204 research outputs found

    Direct torque control for cable conduit mechanisms for the robotic foot for footwear testing

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd As the shoe durability is affected directly by the dynamic force/pressure between the shoe and its working environments (i.e., the contact ground and the human foot), a footwear testing system should replicate correctly this interaction force profile during gait cycles. Thus, in developing a robotic foot for footwear testing, it is important to power multiple foot joints and to control their output torque to produce correct dynamic effects on footwear. The cable conduit mechanism (CCM) offers great advantages for designing this robotic foot. It not only eliminates the cumbersome actuators and significant inertial effects from the fast-moving robotic foot but also allows a large amount of energy/force to be transmitted/propagated to the compact robotic foot. However, CCMs cause nonlinearities and hysteresis effects to the system performance. Recent studies on CCMs and hysteresis systems mostly addressed the position control. This paper introduces a new approach for modelling the torque transmission and controlling the output torque of a pair of CCMs, which are used to actuate the robotic foot for footwear testing. The proximal torque is used as the input signal for the Bouc–Wen hysteresis model to portray the torque transmission profile while a new robust adaptive control scheme is developed to online estimate and compensate for the nonlinearities and hysteresis effects. Both theoretical proof of stability and experimental validation of the new torque controller have been carried out and reported in this paper. Control experiments of other closed-loop control algorithms have been also conducted to compare their performance with the new controller effectiveness. Qualitative and quantitative results show that the new control approach significantly enhances the torque tracking performance for the system preceded by CCMs

    Position tracking control in torque mode for a robotic running foot for footwear testing

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    Available automatic footwear testing systems still lack flexibility and bio-fidelity to represent the human foot and reproduce the wear conditions accurately. The first part of this article introduces a new design of the robotic running foot for footwear testing using cable conduit mechanisms. This robotic running foot is integrated with an upper leg mechanism to form a complete integrated footwear testing system. The cable conduit mechanisms help remove the bulky actuators and transmissions out of the fast-moving robotic foot. Thus, this robotic running foot design not only allows high-power actuators to be installed, but also avoids a significant dynamic mass and inertia effects on the upper leg mechanism. This means that the integrated footwear testing system can have multiple powered degrees of freedom in the robotic running foot and simulate much higher human running speeds than other available systems. However, cable conduit mechanisms cause significant challenges in control approaches, especially in high-speed systems, due to their nonlinear transmission characteristics. Furthermore, the robotic running foot actuators must operate in a torque/force control mode to reproduce the foot–shoe interaction during gaits while it is critical to control the foot joints’ position in the swing phase of gaits. The latter part of this article presents a study on position tracking control in torque mode for the robotic running foot joints using adaptive and proportional–integral–derivative control designs to evaluate the system’s ability to mimic the human foot kinematics in running. Both controllers proved their effectiveness, implying that the proposed control approach can be implemented on the integrated footwear testing system to control the foot joints’ position in the swing phase of running gaits

    Development of n-DoF Preloaded structures for impact mitigation in cobots

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    A core issue in collaborative robotics is that of impact mitigation, especially when collisions happen with operators. Passively compliant structures can be used as the frame of the cobot, although, usually, they are implemented by means of a single-degree-offreedom (DoF). However, n-DoF preloaded structures offer a number of advantages in terms of flexibility in designing their behavior. In this work, we propose a comprehensive framework for classifying n-DoF preloaded structures, including one-, two-, and threedimensional arrays. Furthermore, we investigate the implications of the peculiar behavior of these structures-which present sharp stiff-to-compliant transitions at designdetermined load thresholds-on impact mitigation. To this regard, an analytical n-DoF dynamic model was developed and numerically implemented. A prototype of a 10DoF structure was tested under static and impact loads, showing a very good agreement with the model. Future developments will see the application of n-DoF preloaded structures to impact-mitigation on cobots and in the field of mobile robots, as well as to the field of novel architected materials

    Rehabilitációs robotkéz-modul fejlesztése: Rehabilitation robot hand modul developement

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    During the rehabilitation of stroke upper limb function loss by robotic physiotherapy, the hand is adapted to support active guided motion therapy with a unique developed and manufactured hand module. This paper presents the major parts of the hand rehabilitation module design, from mechanical design to electrical planning. The main purpose of the rehabilitation hand module is do a programmable robotics physiotherapy of the hand of the spasm patients. Spasm is basically a sudden, involuntary, painful contraction of the muscle, virtually a muscle or group of muscles, due by nerve damage caused by a stroke. The device consists of two components, a three-degree module and a two-degree modul whitch is a serial kinematic, purely rotationally articulated module. The three-degree robot finger moves the index, middle and ring fingers through a load distributor, which is located above the fingers. The orthoses of the fingers are connected to the load distribution with magnets. The two degrees of freedom module moves the thumb along a plane (tilted at two angles) to close it. The rehabilitation device facilitate the side change on the left and the right hands, so it can rehabilitate both sides of the hand. Kivonat A stroke miatt bekövetkezett felső végtagi funkcióvesztés robotos gyógytornáztatással történő rehabilitációja során a kézfejet egy egyedi fejlesztésű és gyártású kézmodullal alkalmassá tesszük aktív vezetett mozgásterápia támogatására. A konferencián a kézmodul tervezésének főbb lépései kerülnek bemutatásra, a gépészeten át egészen a villamos tervekig. A rehabilitációs eszköz célja a féloldalt bénult spazmusban szenvedő betegek kézfejének gyógytornásztatása programozható módon. A spazmus lényegében egy izomgörcs, gyakorlatilag az izom vagy izomcsoport hirtelen beálló, önkéntelen, fájdalmas összehúzódása, melynek oka az agyvérzés következtében kialakult idegsérülés. Az eszköz két részegységből áll: egy három szabadságfokú és egy két szabadságfokú síkbeli, soros kinematikájú, tisztán rotációs csuklókból felépített modulból. A három szabadságfokú robotujj a mutató, középső és gyűrűs ujjat mozgatja egy, az ujjak felett elhelyezett teherelosztó segítségével. A teherelosztóhoz mágnesek segítségével csatlakoznak az ujj ortézisek. A két szabadságfokú robotujj a hüvelykujjat mozgatja, a zárásnak megfelelő (két szögben megdöntött) sík mentén. A rehabilitációs eszköz lehetővé teszi a bal-és jobb kéz cseréjét, így minkét oldal rehabilitálására lehetőség van

    Time domain analysis of switching transient fields in high voltage substations

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    Switching operations of circuit breakers and disconnect switches generate transient currents propagating along the substation busbars. At the moment of switching, the busbars temporarily acts as antennae radiating transient electromagnetic fields within the substations. The radiated fields may interfere and disrupt normal operations of electronic equipment used within the substation for measurement, control and communication purposes. Hence there is the need to fully characterise the substation electromagnetic environment as early as the design stage of substation planning and operation to ensure safe operations of the electronic equipment. This paper deals with the computation of transient electromagnetic fields due to switching within a high voltage air-insulated substation (AIS) using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) metho

    Hydraulic manipulator design, analysis, and control at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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    The Telecommunications and Data Acquisition Report

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    Archival reports on developments in programs managed by JPL's office of Telecommunications and Data Acquisition (TDA) are presented. In space communications, radio navigation, radio science, and ground-based radio astronomy, it reports on activities of the Deep Space Network (DSN) and its associated Ground Communications Facility (GCF) in planning, in supporting research and technology, in implementation, and in operations
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