2,273 research outputs found

    Clothing Co-Parsing by Joint Image Segmentation and Labeling

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    This paper aims at developing an integrated system of clothing co-parsing, in order to jointly parse a set of clothing images (unsegmented but annotated with tags) into semantic configurations. We propose a data-driven framework consisting of two phases of inference. The first phase, referred as "image co-segmentation", iterates to extract consistent regions on images and jointly refines the regions over all images by employing the exemplar-SVM (E-SVM) technique [23]. In the second phase (i.e. "region co-labeling"), we construct a multi-image graphical model by taking the segmented regions as vertices, and incorporate several contexts of clothing configuration (e.g., item location and mutual interactions). The joint label assignment can be solved using the efficient Graph Cuts algorithm. In addition to evaluate our framework on the Fashionista dataset [30], we construct a dataset called CCP consisting of 2098 high-resolution street fashion photos to demonstrate the performance of our system. We achieve 90.29% / 88.23% segmentation accuracy and 65.52% / 63.89% recognition rate on the Fashionista and the CCP datasets, respectively, which are superior compared with state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, CVPR 201

    Relativistic Ring-Diagram Nuclear Matter Calculations

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    A relativistic extension of the particle-particle hole-hole ring-diagram many-body formalism is developed by using the Dirac equation for single-particle motion in the medium. Applying this new formalism, calculations are performed for nuclear matter. The results show that the saturation density is improved and the equation of state becomes softer as compared to corresponding Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock calculations. Using the Bonn A potential, nuclear matter is predicted to saturate at an energy per nucleon of --15.30 MeV and a density equivalent to a Fermi momentum of 1.38 fm1^{-1}, in excellent agreement with empirical information. The compression modulus is 152 MeV at the saturation point.Comment: 23 pages text (LaTex) and 2 figures (paper, will be faxed upon request), UI-NTH-92-0

    Second-Order Optimization for Non-Convex Machine Learning: An Empirical Study

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    While first-order optimization methods such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD) are popular in machine learning (ML), they come with well-known deficiencies, including relatively-slow convergence, sensitivity to the settings of hyper-parameters such as learning rate, stagnation at high training errors, and difficulty in escaping flat regions and saddle points. These issues are particularly acute in highly non-convex settings such as those arising in neural networks. Motivated by this, there has been recent interest in second-order methods that aim to alleviate these shortcomings by capturing curvature information. In this paper, we report detailed empirical evaluations of a class of Newton-type methods, namely sub-sampled variants of trust region (TR) and adaptive regularization with cubics (ARC) algorithms, for non-convex ML problems. In doing so, we demonstrate that these methods not only can be computationally competitive with hand-tuned SGD with momentum, obtaining comparable or better generalization performance, but also they are highly robust to hyper-parameter settings. Further, in contrast to SGD with momentum, we show that the manner in which these Newton-type methods employ curvature information allows them to seamlessly escape flat regions and saddle points.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures. Restructure the paper and add experiment

    The Casimir force and the quantum theory of lossy optical cavities

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    We present a new derivation of the Casimir force between two parallel plane mirrors at zero temperature. The two mirrors and the cavity they enclose are treated as quantum optical networks. They are in general lossy and characterized by frequency dependent reflection amplitudes. The additional fluctuations accompanying losses are deduced from expressions of the optical theorem. A general proof is given for the theorem relating the spectral density inside the cavity to the reflection amplitudes seen by the inner fields. This density determines the vacuum radiation pressure and, therefore, the Casimir force. The force is obtained as an integral over the real frequencies, including the contribution of evanescent waves besides that of ordinary waves, and, then, as an integral over imaginary frequencies. The demonstration relies only on general properties obeyed by real mirrors which also enforce general constraints for the variation of the Casimir force.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, minor amendment

    Verification and Synthesis of Symmetric Uni-Rings for Leads-To Properties

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    This paper investigates the verification and synthesis of parameterized protocols that satisfy leadsto properties RQR \leadsto Q on symmetric unidirectional rings (a.k.a. uni-rings) of deterministic and constant-space processes under no fairness and interleaving semantics, where RR and QQ are global state predicates. First, we show that verifying RQR \leadsto Q for parameterized protocols on symmetric uni-rings is undecidable, even for deterministic and constant-space processes, and conjunctive state predicates. Then, we show that surprisingly synthesizing symmetric uni-ring protocols that satisfy RQR \leadsto Q is actually decidable. We identify necessary and sufficient conditions for the decidability of synthesis based on which we devise a sound and complete polynomial-time algorithm that takes the predicates RR and QQ, and automatically generates a parameterized protocol that satisfies RQR \leadsto Q for unbounded (but finite) ring sizes. Moreover, we present some decidability results for cases where leadsto is required from multiple distinct RR predicates to different QQ predicates. To demonstrate the practicality of our synthesis method, we synthesize some parameterized protocols, including agreement and parity protocols

    Topological Order and Memory Time in Marginally Self-Correcting Quantum Memory

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    We examine two proposals for marginally self-correcting quantum memory, the cubic code by Haah and the welded code by Michnicki. In particular, we prove explicitly that they are absent of topological order above zero temperature, as their Gibbs ensembles can be prepared via a short-depth quantum circuit from classical ensembles. Our proof technique naturally gives rise to the notion of free energy associated with excitations. Further, we develop a framework for an ergodic decomposition of Davies generators in CSS codes which enables formal reduction to simpler classical memory problems. We then show that memory time in the welded code is doubly exponential in inverse temperature via the Peierls argument. These results introduce further connections between thermal topological order and self-correction from the viewpoint of free energy and quantum circuit depth.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figure

    Adjusted ADM systems and their expected stability properties: constraint propagation analysis in Schwarzschild spacetime

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    In order to find a way to have a better formulation for numerical evolution of the Einstein equations, we study the propagation equations of the constraints based on the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner formulation. By adjusting constraint terms in the evolution equations, we try to construct an "asymptotically constrained system" which is expected to be robust against violation of the constraints, and to enable a long-term stable and accurate numerical simulation. We first provide useful expressions for analyzing constraint propagation in a general spacetime, then apply it to Schwarzschild spacetime. We search when and where the negative real or non-zero imaginary eigenvalues of the homogenized constraint propagation matrix appear, and how they depend on the choice of coordinate system and adjustments. Our analysis includes the proposal of Detweiler (1987), which is still the best one according to our conjecture but has a growing mode of error near the horizon. Some examples are snapshots of a maximally sliced Schwarzschild black hole. The predictions here may help the community to make further improvements.Comment: 23 pages, RevTeX4, many figures. Revised version. Added subtitle, reduced figures, rephrased introduction, and a native checked. :-