5 research outputs found

    Power Strip Packing of Malleable Demands in Smart Grid

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    We consider a problem of supplying electricity to a set of N\mathcal{N} customers in a smart-grid framework. Each customer requires a certain amount of electrical energy which has to be supplied during the time interval [0,1][0,1]. We assume that each demand has to be supplied without interruption, with possible duration between ℓ\ell and rr, which are given system parameters (ℓ≤r\ell\le r). At each moment of time, the power of the grid is the sum of all the consumption rates for the demands being supplied at that moment. Our goal is to find an assignment that minimizes the {\it power peak} - maximal power over [0,1][0,1] - while satisfying all the demands. To do this first we find the lower bound of optimal power peak. We show that the problem depends on whether or not the pair ℓ,r\ell, r belongs to a "good" region G\mathcal{G}. If it does - then an optimal assignment almost perfectly "fills" the rectangle time×power=[0,1]×[0,A]time \times power = [0,1] \times [0, A] with AA being the sum of all the energy demands - thus achieving an optimal power peak AA. Conversely, if ℓ,r\ell, r do not belong to G\mathcal{G}, we identify the lower bound Aˉ>A\bar{A} >A on the optimal value of power peak and introduce a simple linear time algorithm that almost perfectly arranges all the demands in a rectangle [0,A/Aˉ]×[0,Aˉ][0, A /\bar{A}] \times [0, \bar{A}] and show that it is asymptotically optimal

    Improved Pseudo-Polynomial-Time Approximation for Strip Packing

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    We study the strip packing problem, a classical packing problem which generalizes both bin packing and makespan minimization. Here we are given a set of axis-parallel rectangles in the two-dimensional plane and the goal is to pack them in a vertical strip of fixed width such that the height of the obtained packing is minimized. The packing must be non-overlapping and the rectangles cannot be rotated. A reduction from the partition problem shows that no approximation better than 3/2 is possible for strip packing in polynomial time (assuming P!=NP). Nadiradze and Wiese [SODA16] overcame this barrier by presenting a (7/5+epsilon)-approximation algorithm in pseudo-polynomial-time (PPT). As the problem is strongly NP-hard, it does not admit an exact PPT algorithm (though a PPT approximation scheme might exist). In this paper we make further progress on the PPT approximability of strip packing, by presenting a (4/3+epsilon)-approximation algorithm. Our result is based on a non-trivial repacking of some rectangles in the "empty space" left by the construction by Nadiradze and Wiese, and in some sense pushes their approach to its limit. Our PPT algorithm can be adapted to the case where we are allowed to rotate the rectangles by 90 degrees, achieving the same approximation factor and breaking the polynomial-time approximation barrier of 3/2 for the case with rotations as well

    Privacy-Friendly Load Scheduling of Deferrable and Interruptible Domestic Appliances in Smart Grids

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    The massive integration of renewable energy sources in the power grid ecosystem with the aim of reducing carbon emissions must cope with their intrinsically intermittent and unpredictable nature. Therefore, the grid must improve its capability of controlling the energy demand by adapting the power consumption curve to match the trend of green energy generation. This could be done by scheduling the activities of deferrable and/or interruptible electrical appliances. However, communicating the users' needs about the usage of their appliances also leaks sensitive information about their habits and lifestyles, thus arising privacy concerns. This paper proposes a framework to allow the coordination of energy consumption without compromising the privacy of the users: the service requests generated by the domestic appliances are divided into crypto-shares using Shamir Secret Sharing scheme and collected through an anonymous routing protocol by a set of schedulers, which schedule the requests by directly operating on the shares. We discuss the security guarantees provided by our proposed infrastructure and evaluate its performance, comparing it with the optimal scheduling obtained by means of an Integer Linear Programming formulation

    Non-preemptive Scheduling in a Smart Grid Model and its Implications on Machine Minimization

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    We study a scheduling problem arising in demand response management in smart grid. Consumers send in power requests with a flexible feasible time interval during which their requests can be served. The grid controller, upon receiving power requests, schedules each request within the specified interval. The electricity cost is measured by a convex function of the load in each timeslot. The objective is to schedule all requests with the minimum total electricity cost. Previous work has studied cases where jobs have unit power requirement and unit duration. We extend the study to arbitrary power requirement and duration, which has been shown to be NP-hard. We give the first online algorithm for the general problem, and prove that the problem is fixed parameter tractable. We also show that the online algorithm is asymptotically optimal when the objective is to minimize the peak load. In addition, we observe that the classical non-preemptive machine minimization problem is a special case of the smart grid problem with min-peak objective, and show that we can solve the non-preemptive machine minimization problem asymptotically optimally

    Combinatorial Challenges and Algorithms in New Energy Aware Scheduling Problems

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    In this thesis, we study the theoretical approach on energy-efficient scheduling problems arising in demand response management in the modern electrical smart grid. Consumers send in power requests with flexible feasible timeslots during which their requests can be served. The grid controller, upon receiving power requests, schedules each request within the specified interval. The electricity cost is measured by a convex function of the load in each timeslot. The objective is to schedule all requests with the minimum total electricity cost. We study the smart grid scheduling problem in different models. For the offline model, we prove the problem is NP-hard for the general case. We propose a polynomial time algorithm for special input where jobs have unit power request and unit time duration. By adapting the polynomial time algorithm for unit-size jobs, we propose an approximation algorithm for more general input. On the other hand, we also present an exact algorithm to find the optimal schedule for the problem with general input. For the online model, we propose an online algorithm for jobs with jobs with arbitrary power request, arbitrary time duration, and arbitrary contiguous feasible intervals. We also show a lower bound of the competitive ratio for the smart grid scheduling problem with unit height and arbitrary width. For special cases, we design different online algorithms with better competitive ratios. Finally, we look at other optimization problems and show how to solve them by adapting our techniques. We prove that our online algorithm can solve the machine minimization problem with an asymptotically optimal competitive ratio. We also show that our exact algorithm can be adapted to solve other demand response management problems