13 research outputs found


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    Action aggressiveness is considered as a firm response to the phenomenon of temporary advantage. Firms able to respond quickly to market demands strengthen their market power and generate advantages; but those that can be even faster, will generate even greater market power and advantage over its competitors. However, there is no guarantee that competitive advantage achieved today will remain unchanged in the long run. The focus is on being prepared to take an action, i.e. the extent to which the firm is willing to participate with competitors and act quickly in the involvement and participation. The dynamics of top management is a very important component of the ability of the firm competitive behavior. The top management team is the kingpin that coordinates and mobilizes organizational resources and efforts for firms’ aggressive competitive engagement. The assumption of being more aggressive at the market and collaborative with competitors is the integration of top management of the firm that depends primarily on compatible traits and members’ communication skills. With a special focus on top management teams, this paper explores the extent to which firms’ certain strategic behavior in hypercompetitive industry can be related to gaining temporary competitive advantage, measured through improving its firm performance. The central goal of this research is to theoretically and empirically define and examine firms’ strategic behavior in hypercompetition through defining new taxonomy of strategy patterns, i.e. firm specific strategic behavior that provides and raises the probability of gaining the competitive advantage in hypercompetitive industries. An important contribution of this research is also reflected in the development of the model that analyze the influence of specific characteristics of top management team (TMT) on pattern firm uses, as well as the relationship between firms’ market position on specific strategic behavior.Agresivnost u poduzimanju akcija smatra se reakcijom poduzeća na fenomen privremene prednosti. Poduzeća koja brzo reagiraju na zahtjeve tržišta jačaju svoju tržišnu snagu i stvaraju prednosti, ali ona koja mogu to učiniti još brže generiraju još veću tržišnu snagu i prednost nad svojim konkurentima. Međutim, ne postoji jamstvo da će danas postignuta konkurentska prednost ostati dugoročno nepromijenjena. Naglasak je na spremnosti poduzimanja akcija, točnije, mjeri u kojoj je poduzeće spremno sudjelovati s konkurentima te brzo reagirati u uključivanju i sudjelovanju na tržištu. Dinamika vrhovnog menadžmenta vrlo je važna komponenta sposobnosti konkurentskog ponašanja poduzeća. Tim vrhovnog menadžmenta je glavni element koji koordinira i mobilizira organizacijske resurse i napore za agresivno natjecateljsko angažiranje poduzeća. Pretpostavka agresivnijeg ponašanja na tržištu i suradnje s konkurentima je integracija vrhovnog menadžmenta koja prvenstveno ovisi o kompatibilnim osobinama i komunikacijskim vještinama članova. S posebnim naglaskom na timove vrhovnog menadžmenta, ovaj rad istražuje u kojoj se mjeri određeno strateško ponašanje poduzeća u hiperkonkurentskoj industriji može povezati sa stjecanjem privremene konkurentske prednosti, mjereno kroz poboljšanja poslovne uspješnosti poduzeća. Središnji cilj ovog istraživanja je teoretski i empirijski definirati i proučiti strateško ponašanje poduzeća u hiperkonkurenciji kroz definiranje nove taksonomije strateških obrazaca, tj. specifično strateško ponašanje poduzeća koje pruža i povećava vjerojatnost ostvarivanja konkurentske prednosti u hiperkonkurentnim industrijama. Važan doprinos ovog istraživanja također se odražava u razvoju modela koji analizira utjecaj specifičnih osobina tima vrhovnog menadžmenta (TMT) na obrasce koje poduzeće koristi, kao i odnos između tržišne pozicije poduzeća na specifično strateško ponašanje

    How Online Social Networks Create Value for Organizations: A Resource-Based Perspective

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    Online Social Network (OSN) is an emerging communication technology which has increasingly been used. Todayorganizations are paying more attention to the importance of these networks and are trying to create value with theseemerging technologies. Current literature focuses on the information and network implications of these networks at theindividual and group levels, leaving the organizational level impact understudied. This study examines how these networkscreate value for organizations. We propose a model based on Sambamurthy et al. (2003) framework conceptualizing the OSNand explaining how OSN capabilities bring about customer agility through digital options of communication facilitation

