35,117 research outputs found

    Random Generation of Arbitrary Waveforms for Emulating Three-Phase Systems

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    This paper describes an apparatus for generating a signal representative of steady-state and transient disturbances in three-phase waveforms of an ac electrical system as described in IEEE Std 1159-09. It can be configured as a synthesizer of randomly distorted signals for different applications: for testing the effects of disturbed grid on equipment and to generate patterns of electrical disturbances for the training of artificial neural networks, which are used for measuring power quality tasks. For the first purpose, voltage and current amplifiers are added in the output stage, which allows the generation of disturbed signals at grid level.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2006-15467-C02-01Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2006-15467-C02-0

    European White Book on Real-Time Power Hardware in the Loop Testing : DERlab Report No. R- 005.0

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    The European White Book on Real-Time-Powerhardware-in-the-Loop testing is intended to serve as a reference document on the future of testing of electrical power equipment, with specifi c focus on the emerging hardware-in-the-loop activities and application thereof within testing facilities and procedures. It will provide an outlook of how this powerful tool can be utilised to support the development, testing and validation of specifi cally DER equipment. It aims to report on international experience gained thus far and provides case studies on developments and specifi c technical issues, such as the hardware/software interface. This white book compliments the already existing series of DERlab European white books, covering topics such as grid-inverters and grid-connected storag

    Behavioral Modelling of Digital Devices Via Composite Local-Linear State-Space Relations

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    This paper addresses the generation of accurate and efficient behavioral models of digital ICs. The proposed approach is based on the approximation of the device port characteristics by means of composite local linear state-space relations whose parameters can effectively be estimated from device port transient responses via well-established system identification techniques. The proposedmodels have been proven to overcome some inherent limitations of the state-of-the-art models used so far, and they can effectively be implemented in any commercial tool as Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE) subcircuits or VHDL-AMS hardware descriptions. A systematic study of the performances of the proposed state-space models is carried out on a synthetic test device. The effectiveness of the proposed approach has been demonstrated on a real application problem involving commercial devices and a data link of a mobile phon

    Architecture of a network-in-the-Loop environment for characterizing AC power system behavior

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    This paper describes the method by which a large hardware-in-the-loop environment has been realized for three-phase ac power systems. The environment allows an entire laboratory power-network topology (generators, loads, controls, protection devices, and switches) to be placed in the loop of a large power-network simulation. The system is realized by using a realtime power-network simulator, which interacts with the hardware via the indirect control of a large synchronous generator and by measuring currents flowing from its terminals. These measured currents are injected into the simulation via current sources to close the loop. This paper describes the system architecture and, most importantly, the calibration methodologies which have been developed to overcome measurement and loop latencies. In particular, a new "phase advance" calibration removes the requirement to add unwanted components into the simulated network to compensate for loop delay. The results of early commissioning experiments are demonstrated. The present system performance limits under transient conditions (approximately 0.25 Hz/s and 30 V/s to contain peak phase-and voltage-tracking errors within 5. and 1%) are defined mainly by the controllability of the synchronous generator

    Combined Time and Information Redundancy for SEU-Tolerance in Energy-Efficient Real-Time Systems

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    Recently the trade-off between energy consumption and fault-tolerance in real-time systems has been highlighted. These works have focused on dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) to reduce dynamic energy dissipation and on time redundancy to achieve transient-fault tolerance. While the time redundancy technique exploits the available slack time to increase the fault-tolerance by performing recovery executions, DVS exploits slack time to save energy. Therefore we believe there is a resource conflict between the time-redundancy technique and DVS. The first aim of this paper is to propose the usage of information redundancy to solve this problem. We demonstrate through analytical and experimental studies that it is possible to achieve both higher transient fault-tolerance (tolerance to single event upsets (SEU)) and less energy using a combination of information and time redundancy when compared with using time redundancy alone. The second aim of this paper is to analyze the interplay of transient-fault tolerance (SEU-tolerance) and adaptive body biasing (ABB) used to reduce static leakage energy, which has not been addressed in previous studies. We show that the same technique (i.e. the combination of time and information redundancy) is applicable to ABB-enabled systems and provides more advantages than time redundancy alone

    The use of real time digital simulation and hardware in the loop to de-risk novel control algorithms

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    Low power demonstrators are commonly used to validate novel control algorithms. However, the response of the demonstrator to network transients and faults is often unexplored. The importance of this work has, in the past, justified facilities such as the T45 Shore Integration Test Facility (SITF) at the Electric Ship Technology Demonstrator (ESTD). This paper presents the use of real time digital simulation and hardware in the loop to de-risk a innovative control algorithm with respect to network transients and faults. A novel feature of the study is the modelling of events at the power electronics level (time steps of circa 2 μs) and the system level (time steps of circa 50 μs)

    Airborne Advanced Reconfigurable Computer System (ARCS)

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    A digital computer subsystem fault-tolerant concept was defined, and the potential benefits and costs of such a subsystem were assessed when used as the central element of a new transport's flight control system. The derived advanced reconfigurable computer system (ARCS) is a triple-redundant computer subsystem that automatically reconfigures, under multiple fault conditions, from triplex to duplex to simplex operation, with redundancy recovery if the fault condition is transient. The study included criteria development covering factors at the aircraft's operation level that would influence the design of a fault-tolerant system for commercial airline use. A new reliability analysis tool was developed for evaluating redundant, fault-tolerant system availability and survivability; and a stringent digital system software design methodology was used to achieve design/implementation visibility