387 research outputs found

    Video Packet Scheduling With Stochastic QoS for Cognitive Heterogeneous Networks

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    Clustering Based Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation in HC-RAN

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    A wireless network is composed of several independent nodes or gadgets that communicate mutually through a wireless link. The most destructive challenge encountered in a wireless network is bandwidth allocation because it defines the amount the network will cost and how effectively it will function. The most cutting-edge network architecture in the present wireless communication system, cluster-based heterogeneous cloud radio access networks (HC-RANs), is what powers cloud computing in heterogeneous networks. In this research, we proposed an HC-RANs that may optimize energy consumption for wireless data transfer in the multi-hop device to device scenario. The proposed scheme offers bandwidth allocation in wireless environments where there are concerns about significant user mobility over the course of a given time. The above design, we used clustering with joint beam formation for the down link of heterogeneous cloud radio access network (HC-RAN), developed design to improved amount of FBS. Result outcomes helped in calculating Critical bandwidth usage (CBU)

    On the traffic offloading in Wi-Fi supported heterogeneous wireless networks

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    Heterogeneous small cell networks (HetSNet) comprise several low power, low cost (SBSa), (D2D) enabled links wireless-fidelity (Wi-Fi) access points (APs) to support the existing macrocell infrastructure, decrease over the air signaling and energy consumption, and increase network capacity, data rate and coverage. This paper presents an active user dependent path loss (PL) based traffic offloading (TO) strategy for HetSNets and a comparative study on two techniques to offload the traffic from macrocell to (SBSs) for indoor environments: PL and signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) based strategies. To quantify the improvements, the PL based strategy against the SIR based strategy is compared while considering various macrocell and (SBS) coverage areas and traffic–types. On the other hand, offloading in a dense urban setting may result in overcrowding the (SBSs). Therefore, hybrid traffic–type driven offloading technologies such as (WiFi) and (D2D) were proposed to en route the delay tolerant applications through (WiFi) (APs) and (D2D) links. It is necessary to illustrate the impact of daily user traffic profile, (SBSs) access schemes and traffic–type while deciding how much of the traffic should be offloaded to (SBSs). In this context, (AUPF) is introduced to account for the population of active small cells which depends on the variable traffic load due to the active users


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    Communication technologies witness a wide and rapid pervasiveness of wireless machine-to-machine (M2M) communications. It is emerging to apply for data transfer among devices without human intervention. Capillary M2M networks represent a candidate for providing reliable M2M connectivity. In this thesis, we propose a wireless network architecture that aims at supporting a wide range of M2M applications (either real-time or non-real-time) with an acceptable QoS level. The architecture uses capillary gateways to reduce the number of devices communicating directly with a cellular network such as LTE. Moreover, the proposed architecture reduces the traffic load on the cellular network by providing capillary gateways with dual wireless interfaces. One interface is connected to the cellular network, whereas the other is proposed to communicate to the intended destination via a WiFi-based mesh backbone for cost-effectiveness. We study the performance of our proposed architecture with the aid of the ns-2 simulator. An M2M capillary network is simulated in different scenarios by varying multiple factors that affect the system performance. The simulation results measure average packet delay and packet loss to evaluate the quality-of-service (QoS) of the proposed architecture. Our results reveal that the proposed architecture can satisfy the required level of QoS with low traffic load on the cellular network. It also outperforms a cellular-based capillary M2M network and WiFi-based capillary M2M network. This implies a low cost of operation for the service provider while meeting a high-bandwidth service level agreement. In addition, we investigate how the proposed architecture behaves with different factors like the number of capillary gateways, different application traffic rates, the number of backbone routers with different routing protocols, the number of destination servers, and the data rates provided by the LTE and Wi-Fi technologies. Furthermore, the simulation results show that the proposed architecture continues to be reliable in terms of packet delay and packet loss even under a large number of nodes and high application traffic rates

    5G: 2020 and Beyond

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    The future society would be ushered in a new communication era with the emergence of 5G. 5G would be significantly different, especially, in terms of architecture and operation in comparison with the previous communication generations (4G, 3G...). This book discusses the various aspects of the architecture, operation, possible challenges, and mechanisms to overcome them. Further, it supports users? interac- tion through communication devices relying on Human Bond Communication and COmmunication-NAvigation- SENsing- SErvices (CONASENSE).Topics broadly covered in this book are; • Wireless Innovative System for Dynamically Operating Mega Communications (WISDOM)• Millimeter Waves and Spectrum Management• Cyber Security• Device to Device Communicatio
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