132 research outputs found

    Power, status, and learning in organizations

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    This paper reviews the scholarly literature on the effects of social hierarchy—differences in power and status among organizational actors—on collective learning in organizations and groups. We begin with the observation that theories of organization and group learning have tended to adopt a rational system model, a model that emphasizes goal-directed and cooperative interactions between and among actors who may differ in knowledge and expertise but are undifferentiated with respect to power and status. Our review of the theoretical and empirical literatures on power, status, and learning suggests that social hierarchy can complicate a rational system model of collective learning by disrupting three critical learning-related processes: anchoring on shared goals, risk taking and experimentation, and knowledge sharing. We also find evidence to suggest that the stifling effects of power and status differences on collective learning can be mitigated when advantaged actors are collectively oriented. Indeed, our review suggests that higher-ranking actors who use their power and status in more “socialized” ways can play critical roles in stimulating collective learning behavior. We conclude by articulating several promising directions for future research that were suggested by our review

    Dynamics of organizational culture: Individual beliefs vs. social conformity

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    The complex nature of organizational culture challenges our ability to infers its underlying dynamics from observational studies. Recent computational studies have adopted a distinct different view, where plausible mechanisms are proposed to describe a wide range of social phenomena, including the onset and evolution of organizational culture. In this spirit, this work introduces an empirically-grounded, agent-based model which relaxes a set of assumptions that describes past work - (a) omittance of an individual's strive for achieving cognitive coherence, (b) limited integration of important contextual factors - by utilizing networks of beliefs and incorporating social rank into the dynamics. As a result, we illustrate that: (i) an organization may appear to be increasingly coherent in terms of organizational culture, yet be composed of individuals with reduced levels of coherence, (ii) the components of social conformity - peer-pressure and social rank - are influential at different aggregation levels.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Bibliometric Analysis of Learning Organization

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    Having the consideration of learning is a continuous effort put into the development of human capital and talent development for organizations of all kinds, scholarly interest in learning organization has consistently increased in the past decade due to its potential to create and disseminate valuable knowledge to enhance innovative performance and sustainable organizations. Knowing the increasing research in this field, this article analyzes and reports on various types of published works related to learning organizations. This study adopted a bibliometric analysis based on the data obtained from Scopus database as at date 24 January 2021. Keywords through search string are utilised for the search results and found 1,671 valid documents for further analysis. Authors have employed VOSviewer for data visualization purpose, Harzing Publish Or Perish and R for standard bibliometric indicators, particularly on the growth rate of publications, analysis of the citation, and research productivity. Findings revealed analysis of document type, source type, top language used, subject area, research trend, top countries, top influential institutions, most productive authors, most active source, top keywords used, and citation analysis. As this study is only using one of the major databases, Scopus, hence, there is a limitation in the search results. Another limitation is in the case where authors are having few registrations in the same database which will affect the accuracy of the productivity in authorship and affiliation details. In this paper, we identify future research directions and future research agenda in learning organization. (Abstract by authors

    Voice Flows To And Around Leaders: Understanding When Units Are Helped Or Hurt By Employee Voice

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    In two studies, we develop and test theory about the relationship between speaking up, one type of organizational citizenship behavior, and unit performance by accounting for where employee voice is flowing. Results from a qualitative study of managers and professionals across a variety of industries suggest that voice to targets at different formal power levels (peers or superiors) and locations in the organization (inside or outside a focal unit) differs systematically in terms of its usefulness in generating actions to a unit's benefit on the issues raised and in the likely information value of the ideas expressed. We then theorize how distinct voice flows should be differentially related to unit performance based on these core characteristics and test our hypotheses using time-lagged field data from 801 employees and their managers in 93 units across nine North American credit unions. Results demonstrate that voice flows are positively related to a unit's effectiveness when they are targeted at the focal leader of that unitwho should be able to take actionwhether from that leader's own subordinates or those in other units, and negatively related to a unit's effectiveness when they are targeted at coworkers who have little power to effect change. Together, these studies provide a structural framework for studying the nature and impact of multiple voice flows, some along formal reporting lines and others that reflect the informal communication structure within organizations. This research demonstrates that understanding the potential performance benefits and costs of voice for leaders and their units requires attention to the structure and complexity of multiple voice flows rather than to an undifferentiated amount of voice.Business Administratio

    Encouraging Collaborative Idea-Building in Enterprise-Wide Innovation Challenges

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    Innovation challenges are increasingly adopted for idea generation in inter- and intra-firm innovation to elicit novel solutions from employees to strategic and business-related problems of the firm. However, the current idea-oriented approach is limited in leveraging the full capacity of open innovation, as it focuses more on identifying the best ideas through competition rather than generating new idea through participants’ recombination and integration of their expertise. We argue that the capabilities of innovation challenges can be fully leveraged when participants engage in collaborative interactions during innovation challenges. We propose the notion of “collaborative challenge,” denoting innovation challenges in which individual participants behave in ways that foster knowledge integration across diverse ideas

