4 research outputs found

    Барицентрические координаты Пуассона — Римана

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    The article deals with the problem of finding barycentric coordinates for arbitrary, simply connected, closed, discrete regions that are defined in and . Barycentric coordinates are given by a set of scalar parameters that unambiguously define a point of the affine space inside a simply connected, closed, discrete region through a specified point basis, which is given by the vertices of the region. Barycentriс coordinates being defined for the simply connected, closed, discrete region are harmonic and satisfy the properties of affine invariance, positive definiteness and equality to unit. The solution is based on the Riemann theorem on the uniqueness of conformal mapping and the Poisson integral formula for the ball. The paper shows the examples of approximation of the potential inside arbitrary, simply connected, closed, discrete regions using the proposed method, compared with the approximation using the finite element method.В статье выполнено решение задачи нахождения барицентрических координат для произвольных односвязных замкнутых дискретных областей, заданных в и . Барицентрические координаты задаются набором скалярных параметров, однозначно определяющих точку аффинного пространства внутри односвязной замкнутой дискретной области через заданный точечный базис. Точечный базис задается вершинами односвязной замкнутой дискретной области. Определяемые барицентрические координаты для односвязной замкнутой дискретной области являются гармоническими и удовлетворяют свойствам аффинной инвариантности, положительной определенности и равенстве единице. Решение основано на теореме Римана о единственности конформного отображения и интегральной формуле Пуассона для шара. Приведены примеры аппроксимации потенциала внутри произвольных односвязных замкнутых дискретных областей по предложенному методу в сравнении с аппроксимацией методом конечных элементов

    Analysis and new constructions of generalized barycentric coordinates in 2D

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    Different coordinate systems allow to uniquely determine the position of a geometric element in space. In this dissertation, we consider a coordinate system that lets us determine the position of a two-dimensional point in the plane with respect to an arbitrary simple polygon. Coordinates of this system are called generalized barycentric coordinates in 2D and are widely used in computer graphics and computational mechanics. There exist many coordinate functions that satisfy all the basic properties of barycentric coordinates, but they differ by a number of other properties. We start by providing an extensive comparison of all existing coordinate functions and pointing out which important properties of generalized barycentric coordinates are not satisfied by these functions. This comparison shows that not all of existing coordinates have fully investigated properties, and we complete such a theoretical analysis for a particular one-parameter family of generalized barycentric coordinates for strictly convex polygons. We also perform numerical analysis of this family and show how to avoid computational instabilities near the polygon’s boundary when computing these coordinates in practice. We conclude this analysis by implementing some members of this family in the Computational Geometry Algorithm Library. In the second half of this dissertation, we present a few novel constructions of non-negative and smooth generalized barycentric coordinates defined over any simple polygon. In this context, we show that new coordinates with improved properties can be obtained by taking convex combinations of already existing coordinate functions and we give two examples of how to use such convex combinations for polygons without and with interior points. These new constructions have many attractive properties and perform better than other coordinates in interpolation and image deformation applications