9,540 research outputs found

    Power system security enhancement by HVDC links using a closed-loop emergency control

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    In recent years, guaranteeing that large-scale interconnected systems operate safely, stably and economically has become a major and emergency issue. A number of high profile blackouts caused by cascading outages have focused attention on this issue. Embedded HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) links within a larger AC power system are known to act as a “firewall” against cascading disturbances and therefore, can effectively contribute in preventing blackouts. A good example is the 2003 blackout in USA and Canada, where the Québec grid was not affected due to its HVDC interconnection. In the literature, many works have studied the impact of HVDC on the power system stability, but very few examples exist in the area of its impact on the system security. This paper presents a control strategy for HVDC systems to increase their contribution to system security. A real-time closed-loop control scheme is used to modulate the DC power of HVDC links to alleviate AC system overloads and improve system security. Simulations carried out on a simplified model of the Hydro-Québec network show that the proposed method works well and can greatly improve system security during emergency situations.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Efficient Database Generation for Data-driven Security Assessment of Power Systems

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    Power system security assessment methods require large datasets of operating points to train or test their performance. As historical data often contain limited number of abnormal situations, simulation data are necessary to accurately determine the security boundary. Generating such a database is an extremely demanding task, which becomes intractable even for small system sizes. This paper proposes a modular and highly scalable algorithm for computationally efficient database generation. Using convex relaxation techniques and complex network theory, we discard large infeasible regions and drastically reduce the search space. We explore the remaining space by a highly parallelizable algorithm and substantially decrease computation time. Our method accommodates numerous definitions of power system security. Here we focus on the combination of N-k security and small-signal stability. Demonstrating our algorithm on IEEE 14-bus and NESTA 162-bus systems, we show how it outperforms existing approaches requiring less than 10% of the time other methods require.Comment: Database publicly available at: https://github.com/johnnyDEDK/OPs_Nesta162Bus - Paper accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Power System

    Risk based multi-objective security control and congestion management

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    Deterministic security criterion has served power system operation, congestion management quite well in last decades. It is simple to be implemented in a security control model, for example, security constrained optimal power flow (SCOPF). However, since event likelihood and violation information are not addressed, it does not provide quantitative security understanding, and so results in system inadequate awareness. Therefore, even if computation capability and information techniques have been greatly improved and widely applied in the operation support tool, operators are still not able to get rid of the security threat, especially in the market competitive environment.;Probability approach has shown its strong ability for planning purpose, and recently gets attention in operation area. Since power system security assessment needs to analyze consequence of all credible events, risk defined as multiplication of event probability and severity is well suited to give an indication to quantify the system security level, and congestion level as well. Since risk addresses extra information, its application for making BETTER online operation decision becomes an attractive research topic.;This dissertation focus on system online risk calculation, risk based multi-objective optimization model development, risk based security control design, and risk based congestion management. A regression model is proposed to predict contingency probability using weather and geography information for online risk calculation. Risk based multi-objective optimization (RBMO) model is presented, considering conflict objectives: risks and cost. Two types of method, classical methods and evolutionary algorithms, are implemented to solve RBMO problem, respectively. A risk based decision making architecture for security control is designed based on the Pareto-optimal solution understanding, visualization tool and high level information analysis. Risk based congestion management provides a market lever to uniformly expand a security VOLUME , where greater volume means more risk. Meanwhile, risk based LMP signal contracts ALL dimensions of this VOLUME in proper weights (state probabilities) at a time.;Two test systems, 6-bus and IEEE RTS 96, are used to test developed algorithms. The simulation results show that incorporating risk into security control and congestion management will evolve our understanding of security level, improve control and market efficiency, and support operator to maneuver system in an effective fashion

    Systems study for an Integrated Digital-Electric Aircraft (IDEA)

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    The results of the Integrated Digital/Electric Aircraft (IDEA) Study are presented. Airplanes with advanced systems were, defined and evaluated, as a means of identifying potential high payoff research tasks. A baseline airplane was defined for comparison, typical of a 1990's airplane with advanced active controls, propulsion, aerodynamics, and structures technology. Trade studies led to definition of an IDEA airplane, with extensive digital systems and electric secondary power distribution. This airplane showed an improvement of 3% in fuel use and 1.8% in DOC relative to the baseline configuration. An alternate configuration, an advanced technology turboprop, was also evaluated, with greater improvement supported by digital electric systems. Recommended research programs were defined for high risk, high payoff areas appropriate for implementation under NASA leadership

