8 research outputs found

    Coexistence of RF-powered IoT and a Primary Wireless Network with Secrecy Guard Zones

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    This paper studies the secrecy performance of a wireless network (primary network) overlaid with an ambient RF energy harvesting IoT network (secondary network). The nodes in the secondary network are assumed to be solely powered by ambient RF energy harvested from the transmissions of the primary network. We assume that the secondary nodes can eavesdrop on the primary transmissions due to which the primary network uses secrecy guard zones. The primary transmitter goes silent if any secondary receiver is detected within its guard zone. Using tools from stochastic geometry, we derive the probability of successful connection of the primary network as well as the probability of secure communication. Two conditions must be jointly satisfied in order to ensure successful connection: (i) the SINR at the primary receiver is above a predefined threshold, and (ii) the primary transmitter is not silent. In order to ensure secure communication, the SINR value at each of the secondary nodes should be less than a predefined threshold. Clearly, when more secondary nodes are deployed, more primary transmitters will remain silent for a given guard zone radius, thus impacting the amount of energy harvested by the secondary network. Our results concretely show the existence of an optimal deployment density for the secondary network that maximizes the density of nodes that are able to harvest sufficient amount of energy. Furthermore, we show the dependence of this optimal deployment density on the guard zone radius of the primary network. In addition, we show that the optimal guard zone radius selected by the primary network is a function of the deployment density of the secondary network. This interesting coupling between the two networks is studied using tools from game theory. Overall, this work is one of the few concrete works that symbiotically merge tools from stochastic geometry and game theory

    Multifunction Radios and Interference Suppression for Enhanced Reliability and Security of Wireless Systems

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    Wireless connectivity, with its relative ease of over-the-air information sharing, is a key technological enabler that facilitates many of the essential applications, such as satellite navigation, cellular communication, and media broadcasting, that are nowadays taken for granted. However, that relative ease of over-the-air communications has significant drawbacks too. On one hand, the broadcast nature of wireless communications means that one receiver can receive the superposition of multiple transmitted signals. But on the other hand, it means that multiple receivers can receive the same transmitted signal. The former leads to congestion and concerns about reliability because of the limited nature of the electromagnetic spectrum and the vulnerability to interference. The latter means that wirelessly transmitted information is inherently insecure. This thesis aims to provide insights and means for improving physical layer reliability and security of wireless communications by, in a sense, combining the two aspects above through simultaneous and same frequency transmit and receive operation. This is so as to ultimately increase the safety of environments where wireless devices function or where malicious wirelessly operated devices (e.g., remote-controlled drones) potentially raise safety concerns. Specifically, two closely related research directions are pursued. Firstly, taking advantage of in-band full-duplex (IBFD) radio technology to benefit the reliability and security of wireless communications in the form of multifunction IBFD radios. Secondly, extending the self-interference cancellation (SIC) capabilities of IBFD radios to multiradio platforms to take advantage of these same concepts on a wider scale. Within the first research direction, a theoretical analysis framework is developed and then used to comprehensively study the benefits and drawbacks of simultaneously combining signals detection and jamming on the same frequency within a single platform. Also, a practical prototype capable of such operation is implemented and its performance analyzed based on actual measurements. The theoretical and experimental analysis altogether give a concrete understanding of the quantitative benefits of simultaneous same-frequency operations over carrying out the operations in an alternating manner. Simultaneously detecting and jamming signals specifically is shown to somewhat increase the effective range of a smart jammer compared to intermittent detection and jamming, increasing its reliability. Within the second research direction, two interference mitigation methods are proposed that extend the SIC capabilities from single platform IBFD radios to those not physically connected. Such separation brings additional challenges in modeling the interference compared to the SIC problem, which the proposed methods address. These methods then allow multiple radios to intentionally generate and use interference for controlling access to the electromagnetic spectrum. Practical measurement results demonstrate that this effectively allows the use of cooperative jamming to prevent unauthorized nodes from processing any signals of interest, while authorized nodes can use interference mitigation to still access the same signals. This in turn provides security at the physical layer of wireless communications