5 research outputs found

    Investigation of the phase bias in the short term interferograms

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    Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is a powerful tool for monitoring ground deformation associated with earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, and different anthropogenic activities. The accuracy of the estimated deformation depends on a number of parameters including tropospheric and ionospheric delays, unwrapping errors, phase decorrelation due to changes in scattering behavior and system noise. However, recently an additional source of phase noise has been identified [1], which is strongest in short-interval multi-looked interferograms and, unlike other sources of noise, leads to biased, non-zero loop closure phases. This is problematic for time-series analysis because short-interval interferograms may be the only ones that maintain coherence for some areas. In this study, we explore the characteristics of this phenomenon and propose a mitigation strategy

    OpenSARUrban: A Sentinel-1 SAR Image Dataset for Urban Interpretation

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    Sentinel-1 mission provides a freely accessible opportunity for urban interpretation from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images with specific resolution, which is of paramount importance for earth observation. In parallel, with the rapid development of advanced technologies, especially deep learning, it is urgently needed to construct a large-scale SAR dataset leading urban interpretation. This paper presents OpenSARUrban: a Sentinel-1 dataset dedicated to urban interpretation from SAR images, including a well-defined hierarchical annotation scheme, the data collection, the well-established procedures for dataset construction and organizations, the properties, visualizations, and applications of this dataset. Particularly, the OpenSARUrban provides 33358 image patches of SAR urban scene, covering 21 major cities of China, including 10 different categories, 4 kinds of formats, 2 kinds of polarization modes, and owning 5 essential properties: large-scale, diversity, specificity, reliability, and sustainability. These properties guarantee the achievable of several goals for OpenSARUrban. The first is to support urban target characterization. The second is to help develop applicable and advanced algorithms for Sentinel-1 urban target classification. The dataset visualization is implemented from the perspective of manifold to give an intuitive understanding. Besides a detailed description and visualization of the dataset, we present results of some benchmark algorithms, demonstrating that this dataset is practical and challenging. Notably, developing algorithms to enhance the classification performance on the whole dataset and considering the data imbalance are especially challenging

    Toward Global Soil Moisture Monitoring With Sentinel-1: Harnessing Assets and Overcoming Obstacles

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    The final authenticated publication is available at https://doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2018.2858004.Soil moisture is a key environmental variable, important to, e.g., farmers, meteorologists, and disaster management units. Here, we present a method to retrieve surface soil moisture (SSM) from the Sentinel-1 (S-1) satellites, which carry C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (CSAR) sensors that provide the richest freely available SAR data source so far, unprecedented in accuracy and coverage. Our SSM retrieval method, adapting well-established change detection algorithms, builds the first globally deployable soil moisture observation data set with 1-km resolution. This paper provides an algorithm formulation to be operated in data cube architectures and high-performance computing environments. It includes the novel dynamic Gaussian upscaling method for spatial upscaling of SAR imagery, harnessing its field-scale information and successfully mitigating effects from the SAR's high signal complexity. Also, a new regression-based approach for estimating the radar slope is defined, coping with Sentinel-1's inhomogeneity in spatial coverage. We employ the S-1 SSM algorithm on a 3-year S-1 data cube over Italy, obtaining a consistent set of model parameters and product masks, unperturbed by coverage discontinuities. An evaluation of therefrom generated S-1 SSM data, involving a 1-km soil water balance model over Umbria, yields high agreement over plains and agricultural areas, with low agreement over forests and strong topography. While positive biases during the growing season are detected, the excellent capability to capture small-scale soil moisture changes as from rainfall or irrigation is evident. The S-1 SSM is currently in preparation toward operational product dissemination in the Copernicus Global Land Service.5205392

    Earth observation for water resource management in Africa

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