    Copoiesis: Mutual knowledge creation in alliances

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    AbstractAccess and utilization of knowledge as in alliances drives firm performance. Prior studies pay heavy attention on knowledge absorption and knowledge transfer among firms, but less on the multifaceted and context dependent construct of mutual knowledge creation among firms in alliances. This study explains the concept of copoiesis as the genuine creation of joint knowledge among firms by referring to the socio-cognitive view and the structuration theory

    Strategic Consensus in Top Management Teams: The Role of Status Hierarchy, Firm Performance, and a Culture of Dissent

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    Status hierarchies influence all human interactions, including strategic consensus in top management teams. In this conceptual paper, we articulate why strategic consensus in top management teams is likely to be more a reflection of compliance of low-status top managers with high-status top managers’ judgments than a genuine team’s agreement on the firm’s strategic priorities. We theorize how a firm’s performance can restrain and drive change in status hierarchies, thus impacting the persistence and dissolution of strategic consensus. We also articulate how a culture of dissent can minimize the impact of status hierarchies on strategic consensus. Our model has some implications for examining diversity in top management teams. Scholars have long emphasized the importance of diversity in top management teams, arguing that managers with different backgrounds and viewpoints make firms better equipped to face competitive challenges. However, status hierarchies remind us that if top managers’ ideas and contributions are weighed by their status, organizations might not easily realize the potential benefits of having a diverse top management team

    Status inconsistency in groups:How discrepancies between instrumental and expressive status result in symptoms of stress

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    This study examines whether a mismatch between the positions that individuals hold in different status hierarchies results in symptoms of stress. Prior research has focused on inconsistencies between socioeconomic status dimensions (e.g., education and income) and did not find a significant relation between status inconsistency and stress. In this paper, we build on research on role differentiation and propose to study the effect of inconsistencies between instrumental status and expressive status in group contexts. We hypothesize that people with an inconsistency between these status dimensions experience feelings of uncertainty and frustration in their interactions with others and this manifests in stress-related symptoms. We test this hypothesis with data collected in a medium-sized Dutch childcare organization (N = 93). Polynomial regression analysis, visualized in response surface plots, suggests that status inconsistent employees report higher levels of stress

    Munkahelyi tanulást befolyásoló tényezők – humán-számítógép együttműködés vizsgálata (Influencing factors of on-the-job learning – Analysis of human-computer collaboration)

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    A komplex, dinamikus, tudásalapú társadalomban nemcsak a tanulás formái, hanem a tanulás helyszínei is módosulnak, s a munkahely tanulásban betöltött szerepe felértékelődött. A munkahelyi környezet is számos átalakuláson esett át, az információs és kommunikációs technológiák (IKT) fejlődésével egyidejűleg lehetővé vált többek között a távmunka, jelentősen átformálva a munkavégzés és a munkahelyi interakciók módját. A kutatók arra keresték a választ kutatásukban, hogy a szervezeten belül milyen tényezők támogatják vagy gátolják a munkahelyi tanulást. A kutatás fő üzenete, hogy a tanulás keretrendszere, az egyéni képességek és az észlelt tanulási szituáció együttesen határozza meg a munkahelyi tanulást. A kutatók eredményüket kvalitatív kutatással feltárt három esettanulmányon keresztül ismertetik. ____ In a knowledge-based society not only the forms of learning have been changed but also the places of learning. The role of workplace in the learning process is becoming more important. Meantime, there has been a substantial change in the working conditions as the development in information and communication technologies (ICTs) makes it possible to telecommute transforming remarkably the way of working and the interactions at the workplace. The central question of the research is which intra-organizational factors support or hinder onthe- job learning. The main message of the research is that the learning framework, the individual cognitive competences and the perceived learning situation influence collectively on-the-job learning. Authors present the results of the qualitative research though three case studies

    Management control of contractual networks: the business network scorecard

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    The paper presents an analysis of the management control systems, introducing a useful instrument to summarise performance achieved from the organizational network model, with a view to establishing the competitive advantage and the creation of value on the long term. The research approach is based on the qualitative methodology. The research is developed according to the study of national and international literature. The contribution proposes theoretical proof to support the new management control instrument for contractual networks: the Business Network Scorecard. The approach adopted for the development of the network management control instrument (Business Network Scorecard) refers to the principles of the Balanced Scorecard and value creation. So, the reporting system of network performance aims at highlighting the joint results of an economic-financial nature as well as those of an intangible nature. Through a logic of interception of large aggregates, the results achieved by the network are proposed through the matrix of network objectives, the multidimensional network model, including perspective indicators, 4 indicators of synergy and the comparison report of joint and individual performance of companies
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