27 research outputs found

    Positivity of the T-system cluster algebra

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    We give the path model solution for the cluster algebra variables of the ArA_r TT-system with generic boundary conditions. The solutions are partition functions of (strongly) non-intersecting paths on weighted graphs. The graphs are the same as those constructed for the QQ-system in our earlier work, and depend on the seed or initial data in terms of which the solutions are given. The weights are "time-dependent" where "time" is the extra parameter which distinguishes the TT-system from the QQ-system, usually identified as the spectral parameter in the context of representation theory. The path model is alternatively described on a graph with non-commutative weights, and cluster mutations are interpreted as non-commutative continued fraction rearrangements. As a consequence, the solution is a positive Laurent polynomial of the seed data.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure

    The solution of the quantum A1A_1 T-system for arbitrary boundary

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    We solve the quantum version of the A1A_1 TT-system by use of quantum networks. The system is interpreted as a particular set of mutations of a suitable (infinite-rank) quantum cluster algebra, and Laurent positivity follows from our solution. As an application we re-derive the corresponding quantum network solution to the quantum A1A_1 QQ-system and generalize it to the fully non-commutative case. We give the relation between the quantum TT-system and the quantum lattice Liouville equation, which is the quantized YY-system.Comment: 24 pages, 18 figure

    Discrete integrable systems, positivity, and continued fraction rearrangements

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    In this review article, we present a unified approach to solving discrete, integrable, possibly non-commutative, dynamical systems, including the QQ- and TT-systems based on ArA_r. The initial data of the systems are seen as cluster variables in a suitable cluster algebra, and may evolve by local mutations. We show that the solutions are always expressed as Laurent polynomials of the initial data with non-negative integer coefficients. This is done by reformulating the mutations of initial data as local rearrangements of continued fractions generating some particular solutions, that preserve manifest positivity. We also show how these techniques apply as well to non-commutative settings.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    T-systems, Y-systems, and cluster algebras: Tamely laced case

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    The T-systems and Y-systems are classes of algebraic relations originally associated with quantum affine algebras and Yangians. Recently they were generalized to quantum affinizations of quantum Kac-Moody algebras associated with a wide class of generalized Cartan matrices which we say tamely laced. Furthermore, in the simply laced case, and also in the nonsimply laced case of finite type, they were identified with relations arising from cluster algebras. In this note we generalize such an identification to any tamely laced Cartan matrices, especially to the nonsimply laced ones of nonfinite type.Comment: 31 pages, final version to appear in the festschrift volume for Tetsuji Miwa, "Infinite Analysis 09: New Trends in Quantum Integrable Systems

    Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals B1,sB^{1,s} for sl^n\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}_n using Nakajima monomials

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    We give a realization of the Kirillov--Reshetikhin crystal B1,sB^{1,s} using Nakajima monomials for sl^n\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}_n using the crystal structure given by Kashiwara. We describe the tensor product ⨂i=1NB1,si\bigotimes_{i=1}^N B^{1,s_i} in terms of a shift of indices, allowing us to recover the Kyoto path model. Additionally, we give a model for the KR crystals Br,1B^{r,1} using Nakajima monomials.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures; v2 improved introduction, added more figures, and other misc improvements; v3 changes from referee report

    Arctic curves of the octahedron equation

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    We study the octahedron relation (also known as the A∞A_{\infty} TT-system), obeyed in particular by the partition function for dimer coverings of the Aztec Diamond graph. For a suitable class of doubly periodic initial conditions, we find exact solutions with a particularly simple factorized form. For these, we show that the density function that measures the average dimer occupation of a face of the Aztec graph, obeys a system of linear recursion relations with periodic coefficients. This allows us to explore the thermodynamic limit of the corresponding dimer models and to derive exact "arctic" curves separating the various phases of the system.Comment: 39 pages, 21 figures; typos fixed, four references and an appendix adde