    The interplay between strategic drivers and neoliberalism in South African higher education

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    The VUCA world which refers to ‘volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity’ forces higher education institutions (HEIs) to be aware and understand strategic drivers. Further knowledge of the interplay between strategic drivers, neoliberalism, and ‘public good’ can assist HEIs not to seize the notion of furthering the neoliberal agenda at all cost, but to strive for a more balanced outcome. This article attempts to explore how strategic drivers can act as a ‘reality check’ to ensure that HEIs serve the interests of the communities and that of society in general, and that higher education does not become a mechanism to serve the neoliberal agenda above all else. This is a conceptual article in which a reflective, dialectical approach was employed, extrapolating on a PhD study on strategic drivers for South African HEIs. Strategic drivers are confirmed as key forces the South African HEIs should reckon with and manage in pursuing the socio-economic agenda within the growing popularity of neoliberalism. Contribution: This study alerts South African HEIs and institutions internationally on using strategic drivers to transform in serving the socio-economic agenda and the ‘public good’ in the midst of the neoliberal

    Achieving excellence in logistics through the appropriate style of information management.

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Commerce,Logistics is a management discipline that has been spoken about for years and is yet to deliver the full potential that it purports to bring about. Excellence in logistics has been identified as one of the major challenges that products related organisations currently face to ensure continued success in an increasingly competitive, global market. One of the key enablers to integration is the effective application of information technology. Most managers easily accept this as fact but few are clear in describing how this can be achieved. Two prime works used as reference for this research are Bowersox's research into logistics, providing a reference framework on the role of logistics in organisations, and Cilliers's study of logistics at ISO South African companies, providing a South African reference point, It is the combination of the Bowersox attributes and the Cilliers qualified sample of South African companies that provides the basis for an exciting research initiative establishing the role of information technology in achieving logistics excellence in South Africa Both successful and less successful organisations were measured against a set of attributes to determine which were most crucial in achieving logistics excellence: It is clear from the survey that logistics excellent companies have a marked difference in their approach to information teclmology as compared to those who are not logistics excellent. This is mapped out in the paper in some detail and some of the detailed responses may be somewhat of a surprise to the reader as they challenge conventional wisdom. The results of the survey were encapsulated into a simple model. This should act as a quick reference to IT professionals seeking to playa leading role in driving their company towards logistics excellence. Information technology plays a vital role in achieving logistics excellence. This paper provides some insight into the factors that are critical in achieving this goal.Andrew Chakane 201

    The Concept of Supply Chain Agility: Conceptualization, Antecedents, and the Impact on Firm Performance

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    Agility has been identified as one of the most salient issues of contemporary supply chain management. Despite its importance, there has been limited theory development in the firm supply chain agility area. Elements and linkages among agility elements are underdeveloped, and it is uncommon for any two authors to adopt the same definition. A rigorously validated survey instrument is also needed to enable researchers to credibly build on theories regarding causal links among agility-related capabilities, practices and performance outcomes. The sports science and military science theoretical bases are investigated to better understand agility and identify its dimensions, and define it in a supply chain context. Further, a comprehensive measurement instrument that draws on the foundations of social and life science theory is developed and empirically validated so that researchers can rigorously expand agility theory The antecedents of firm supply chain agility have been primarily addressed at an operational level. This dissertation expands on the work of Braunscheidel and Suresh (2009) who explored the role of different managerial orientations in achieving supply chain agility. Finally, scholars have issued research calls for an in-depth understanding of the performance outcomes of firm supply chain agility and accentuated the need to empirically examine such outcomes from an efficiency and effectiveness perspective. This dissertation responds to such calls, and further investigates the impact of firm supply chain agility on the firm’s financial performance using secondary, Compustat data. Thus, this research further contributes to theory development by providing a better understanding of how firm supply chain agility impacts firm performance. Relevant managerial implications are also presented

