149,469 research outputs found

    Cycle time optimization by timing driven placement with simultaneous netlist transformations

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    We present new concepts to integrate logic synthesis and physical design. Our methodology uses general Boolean transformations as known from technology-independent synthesis, and a recursive bi-partitioning placement algorithm. In each partitioning step, the precision of the layout data increases. This allows effective guidance of the logic synthesis operations for cycle time optimization. An additional advantage of our approach is that no complicated layout corrections are needed when the netlist is changed

    Unifying mesh- and tree-based programmable interconnect

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    We examine the traditional, symmetric, Manhattan mesh design for field-programmable gate-array (FPGA) routing along with tree-of-meshes (ToM) and mesh-of-trees (MoT) based designs. All three networks can provide general routing for limited bisection designs (Rent's rule with p<1) and allow locality exploitation. They differ in their detailed topology and use of hierarchy. We show that all three have the same asymptotic wiring requirements. We bound this tightly by providing constructive mappings between routes in one network and routes in another. For example, we show that a (c,p) MoT design can be mapped to a (2c,p) linear population ToM and introduce a corner turn scheme which will make it possible to perform the reverse mapping from any (c,p) linear population ToM to a (2c,p) MoT augmented with a particular set of corner turn switches. One consequence of this latter mapping is a multilayer layout strategy for N-node, linear population ToM designs that requires only /spl Theta/(N) two-dimensional area for any p when given sufficient wiring layers. We further show upper and lower bounds for global mesh routes based on recursive bisection width and show these are within a constant factor of each other and within a constant factor of MoT and ToM layout area. In the process we identify the parameters and characteristics which make the networks different, making it clear there is a unified design continuum in which these networks are simply particular regions

    Guarded Evaluation: An Algorithm for Dynamic Power Reduction in FPGAs

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    Guarded evaluation is a power reduction technique that involves identifying sub-circuits (within a larger circuit) whose inputs can be held constant (guarded) at specific times during circuit operation, thereby reducing switching activity and lowering dynamic power. The concept is rooted in the property that under certain conditions, some signals within digital designs are not "observable" at design outputs, making the circuitry that generates such signals a candidate for guarding. Guarded evaluation has been demonstrated successfully for custom ASICs; in this work, we apply the technique to FPGAs. In ASICs, guarded evaluation entails adding additional hardware to the design, increasing silicon area and cost. Here, we apply the technique in a way that imposes minimal area overhead by leveraging existing unused circuitry within the FPGA. The LUT functionality is modified to incorporate the guards and reduce toggle rates. The primary challenge in guarded evaluation is in determining the specific conditions under which a sub-circuit's inputs can be held constant without impacting the larger circuit's functional correctness. We propose a simple solution to this problem based on discovering gating inputs using "non-inverting paths" and trimming inputs using "partial non-inverting paths" in the circuit's AND-Inverter graph representation. Experimental results show that guarded evaluation can reduce switching activity by as much as 32% for FPGAs with 6-LUT architectures and 25% for 4-LUT architectures, on average, and can reduce power consumption in the FPGA interconnect by 29% for 6-LUTs and 27% for 4-LUTs. A clustered architecture with four LUTs to a cluster and ten LUTs to a cluster produced the best power reduction results. We implement guarded evaluation at various stages of the FPGA CAD flow and analyze the reductions. We implement the algorithm as post technology mapping, post packing and post placement optimizations. Guarded Evaluation as a post technology mapping algorithm inserted the most number of guards and hence achieved the highest activity and interconnect reduction. However, guarding signals come with a cost of increased fanout and stress on routing resources. Packing and placement provides the algorithm with additional information of the circuit which is leveraged to insert high quality guards with minimal impact on routing. Experimental results show that post-packing and post-placement methods have comparable reductions to post-mapping with considerably lesser impact on the critical path delay and routability of the circuit

    Bioresorbable silicon electronics for transient spatiotemporal mapping of electrical activity from the cerebral cortex.

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    Bioresorbable silicon electronics technology offers unprecedented opportunities to deploy advanced implantable monitoring systems that eliminate risks, cost and discomfort associated with surgical extraction. Applications include postoperative monitoring and transient physiologic recording after percutaneous or minimally invasive placement of vascular, cardiac, orthopaedic, neural or other devices. We present an embodiment of these materials in both passive and actively addressed arrays of bioresorbable silicon electrodes with multiplexing capabilities, which record in vivo electrophysiological signals from the cortical surface and the subgaleal space. The devices detect normal physiologic and epileptiform activity, both in acute and chronic recordings. Comparative studies show sensor performance comparable to standard clinical systems and reduced tissue reactivity relative to conventional clinical electrocorticography (ECoG) electrodes. This technology offers general applicability in neural interfaces, with additional potential utility in treatment of disorders where transient monitoring and modulation of physiologic function, implant integrity and tissue recovery or regeneration are required

    Native Advertising and Disclosure

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    This paper reviews the growing combination of advertising and editorial content in the converged paid media form of native advertisements. Because native advertisements have the potential to negatively impact the credibility of traditional news organizations by misleading consumers through hidden persuasion attempts, this text reviews native advertisements in five prominent online newspapers for disclosure and source credibility. Through a content analysis of 130 online newspaper native ads, this paper reviews disclosure according to FTC guidelines for native advertising proximity and placement, prominence, reputation, and language. In addition, this text reviews source credibility by attribution and source status: executives, professionals, public relations personnel, workers, celebrities, organizations, and students. This paper adds to research by its application of Agenda-Setting Theory in its sorting of native ads by their newspaper category and subject matter to determine which newspaper sections are utilizing native ads most frequently and ultimately driving the editorial agenda
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