    Advanced stratified charge rotary aircraft engine design study

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    A technology base of new developments which offered potential benefits to a general aviation engine was compiled and ranked. Using design approaches selected from the ranked list, conceptual design studies were performed of an advanced and a highly advanced engine sized to provide 186/250 shaft Kw/HP under cruise conditions at 7620/25,000 m/ft altitude. These are turbocharged, direct-injected stratified charge engines intended for commercial introduction in the early 1990's. The engine descriptive data includes tables, curves, and drawings depicting configuration, performance, weights and sizes, heat rejection, ignition and fuel injection system descriptions, maintenance requirements, and scaling data for varying power. An engine-airframe integration study of the resulting engines in advanced airframes was performed on a comparative basis with current production type engines. The results show airplane performance, costs, noise & installation factors. The rotary-engined airplanes display substantial improvements over the baseline, including 30 to 35% lower fuel usage

    The Internalisation of External Costs in Transport: From the Polluter Pays to the Cheapest Cost Avoider Principle

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    The European Commission mandated the consulting firm CE Delft to develop a framework for the internalisation of external costs and to devise a number of potential internalisation scenarios for further analysis. The results of their preliminary research are published in a CE discussion paper, and the Commission is now formulating draft legislative proposals which will be subjected to a consultation of stakeholders.The present report offers a critical assessment of the above mentioned CE study, provides a theoretical examination of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the polluter pays principle and the cheapest cost avoider principle in relation to the problems arising in the road transport sector, demonstrates how the cheapest cost avoider principle can be applied in practice by providing examples of external costs in road transport, and puts forward recommendations for the appropriate principles that should guide the Commission's further activities in this area.Cheapest Cost Avoider, Externalities, Transport,

    Monitoring systems for managing natural resources: economics, indicators and environmental externalities in a Costa Rican watershed

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    The worsening degradation of natural resources urgently requires the adoption of more sustainable management practices. This need has led to growing interest and investment in monitoring systems for tracking the condition of natural resources. This study is concerned with the design of monitoring systems that have direct relevance for the management of natural resources. We call these Policy Relevant Monitoring Systems (PRMS). Such systems have several key characteristics. They provide: a) a decision framework for selecting resource problems to monitor that offer potentially large social payoffs relative to the costs of monitoring, b) timely, including early warning information on emerging problems, c) a means of identifying the causes of an emerging problem, d) an analytical framework for identifying options for corrective action, e) an institutional framework for achieving ownership among key stakeholders (the resource users and those affected by the resource use) and agreement about emerging problems, the corrective actions to take, and effective implementation, and f) a built-in mechanism for learning from past experience to improve the performance of the monitoring system over time. The approach is developed and illustrated through detailed examination of the Arenal-Tempisque watershed in Costa Rica. This watershed exhibits classic multiple user and externality problems: deforestation by dairy and cattle farmers in the upper watershed leads to soil erosion and siltation of the various reservoirs that feed an important hydro-electric power generation system, and agro-chemical use by irrigated farmers has adverse impacts on a highly valued wetlands park and on wildlife and fishing in the lower reaches of the watershed.Natural resources., Environmental degradation., Costa Rica, Watershed management.,

    Day-Ahead Corrective Adjustment of FACTS Reactance: A Linear Programming Approach

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    abstract: Reserve requirements serve as a proxy for N-1 reli-ability in the security-constrained unit commitment (SCUC) problem. However, there is no guarantee that the reserve is deliv-erable for all scenarios (post-contingency states). One cheap way to improve reserve deliverability is to harness the flexibility of the transmission network. Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices are able to significantly improve the transfer capability. However, FACTS utilization is limited today due to the complexi-ties these devices introduce to the DC optimal power flow prob-lem (DCOPF). With a linear objective, the traditional DCOPF is a linear program (LP); when variable impedance based FACTS devices are taken into consideration, the problem becomes a non-linear program (NLP). A reformulation of the NLP to a mixed integer linear program, for day-ahead corrective operation of FACTS devices, is presented in this paper. Engineering insight is then introduced to further reduce the complexity to an LP. Alt-hough optimality is not guaranteed, the simulation studies on the IEEE 118-bus system show that the method finds the globally optimal solution in 98.8% of the cases. Even when the method did not find the optimal solution, it was able to converge to a near-optimal solution, which substantially improved the reliability, very quickly.Copyright 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works
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