are investigated to capture and exploit the correlation in the WSN for the realization of advanced efficient communication protocols. A theoretical framework is developed to capture the spatial and temporal correlations in WSN and to enable the development of efficient communication protocols. Based on this framework, spatial Correlation-based Collaborative Medium Access Control (CC-MAC) protocol is described, which exploits the spatial correlation in the WSN in order to achieve efficient medium access. Furthermore, the cross-layer module (XLM), which melts common protocol layer functionalities into a cross-layer module for resource-constrained sensor nodes, is developed. The cross-layer analysis of error control in WSN is then presented to enable a comprehensive comparison of error control schemes for WSN. Finally, the cross-layer packet size optimization framework is described.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Ian F. Akyildiz; Committee Member: Douglas M. Blough; Committee Member: Mostafa Ammar; Committee Member: Raghupathy Sivakumar; Committee Member: Ye (Geoffrey) L

    Distributed video coding for wireless video sensor networks: a review of the state-of-the-art architectures

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    Distributed video coding (DVC) is a relatively new video coding architecture originated from two fundamental theorems namely, Slepian–Wolf and Wyner–Ziv. Recent research developments have made DVC attractive for applications in the emerging domain of wireless video sensor networks (WVSNs). This paper reviews the state-of-the-art DVC architectures with a focus on understanding their opportunities and gaps in addressing the operational requirements and application needs of WVSNs

    Cooperative Detection and Network Coding in Wireless Networks

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    In cooperative communication systems, multiple terminals in wireless networks share their antennas and resources for information exchange and processing. Recently, cooperative communications have been shown to achieve significant performance improvements in terms of transmission reliability, coverage area extension, and network throughput, with respect to existing classical communication systems. This dissertation is focused on two important applications of cooperative communications, namely: (i) cooperative distributed detection in wireless sensor networks, and (ii) many-to-many communications via cooperative space-time network coding. The first application of cooperative communications presented in this dissertation is concerned with the analysis and modeling of the deployment of cooperative relay nodes in wireless sensor networks. Particularly, in dense wireless sensor networks, sensor nodes continuously observe and collect measurements of a physical phenomenon. Such observations can be highly correlated, depending on the spatial separation between the sensor nodes as well as how the physical properties of the phenomenon are evolving over time. This unique characteristic of wireless sensor networks can be effectively exploited with cooperative communications and relays deployment such that the distributed detection performance is significantly improved as well as the energy efficiency. In particular, this dissertation studies the Amplify-and-Forward (AF) relays deployment as a function of the correlation of the observations and analyzes the achievable spatial diversity gains as compared with the classical wireless sensor networks. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the gains of cooperation can be further leveraged to alleviate bandwidth utilization inefficiencies in current sensor networks. Specifically, the deployment of cognitive AF cooperative relays to exploit empty/under-utilized time-slots and the resulting energy savings are studied, quantified and compared. The multiple terminal communication and information exchange form the second application of cooperative communications in this dissertation. Specifically, the novel concept of Space-Time-Network Coding (STNC) that is concerned with formulation of the many-to-many cooperative communications over Decode-and-Forward (DF) nodes is studied and analyzed. Moreover, the exact theoretical analysis as well as upper-bounds on the network symbol error rate performance are derived. In addition, the tradeoff between the number of communicating nodes and the timing synchronization errors is analyzed and provided as a network design guideline. With STNC, it is illustrated that cooperative diversity gains are fully exploited per node and significant performance improvements are achieved. It is concluded that the STNC scheme serves as a potential many-to-many cooperative communications scheme and that its scope goes much further beyond the generic source-relay-destination communications

    Energy efficient and latency aware adaptive compression in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks are composed of a few to several thousand sensors deployed over an area or on specific objects to sense data and report that data back to a sink either directly or through a series of hops across other sensor nodes. There are many applications for wireless sensor networks including environment monitoring, wildlife tracking, security, structural heath monitoring, troop tracking, and many others. The sensors communicate wirelessly and are typically very small in size and powered by batteries. Wireless sensor networks are thus often constrained in bandwidth, processor speed, and power. Also, many wireless sensor network applications have a very low tolerance for latency and need to transmit the data in real time. Data compression is a useful tool for minimizing the bandwidth and power required to transmit data from the sensor nodes to the sink; however, compression algorithms often add a significant amount of latency or require a great deal of additional processing. The following papers define and analyze multiple approaches for achieving effective compression while reducing latency and power consumption far below what would be required to process and transmit the data uncompressed. The algorithms target many different types of sensor applications from lossless compression on a single sensor to error tolerant, collaborative compression across an entire network of sensors to compression of XML data on sensors. Extensive analysis over many different real-life data sets and comparison of several existing compression methods show significant contribution to efficient wireless sensor communication --Abstract, page iv

    Cram\'er-Rao Bounds for Polynomial Signal Estimation using Sensors with AR(1) Drift

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    We seek to characterize the estimation performance of a sensor network where the individual sensors exhibit the phenomenon of drift, i.e., a gradual change of the bias. Though estimation in the presence of random errors has been extensively studied in the literature, the loss of estimation performance due to systematic errors like drift have rarely been looked into. In this paper, we derive closed-form Fisher Information matrix and subsequently Cram\'er-Rao bounds (upto reasonable approximation) for the estimation accuracy of drift-corrupted signals. We assume a polynomial time-series as the representative signal and an autoregressive process model for the drift. When the Markov parameter for drift \rho<1, we show that the first-order effect of drift is asymptotically equivalent to scaling the measurement noise by an appropriate factor. For \rho=1, i.e., when the drift is non-stationary, we show that the constant part of a signal can only be estimated inconsistently (non-zero asymptotic variance). Practical usage of the results are demonstrated through the analysis of 1) networks with multiple sensors and 2) bandwidth limited networks communicating only quantized observations.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, This paper will appear in the Oct/Nov 2012 issue of IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin
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