8 research outputs found

    Power domination in maximal planar graphs

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    Power domination in graphs emerged from the problem of monitoring an electrical system by placing as few measurement devices in the system as possible. It corresponds to a variant of domination that includes the possibility of propagation. For measurement devices placed on a set S of vertices of a graph G, the set of monitored vertices is initially the set S together with all its neighbors. Then iteratively, whenever some monitored vertex v has a single neighbor u not yet monitored, u gets monitored. A set S is said to be a power dominating set of the graph G if all vertices of G eventually are monitored. The power domination number of a graph is the minimum size of a power dominating set. In this paper, we prove that any maximal planar graph of order n ≄\ge 6 admits a power dominating set of size at most (n--2)/4

    An Efficient Algorithm for Power Dominating Set

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    The problem Power Dominating Set (PDS) is motivated by the placement of phasor measurement units to monitor electrical networks. It asks for a minimum set of vertices in a graph that observes all remaining vertices by exhaustively applying two observation rules. Our contribution is twofold. First, we determine the parameterized complexity of PDS by proving it is W[P]-complete when parameterized with respect to the solution size. We note that it was only known to be W[2]-hard before. Our second and main contribution is a new algorithm for PDS that efficiently solves practical instances. Our algorithm consists of two complementary parts. The first is a set of reduction rules for PDS that can also be used in conjunction with previously existing algorithms. The second is an algorithm for solving the remaining kernel based on the implicit hitting set approach. Our evaluation on a set of power grid instances from the literature shows that our solver outperforms previous state-of-the-art solvers for PDS by more than one order of magnitude on average. Furthermore, our algorithm can solve previously unsolved instances of continental scale within a few minutes

    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volum

    Power Domination in Circular-arc Graphs

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    A set S⊆V is a power dominating set (PDS) of a graph G=(V,E) if every vertex and every edge in G can be observed based on the observation rules of power system monitoring. The power domination problem involves minimizing the cardinality of a PDS of a graph. We consider this combinatorial optimization problem and present a linear time algorithm for finding the minimum PDS of an interval graph if the interval ordering of the graph is provided. In addition, we show that the algorithm, which runs in Θ(nlogn) time, where n is the number of intervals, is asymptotically optimal if the interval ordering is not given. We also show that the results hold for the class of circular-arc graphs