    Key success factors facilitating SME ecommerce in developing countries : evidence from Indonesia

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    This research is mix method research (qualitative and quantitative) which have two main objectives observing the evidence from Indonesia. Firstly, to identify the key success factors facilitating SME ecommerce in developing countries especially in post-adoption stage of ecommerce practice. Secondly, to examine the relationship among the logistics capabilities (internal, external and country logistics capabilities) and the SME ecommerce transaction. Besides, the research also attempted to identify the major logistics problems faced by logistics sector and also to clarify the country logistics performance index, both investigations are related to the SME ecommerce practice.The SLR has identified seven potential key success factors facilitating SME ecommerce in developing countries which has been categorized into three factors including internal, external and interconnected factors. Internal factors included human resources and marketing/marketplace decision. External factors comprised customer demand, law and regulation, and secure payment system. Meanwhile the interconnected factors involved information and communication technology (ICT) and logistics capabilities. Firming these findings, the interview study accomplished towards seven SMEs ecommerce in Indonesia which indicated the similar factors based on their experiences and practices. Moreover, the second phase of the research has administered the collection of questionnaires toward 372 respondents involving the industries, governments, academicians, logistics associations, logistics service providers (LSPs), and SMEs ecommerce. The weight analysis of the research has identified the five major problems of logistics sectors in Indonesia related to the SME ecommerce which included the problems of infrastructures, road traffic jam level, government law and regulations, human resources and also dwelling time in port. Besides, the research also observed the Indonesia Logistics Capability Index (ILCI) concerning the SME ecommerce practice which clarified the index slightly above the average level (score: 2.79 out of 5). Furthermore, the last phase of the research has accomplished through the operation exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and covariance-based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM). It has examined that internal logistics capabilities showed a respectable relationship to SME ecommerce transaction, while external logistics capabilities indicated a modest relationship to SME ecommerce transaction, yet it is still tolerable. In the other hand, even though the country logistics capabilities indicated a poor relationship to SME ecommerce transaction, but it has a very supported effect toward external logistics capabilities and external logistics capabilities.The findings of the research effectively contribute to both theory and practice and the research propositions provide potential and applicable guidance for the stakeholders in academia, companies and government to facilitate SME ecommerce development in developing countries especially in Indonesia related to the entire logistics capabilities

    Exploring agile supply chains for creating innovative products closer to end-user

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    Purpose: The purpose of this research is to present a conceptual model of a viable onshore agile supply chain approach for innovative product manufacturers in the Australian manufacturing sector. As such, this study provides insight into the drawbacks of offshore manufacturing and an empirical investigation into the importance of the Australian manufacturing sector. This study aims to answer the research question: how can agile supply chain management add value to the Australian manufacturing to create innovative products closer to the end-user? Design/methodology/approach: This study develops and examines a theoretical framework through a qualitative methodology using interviews, and the results are validated with an online survey. The aim of the research is to demonstrate the theoretical framework of effective onshore manufacturing. Dynamic capabilities theory and total cost of ownership are applied to investigate the research question. This research presents a theoretical framework with the main elements of agility, adaptability, responsive supply chain, strategic flexibility, onshore manufacturing and total cost of ownership analysis. Findings: From the literature and theoretical perspective, this study proposes that, in an innovative sector, which should apply an agile supply chain, onshore manufacturing or local sourcing is the optimal and most effective solution. Further, the findings of the study enrich the discourse on strategic agile management by supporting the view that dynamic capabilities and resources enable firms to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Originality/value: Although studies in the agile supply chain area have examined competitiveness from several perspectives, there has been little to no research focusing on the advantages of agile onshore supply chain solutions. This research notably widens the theoretical perspective of agility and adaptability for innovative product manufacturers in the Australian manufacturing sector, and the viability of remaining onshore

    Positioning agility

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